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Posts posted by stiflerxx

  1. 'Renewal'         => true,

    'Renewal'         => false


    tried them both,


    my server and the table is pre item_db





    if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit;


    $title = 'List Items';

    require_once 'Flux/TemporaryTable.php';

    try {
    if($server->isRenewal) {
    $fromTables = array("{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db", "{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db");
    } else {
    $fromTables = array("{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db", "{$server->charMapDatabase}.item_db");
    $tableName = "{$server->charMapDatabase}.items";
    $tempTable = new Flux_TemporaryTable($server->connection, $tableName, $fromTables);
    $shopTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');

    // Statement parameters, joins and conditions.
    $bind = array();
    $sqlpartial = "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.$shopTable ON $shopTable.nameid = items.id ";
    $sqlpartial .= "WHERE 1=1 ";
    $itemID = $params->get('item_id');

    if ($itemID) {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND items.id = ? ";
    $bind[] = $itemID;
    else {
    $opMapping = array('eq' => '=', 'gt' => '>', 'lt' => '<');
    $opValues = array_keys($opMapping);
    $itemName = $params->get('name');
    $itemType = $params->get('type');
    $equipLocs = $params->get('equip_loc');
    $npcBuy = $params->get('npc_buy');
    $npcBuyOp = $params->get('npc_buy_op');
    $npcSell = $params->get('npc_sell');
    $npcSellOp = $params->get('npc_sell_op');
    $weight = $params->get('weight');
    $weightOp = $params->get('weight_op');
    $atk = $params->get('atk');
    $atkOp = $params->get('atk_op');
    if ($server->isRenewal) {
    $matk = $params->get('matk');
    $matkOp = $params->get('matk_op');
    $defense = $params->get('defense');
    $defenseOp = $params->get('defense_op');
    $range = $params->get('range');
    $rangeOp = $params->get('range_op');
    $slots = $params->get('slots');
    $slotsOp = $params->get('slots_op');
    $refineable = $params->get('refineable');
    $forSale = $params->get('for_sale');
    $custom = $params->get('custom');

    if ($itemName) {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (name_japanese LIKE ? OR name_japanese = ?) ";
    $bind[] = "%$itemName%";
    $bind[] = $itemName;

    if ($itemType && $itemType !== '-1') {
    if (count($itemTypeSplit = explode('-', $itemType)) == 2) {
    $itemType = $itemTypeSplit[0];
    $itemType2 = $itemTypeSplit[1];
    if (is_numeric($itemType) && (floatval($itemType) == intval($itemType))) {
    $itemTypes = Flux::config('ItemTypes')->toArray();
    if (array_key_exists($itemType, $itemTypes) && $itemTypes[$itemType]) {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND type = ? ";
    $bind[] = $itemType;
    } else {
    $sqlpartial .= 'AND type IS NULL ';

    if (count($itemTypeSplit) == 2 && is_numeric($itemType2) && (floatval($itemType2) == intval($itemType2))) {
    $itemTypes2 = Flux::config('ItemTypes2')->toArray();
    if (array_key_exists($itemType, $itemTypes2) && array_key_exists($itemType2, $itemTypes2[$itemType]) && $itemTypes2[$itemType][$itemType2]) {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND view = ? ";
    $bind[] = $itemType2;
    } else {
    $sqlpartial .= 'AND view IS NULL ';
    } else {
    $typeName = preg_quote($itemType, '/');
    $itemTypes = preg_grep("/.*?$typeName.*?/i", Flux::config('ItemTypes')->toArray());

    if (count($itemTypes)) {
    $itemTypes = array_keys($itemTypes);
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (";
    $partial = '';

    foreach ($itemTypes as $id) {
    $partial .= "type = ? OR ";
    $bind[] = $id;

    $partial = preg_replace('/s*ORs*$/', '', $partial);
    $sqlpartial .= "$partial) ";
    } else {
    $sqlpartial .= 'AND type IS NULL ';

    if ($equipLocs !== false && $equipLocs !== '-1') {
    if(is_numeric($equipLocs) && (floatval($equipLocs) == intval($equipLocs))) {
    $equipLocationCombinations = Flux::config('EquipLocationCombinations')->toArray();
    if (array_key_exists($equipLocs, $equipLocationCombinations) && $equipLocationCombinations[$equipLocs]) {
    if ($equipLocs === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (equip_locations = 0 OR equip_locations IS NULL) ";
    } else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND equip_locations = ? ";
    $bind[] = $equipLocs;
    } else {
    $combinationName = preg_quote($equipLocs, '/');
    $equipLocationCombinations = preg_grep("/.*?$combinationName.*?/i", Flux::config('EquipLocationCombinations')->toArray());

    if (count($equipLocationCombinations)) {
    $equipLocationCombinations = array_keys($equipLocationCombinations);
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (";
    $partial = '';

    foreach ($equipLocationCombinations as $id) {
    if ($id === 0) {
    $partial .= "(equip_locations = 0 OR equip_locations IS NULL) OR ";
    } else {
    $partial .= "equip_locations = ? OR ";
    $bind[] = $id;

    $partial = preg_replace('/s*ORs*$/', '', $partial);
    $sqlpartial .= "$partial) ";

    if (in_array($npcBuyOp, $opValues) && trim($npcBuy) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$npcBuyOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $npcBuy === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (price_buy IS NULL OR price_buy = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND price_buy $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $npcBuy;

    if (in_array($npcSellOp, $opValues) && trim($npcSell) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$npcSellOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $npcSell === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND IFNULL(price_sell, FLOOR(price_buy/2)) = 0 ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND IFNULL(price_sell, FLOOR(price_buy/2)) $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $npcSell;

    if (in_array($weightOp, $opValues) && trim($weight) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$weightOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $weight === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (weight IS NULL OR weight = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND CAST(weight/10 AS UNSIGNED INTEGER) $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $weight;

    if (in_array($atkOp, $opValues) && trim($atk) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$atkOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $atk === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (atk IS NULL OR atk = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND atk $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $atk;

    if ($server->isRenewal && in_array($matkOp, $opValues) && trim($matk) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$matkOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $matk === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (matk IS NULL OR matk = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND matk $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $matk;

    if (in_array($defenseOp, $opValues) && trim($defense) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$defenseOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $defense === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (defence