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Posts posted by stiflerxx

  1. not getting to see where I went wrong ... the emulator is giving these two error:
    erro 1:
    : Erro de banco de dados - Out of range value for column 'timer' at row 1
    [Depurar]: em c:\users\usuario\desktop\trabalhos ragnarok\ragna-field\emulador\s
    rc\map\script.c:15905 - UPDATE `houses` SET `timer`=`timer`-'1'
    erro 2:
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): #controller_house (invisible/not on a map)


    - script #controller_house -1,{

    bindatcmd "house", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnHouseInfo";
    query_sql "UPDATE `houses` SET `timer`=`timer`-'1'";
    query_sql "SELECT `auto_id`, `name`, `mapname` FROM `houses` WHERE `timer`<='0' AND `status`='1'", .@auto_id, .@name$, .@mapname$;
    for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@auto_id); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    query_sql "UPDATE `houses` SET `status`='0', `master_id`='0', `timer`='0', `invitation`='0' WHERE `auto_id`='" + .@auto_id[.@i] + "'";
    query_sql "DELETE FROM `houses_members` WHERE `house_id`='" + .@auto_id[.@i] + "'";
    announce "A " + .@name$[.@i] + " foi desoculpada.",bc_all,"0x00FF00";
    mapwarp .@mapname$[.@i], "prontera", 156, 191;
    setnpctimer 0;


    thank you = D

  2. Good morning and late night crowd the /


     I added a little time, a cell in the new pvp emulator brAthena

     the area in question is in prontera but to avoid spam skill as snow and etc ... I block some skill in prontera as the same and the main city .... however the same skills were blocked TBM in pvp area my doubts and how do I ignore the map_zone and release the skills if you are in pvp area?

  3. Então galera juro que ja vi isso em algum lugar só que faz muito tempo alguém aqui tem ideia de como adicionar uma img no nome do player tipo


    <Nome do player><IMG custom>

    <nome do clã><IMG do clã>


    poderia ser uma img salva no emulador ou data ou url e etc.. não faz diferença só não sei como fazer e se o client suporta essa modificação 

  4. how do to block the use of items when the players are on the effect of skill (MO_BLADESTOP)id:269?
    I do not want to use of consumables or exchange equipment.
    I had this issue in my src when used brAthena the forum of them was to open I looked at the code more is not more open ...
    thank you all.




    blvl: ["lvup", "blevel", "baselvl", "baselvup", "baselevel", "baselvlup"]



    use "blvl" in groups.conf and no the ones between [ ]

    olha isso





    id: 99

    name: "Admin"

    level: 99

    commands: {

    /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */


    log_commands: true

    permissions: {

    can_trade: true

    can_party: true

    all_skill: false

    all_equipment: false

    hide_session: true

    skill_unconditional: false

    use_check: true

    use_changemaptype: true

    all_commands: true

    hchsys_admin: true





    item db.conf:



    Id: 21802

    AegisName: "Orelha do Novato Destruidor"

    Name: "Orelha do Novato Destruidor"

    Type: 5

    Buy: 100

    Sell: 10

    Weight: 100

    Slots: 4

    Loc: 512

    EquipLv: 1

    Refine: false

    Trade: {

    nodrop: true

    override: 90

    noselltonpc: true

    nocart: true




    OBS: minha conta e level 99





    obrigado pela ajuda.

    o Hércules e muito diferente... e muito bom mais e muito diferente ai eu fico perdido kkkk

  6. [Warning]: pc_groups:read_config: non-existent command name 'lvup', removing... (conf/groups.conf:301)
    [Warning]: pc_groups:read_config: non-existent command name 'blevel', removing... (conf/groups.conf:302)
    [Warning]: pc_groups:read_config: non-existent command name 'baselvup', removing... (conf/groups.conf:303)
    [Warning]: pc_groups:read_config: non-existent command name 'revive', removing... (conf/groups.conf:305)
    qual eo certo?
    tem algum lugar onde eu possa ver uma lista?
    tem varias coisas diferentes... 

  7. Fala sério mlk BR tentando dar uma de gringo, que ridículo....vai pra seção br.

    mlk toma vergonha na cara você! aqui não tem flood não?

    cade os mods daqui?

    postei no suporte EUA por que e muito mais bem preparado e tem muito mais suporte.

    no BR só vejo o Julio e mais uns 2 ajudando 


    e mesmo assim não gostou? vai ali em cima e aperta o "x" pra fecha ou melhor vai em na pasta system32 e exclui ela.

  8. Antes de mais nada, testar outros clientes.


    Não funcionando, seria aplicar/editar/trocar os packets e ir testando.

    eu acho que pode ser o cliente pq ele foi muito editado...

    uso harmony e tbm uso grf incrypt e teve outras edições será que foi isso?

  9. fala ai u.u tudo bom com vocês =)  :ok:


    então eu tenho pallets de raças e tal e notei algo no minimo estranho...


    as vezes as cores ficam bugadas do nada.... ai se eu digitar @refresh volta ao normal se eu deslogar tbm...


    por que acontece isso?

    tem algum jeito de contorna esse pequeno problema?



    obrigado ^^

  10. I did the right thing and now I like you said and still the same thing =)

    item group.conf

    Forma_de_Armas: (
    db/pre/item db.conf
    Id: 21424
    AegisName: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Name: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Type: 2
    Buy: 100
    Sell: 10
    Weight: 100
    EquipLv: 1
    Script: <" packageitem(); ">
    the error remains the same:
    [Warning]: buildin_packageitem: item 'Forma_de_Armas' (21424) isn't a package!



    sem necessidade me ofender eu fiz o correto e agora fiz como vc falou e continua a mesma coisa =)
    item group.conf
    Forma_de_Armas: (

    db/pre/item db.conf

    Id: 21424
    AegisName: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Name: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Type: 2
    Buy: 100
    Sell: 10
    Weight: 100
    EquipLv: 1
    Script: <" packageitem(); ">

    o erro continua o mesmo:
    [Warning]: buildin_packageitem: item 'Forma_de_Armas' (21424) isn't a package!


  11. I'm doing an item box where I went wrong?

    // box custom//

    Forma_de_Armas: {
    Forma_de_Maça: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Lamina: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Chicote: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Guitarra: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Bastão: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Arco: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150
    Forma_de_Rifle: {
    Random: 1
    Rate: 150


    Id: 21424
    AegisName: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Name: "Forma_de_Armas"
    Type: 2
    Buy: 100
    Sell: 10
    Weight: 100
    EquipLv: 1
    Script: <" packageitem(); ">

     error in map-server:
    [Warning]: buildin_packageitem: item 'Forma_de_Armas' (21424) isn't a package!
    Thank you.

  12. A while back I created a topic about this, there is a Active_Montransform command at aegis that does what you said, more hercules does not support him yet




    what did you use?



    autobonus "{ bonus bStr, 100; }", 10000, 1000, BF_WEAPON|BF_NORMAL, "{ disguise 1002; sleep2 1000; undisguise; }";



  13. hello in bro / iro / kro in 2013 was launched items pack in which when used together you can turns into atroce by five seconds



    Fidelity Necklace


    Id: 2959
    AegisName: "Fidelity_Necklace"
    Name: "Fidelity Necklace"
    Type: 5
    Buy: 20
    Weight: 300
    Slots: 1
    Loc: 136
    EquipLv: 50
    Refine: false
    Script: <"
    bonus bAgi,2;
    bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,3;


    Black Shiba Inu Hat


    Id: 18756
    AegisName: "Black_Shiba_Inu_Hat"
    Name: "Black Shiba Inu Hat"
    Type: 5
    Buy: 20
    Weight: 400
    Def: 6
    Slots: 1
    Loc: 256
    EquipLv: 50
    View: 894













    how do to run this like?
    he now works in Hercules?
    where I edit it?


    Umm, in your script, you're starting each label with this command next; you need to remove those.



    continuar:next;if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild))goto cadastro;query_sql "SELECT `id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`lider`,`name_guild` FROM `cadastro_pack_guild` WHERE `id_guild`='" +.@guild+"'",.@id_guild,.@Quant_RE,.@Quant_Max,.@LiderG$,.@N_Guild$;if(!getarraysize(.@id_guild) || .@id_guild == 0){goto Nocadastro;

    Remove the next;

    continuar:if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild))goto cadastro;query_sql "SELECT `id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`lider`,`name_guild` FROM `cadastro_pack_guild` WHERE `id_guild`='" +.@guild+"'",.@id_guild,.@Quant_RE,.@Quant_Max,.@LiderG$,.@N_Guild$;if(!getarraysize(.@id_guild) || .@id_guild == 0){goto Nocadastro;



    Do this for ALL of your labels. The problem should go away.




    Here, I did it for you.

    prontera,146,164,4	script	Pack Guild	65,{set .@conta_id,getcharid(3);set .@guild,getcharid(2);if (.@guild <= 0)goto Noguild;if(BaseLevel < 299 || JobLevel < 149)goto Nolv;if ((Class < 20 && Class == 4001 && Class == 4002 && Class == 4003 && Class == 4004 && Class == 4005 && Class == 4006 && Class == 4007))goto NoClass;if(#pegoupack == 1)goto japegou;if (Weight > 5000)goto Nopeso;query_sql "SELECT `last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+.@conta_id+"'",.@mac$;query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `recebeu_packguild` WHERE `mac`='" +.@mac$+"'",.@checkaccount;if(!getarraysize(.@checkaccount)){	goto continuar;}else{	query_sql "SELECT `name_guild`,`name`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg` FROM `recebeu_packguild` WHERE `mac`='" +.@mac$+"'",.@name_guild$,.@name$,.@dia,.@mes,.@ano,.@hora,.@minuto,.@seg;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você já pegou seu Pack Guild";	mes "Quanto você era do Clã:^FF7F24"+.@name_guild$+"^000000.";	mes "Com o Char:^FF7F24"+.@name$+"^000000.";	mes "No dia ^FF7F24"+.@dia+"^000000/^FF7F24"+.@mes+"^000000/^FF7F24"+.@ano+"^000000 ás ^FF7F24"+.@hora+"^000000:^FF7F24"+.@minuto+"^000000:^FF7F24"+.@seg+"^000000.";	close;}continuar://next;if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild))goto cadastro;query_sql "SELECT `id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`lider`,`name_guild` FROM `cadastro_pack_guild` WHERE `id_guild`='" +.@guild+"'",.@id_guild,.@Quant_RE,.@Quant_Max,.@LiderG$,.@N_Guild$;if(!getarraysize(.@id_guild) || .@id_guild == 0){	goto Nocadastro;}else{//	next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Olá Sua Guild já esta cadastrada";	mes "Deseja receber seu pack guild?";	mes "Nome da Guild:"+.@N_Guild$+".";	mes "Membros que já receberam:"+.@Quant_RE+".";	mes "Total Max de Membros:"+.@Quant_Max+".";	mes "Líder:"+.@LiderG$+".";	switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {		case 1:			mes "Ok receba seu pack guild";			close2;			set #pegoupack,1;			query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";			if(.@Quant_Max == 15){			// pack guild de 10 a 15 membros				getitem 12032,100;				getitem 12030,50;				getitem 4195,2;				getitem 4411,2;				getitem 4198,1;				getitem 19021,2;				getitem 4047,1;			}else{				// pack guild de 15 a 20 membros				getitem 12032,100;				getitem 12030,50;				getitem 4047,1;				getitem 19021,2;				getitem 4174,1;			}			end;			case 2:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok volte quando quiser";			close;	}}cadastro:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Deseja Cadastra seu clã para pegar o pack guild?";	switch(select(">>Sim:>>Ver pack Guild:>>Não")) {		case 1:			query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM`char` WHERE `online`= 1 AND `guild_id`= '"+.@guild+"'",@Cont;			set @Cont,@Cont+1;			if(@Cont < 10)goto No10Menber;			if(@Cont < 15 && @Cont > 10 || @Cont == 15)goto ate15menber;			if(@Cont > 15)goto maisde15menber;			end;		case 2:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Pack Guild de 10 à 15 Membros";			mes "Infos";			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Pack Guild de 15 à 20 Membros";			mes "Infos";			close;		case 3:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok volte quando quiser";			close;	}Noguild:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você não tem guild para pegar o pack guild";	close;No10Menber:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Seu clã não tem 10 Membros Online ela só tem ^FF7F24"+@Cont+"^000000.";	mes "Volte quando tiver no minimo 10 online";	close;japegou:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você já pegou o pack guild";	close;Nocadastro:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "A Guild "" Não está cadastrada para receber o pack guild";	mes "Chame seu Líder aqui e mande-o falar comigo!";	close;Nolv:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você tem que ter no Minimo Level 300 e JobLv/Base 150 para pegar o Pack Guild!";	close;NoClass:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você Precisa ser um Transclasse ou um Ninja/Guns/Tk para fala comigo volte quanto estiver na sua ultima classe";	close;Nopeso:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Você deve ter Menos que 5.000 de peso para falar comigo";	close;ate15menber:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Olá Deseja continua e Registrar?";	mes "Nome do Clã "+getguildname(.@guild)+".";	mes "Membros Online do Clã "+@Cont+".";	mes "Membros que já receberam: "".";	mes "Pack Guild Liberado a: 15 Membros";	switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {		case 1:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok Guild cadastrada Pode Chama Todos os membros para pegar o pack guild!";			close2;			// pack de menos de 15 membros			getitem 12032,100;			getitem 12030,50;			getitem 4195,2;			getitem 4411,2;			getitem 4198,1;			getitem 19021,2;			getitem 4047,1;			getitem 5325,1;			set #pegoupack,1;			query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";			query_sql "INSERT INTO `cadastro_pack_guild` (`account_id_lider`,`lider`,`name_guild`,`id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@guild+"','1','15','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";			end;		case 2:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok volte quando quiser";			close;	}maisde15menber:	//next;	mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";	mes "Olá Deseja continua e Registrar?";	mes "Nome do Clã "+getguildname(.@guild)+".";	mes "Membros Online do Clã "+@Cont+".";	mes "Membros que já receberam: "".";	mes "Pack Guild Liberado a: 20 Membros";	switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {		case 1:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok Guild cadastrada Pode Chama Todos os membros para pegar o pack guild!";			close2;			// pack de mais de 15 membros			getitem 12032,100;			getitem 12030,50;			getitem 14232,2;			getitem 4047,1;			getitem 19021,2;			getitem 4174,1;			getitem 5325,1;			set #pegoupack,1;			query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";			query_sql "INSERT INTO `cadastro_pack_guild` (`account_id_lider`,`lider`,`name_guild`,`id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@guild+"','1','20','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";			end;		case 2:			next;			mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";			mes "Ok volte quando quiser";			close;	}}



    Thank you

  15. I created this pack of NPC guild but is giving this error:
    [Debug]: npc_scriptcont: Pack Guild (sd->npc_id=110044980) is not 'Unknown NPC' (id=0).
     where I went wrong?

    prontera,146,164,4 script Pack Guild 65,{
    set .@conta_id,getcharid(3);
    set .@guild,getcharid(2);
    if (.@guild <= 0)goto Noguild;
    if(BaseLevel < 299 || JobLevel < 149)goto Nolv;
    if ((Class < 20 && Class == 4001 && Class == 4002 && Class == 4003 && Class == 4004 && Class == 4005 && Class == 4006 && Class == 4007))goto NoClass;
    if(#pegoupack == 1)goto japegou;
    if (Weight > 5000)goto Nopeso;
    query_sql "SELECT `last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+.@conta_id+"'",.@mac$;
    query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `recebeu_packguild` WHERE `mac`='" +.@mac$+"'",.@checkaccount;
    goto continuar;
    query_sql "SELECT `name_guild`,`name`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg` FROM `recebeu_packguild` WHERE `mac`='" +.@mac$+"'",.@name_guild$,.@name$,.@dia,.@mes,.@ano,.@hora,.@minuto,.@seg;
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você já pegou seu Pack Guild";
    mes "Quanto você era do Clã:^FF7F24"+.@name_guild$+"^000000.";
    mes "Com o Char:^FF7F24"+.@name$+"^000000.";
    mes "No dia ^FF7F24"+.@dia+"^000000/^FF7F24"+.@mes+"^000000/^FF7F24"+.@ano+"^000000 ás ^FF7F24"+.@hora+"^000000:^FF7F24"+.@minuto+"^000000:^FF7F24"+.@seg+"^000000.";
    if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@guild))goto cadastro;
    query_sql "SELECT `id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`lider`,`name_guild` FROM `cadastro_pack_guild` WHERE `id_guild`='" +.@guild+"'",.@id_guild,.@Quant_RE,.@Quant_Max,.@LiderG$,.@N_Guild$;
    if(!getarraysize(.@id_guild) || .@id_guild == 0){
    goto Nocadastro;
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Olá Sua Guild já esta cadastrada";
    mes "Deseja receber seu pack guild?";
    mes "Nome da Guild:"+.@N_Guild$+".";
    mes "Membros que já receberam:"+.@Quant_RE+".";
    mes "Total Max de Membros:"+.@Quant_Max+".";
    mes "Líder:"+.@LiderG$+".";
    switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {
    case 1:
    mes "Ok receba seu pack guild";
    set #pegoupack,1;
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";
    if(.@Quant_Max == 15){
    // pack guild de 10 a 15 membros
    getitem 12032,100;
    getitem 12030,50;
    getitem 4195,2;
    getitem 4411,2;
    getitem 4198,1;
    getitem 19021,2;
    getitem 4047,1;
    // pack guild de 15 a 20 membros
    getitem 12032,100;
    getitem 12030,50;
    getitem 4047,1;
    getitem 19021,2;
    getitem 4174,1;

    case 2:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok volte quando quiser";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Deseja Cadastra seu clã para pegar o pack guild?";
    switch(select(">>Sim:>>Ver pack Guild:>>Não")) {

    case 1:
    query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM`char` WHERE `online`= 1 AND `guild_id`= '"+.@guild+"'",@Cont;
    set @Cont,@Cont+1;
    if(@Cont < 10)goto No10Menber;
    if(@Cont < 15 && @Cont > 10 || @Cont == 15)goto ate15menber;
    if(@Cont > 15)goto maisde15menber;

    case 2:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Pack Guild de 10 à 15 Membros";
    mes "Infos";
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Pack Guild de 15 à 20 Membros";
    mes "Infos";

    case 3:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok volte quando quiser";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você não tem guild para pegar o pack guild";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Seu clã não tem 10 Membros Online ela só tem ^FF7F24"+@Cont+"^000000.";
    mes "Volte quando tiver no minimo 10 online";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você já pegou o pack guild";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "A Guild "" Não está cadastrada para receber o pack guild";
    mes "Chame seu Líder aqui e mande-o falar comigo!";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você tem que ter no Minimo Level 300 e JobLv/Base 150 para pegar o Pack Guild!";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você Precisa ser um Transclasse ou um Ninja/Guns/Tk para fala comigo volte quanto estiver na sua ultima classe";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Você deve ter Menos que 5.000 de peso para falar comigo";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Olá Deseja continua e Registrar?";
    mes "Nome do Clã "+getguildname(.@guild)+".";
    mes "Membros Online do Clã "+@Cont+".";
    mes "Membros que já receberam: "".";
    mes "Pack Guild Liberado a: 15 Membros";
    switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {
    case 1:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok Guild cadastrada Pode Chama Todos os membros para pegar o pack guild!";
    // pack de menos de 15 membros
    getitem 12032,100;
    getitem 12030,50;
    getitem 4195,2;
    getitem 4411,2;
    getitem 4198,1;
    getitem 19021,2;
    getitem 4047,1;
    getitem 5325,1;
    set #pegoupack,1;
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `cadastro_pack_guild` (`account_id_lider`,`lider`,`name_guild`,`id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@guild+"','1','15','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";

    case 2:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok volte quando quiser";

    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Olá Deseja continua e Registrar?";
    mes "Nome do Clã "+getguildname(.@guild)+".";
    mes "Membros Online do Clã "+@Cont+".";
    mes "Membros que já receberam: "".";
    mes "Pack Guild Liberado a: 20 Membros";
    switch(select(">>Sim:>>Não")) {
    case 1:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok Guild cadastrada Pode Chama Todos os membros para pegar o pack guild!";
    // pack de mais de 15 membros
    getitem 12032,100;
    getitem 12030,50;
    getitem 14232,2;
    getitem 4047,1;
    getitem 19021,2;
    getitem 4174,1;
    getitem 5325,1;
    set #pegoupack,1;
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `recebeu_packguild` (`account_id`,`name`,`name_guild`,`mac`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@mac$+"','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `cadastro_pack_guild` (`account_id_lider`,`lider`,`name_guild`,`id_guild`,`quant_menber_re`,`quant_menber_max`,`dia`,`mes`,`ano`,`hora`,`mto`,`seg`) values ('"+.@conta_id+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+getguildname(.@guild)+"','"+.@guild+"','1','20','"+gettimestr("%d",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%m",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%Y",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%H",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%M",21)+"','"+gettimestr("%S",21)+"')";

    case 2:
    mes "[^FF7F24Pack Guild^000000]";
    mes "Ok volte quando quiser";


  16. sorry stupid browser make my post tripled please kindly delete it

    errors in diff:

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(1810): warning C4013: 'mapit_first' undefined; assuming extern returning int

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(1810): warning C4013: 'mapit_exists' undefined; assuming extern returning int

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(1810): warning C4013: 'mapit_next' undefined; assuming extern returning int

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(1833): warning C4013: 'mapit_free' undefined; assuming extern returning int

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(2200): error C2371: 'mapit_free' : redefinition; different basic types

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(2212): error C2040: 'mapit_first' : 'block_list *(s_mapiterator *)' differs in levels of indirection from 'int ()'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(2246): error C2040: 'mapit_next' : 'block_list *(s_mapiterator *)' differs in levels of indirection from 'int ()'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(2287): error C2371: 'mapit_exists' : redefinition; different basic types

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6214): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6215): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'block_list *(__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6215): warning C4047: '=' : 'block_list *(__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)' differs in levels of indirection from 'int (__cdecl *)()'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6217): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'block_list *(__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6217): warning C4047: '=' : 'block_list *(__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)' differs in levels of indirection from 'int (__cdecl *)()'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6219): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'bool (__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.c(6219): warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'int (__cdecl *)()' to 'bool (__cdecl *)(s_mapiterator *)'

    c:usersjonhdownloadshercules-master (1)hercules-mastersrcmapmap.h(991): error C2032: 'map_fakename2sd' : function cannot be member of struct 'map_interface'
     site with error:
    struct map_session_data * map_fakename2sd(const char *fakenick); // For fakename extended support [Digos]

    for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) )


    if( battle_config.partial_name_scan )

    {// partial name search

    if( strnicmp(sd->fakename, fakenick, fakenicklen) == 0 )


    found_sd = sd;


    if( strcmp(sd->fakename, fakenick) == 0 )

    {// Perfect Match

    qty = 1;







    else if( strcasecmp(sd->fakename, fakenick) == 0 )

    {// exact search only

    found_sd = sd;




    I help?


    But, I don't recommend editing char.h or char.c for this fix. The potential dmg far out weighs the gain :/


    Thats it what fear come from.. well it will less trouble when money involved :heh: since im have less on it i will take my time learning on it at least i have a good internet to put in good use :heh: even if failing come to much to handle :pif:


    Good with this diff I got through to the guild and party up!
    just missing the PM researched a lot about and found nothing except this topic on eAthena

    can you take the diff from ther an upload it here, im kind of forgot what email used when register there i have forgoten my password :swt3:



    diff --git src/map/clif.c src/map/clif.c

    index d913047..be805cf 100644

    --- src/map/clif.c

    +++ src/map/clif.c

    @@ -9920,6 +9920,8 @@ void clif_parse_WisMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd)

    char *target, *message;

    int namelen, messagelen;


    + char fake_output[254]; // Fake name support [Digos]


    // validate packet and retrieve name and message

    if( !clif_process_message(sd, 1, &target, &namelen, &message, &messagelen) )


    @@ -10005,6 +10007,16 @@ void clif_parse_WisMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd)


    // searching destination character

    dstsd = map_nick2sd(target);


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (dstsd == NULL) {

    + dstsd = map_fakename2sd(target);

    + // player found

    + if (dstsd != NULL) {

    + // update target with the real player name

    + strcpy(target,dstsd->status.name);

    + }

    + }


    if (dstsd == NULL || strcmp(dstsd->status.name, target) != 0)


    @@ -11531,6 +11547,11 @@ void clif_parse_PartyInvite2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd)


    t_sd = map_nick2sd(name);


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (t_sd == NULL) {

    + t_sd = map_fakename2sd(name);

    + }


    if(t_sd && t_sd->state.noask)

    {// @noask [LuzZza]

    clif_noask_sub(sd, t_sd, 1);

    @@ -12714,6 +12735,12 @@ void clif_parse_GMRc(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd)

    struct map_session_data* dstsd;

    name[23] = '0';

    dstsd = map_nick2sd(name);


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (dstsd == NULL) {

    + dstsd = map_fakename2sd(name);

    + }


    if( dstsd == NULL )



    @@ -13079,6 +13106,11 @@ void clif_parse_FriendsListAdd(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd)


    f_sd = map_nick2sd((char*)RFIFOP(fd,2));


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (f_sd == NULL) {

    + f_sd = map_fakename2sd((char*)RFIFOP(fd,2));

    + }


    // Friend doesn't exist (no player with this name)

    if (f_sd == NULL) {

    clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(3));

    @@ -13637,7 +13669,14 @@ void clif_parse_Check(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd)


    safestrncpy(charname, (const char*)RFIFOP(fd,packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RFIFOW(fd,0)].pos[0]), sizeof(charname));


    - if( ( pl_sd = map_nick2sd(charname) ) == NULL || pc_isGM(sd) < pc_isGM(pl_sd) )

    + pl_sd = map_nick2sd(charname);


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (pl_sd == NULL) {

    + pl_sd = map_fakename2sd(charname);

    + }


    + if( pl_sd == NULL || pc_isGM(sd) < pc_isGM(pl_sd) )




    diff --git src/map/intif.c src/map/intif.c

    index 92deeec..16ce227 100644

    --- src/map/intif.c

    +++ src/map/intif.c

    @@ -823,6 +823,12 @@ int intif_parse_WisMessage(int fd)


    safestrncpy(name, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,32), NAME_LENGTH);

    sd = map_nick2sd(name);


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (sd == NULL) {

    + sd = map_fakename2sd(name);

    + }


    if(sd == NULL || strcmp(sd->status.name, name) != 0)

    { //Not found


    @@ -857,6 +863,12 @@ int intif_parse_WisEnd(int fd)

    if (battle_config.etc_log)

    ShowInfo("intif_parse_wisend: player: %s, flag: %dn", RFIFOP(fd,2), RFIFOB(fd,26)); // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target

    sd = (struct map_session_data *)map_nick2sd((char *) RFIFOP(fd,2));


    + // If no name was found check for a fake name [Digos]

    + if (sd == NULL) {

    + sd = (struct map_session_data *)map_fakename2sd((char *) RFIFOP(fd,2));

    + }


    if (sd != NULL)

    clif_wis_end(sd->fd, RFIFOB(fd,26));


    diff --git src/map/map.c src/map/map.c

    index 9616b15..2b97b99 100644

    --- src/map/map.c

    +++ src/map/map.c

    @@ -1748,6 +1748,56 @@ struct map_session_data * map_nick2sd(const char *nick)




    + * copy of the above function to search

    + * for a fake name [Digos]

    + *------------------------------------------*/

    +struct map_session_data * map_fakename2sd(const char *fakenick)


    + struct map_session_data* sd;

    + struct map_session_data* found_sd;

    + struct s_mapiterator* iter;

    + size_t fakenicklen;

    + int qty = 0;


    + if( fakenick == NULL )

    + return NULL;


    + fakenicklen = strlen(fakenick);

    + iter = mapit_getallusers();


    + found_sd = NULL;

    + for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) )

    + {

    + if( battle_config.partial_name_scan )

    + {// partial name search

    + if( strnicmp(sd->fakename, fakenick, fakenicklen) == 0 )

    + {

    + found_sd = sd;


    + if( strcmp(sd->fakename, fakenick) == 0 )

    + {// Perfect Match

    + qty = 1;

    + break;

    + }


    + qty++;

    + }

    + }

    + else if( strcasecmp(sd->fakename, fakenick) == 0 )

    + {// exact search only

    + found_sd = sd;

    + break;

    + }

    + }

    + mapit_free(iter);


    + if( battle_config.partial_name_scan && qty != 1 )

    + found_sd = NULL;


    + return found_sd;




    * id”Ô?‚Ì•¨‚ð’T‚·

    * ˆêŽObject‚Ìꇂ͔z—ñ‚ðˆø‚­‚Ì‚Ý


    diff --git src/map/map.h src/map/map.h

    index 93b9697..6fc64e4 100644

    --- src/map/map.h

    +++ src/map/map.h

    @@ -617,6 +617,7 @@ void map_foreachnpc(int (*func)(struct npc_data* nd, va_list args), ...);

    void map_foreachregen(int (*func)(struct block_list* bl, va_list args), ...);

    void map_foreachiddb(int (*func)(struct block_list* bl, va_list args), ...);

    struct map_session_data * map_nick2sd(const char*);

    +struct map_session_data * map_fakename2sd(const char *fakenick); // For fakename extended support [Digos]

    struct mob_data * map_getmob_boss(int m);

    struct mob_data * map_id2boss(int id);




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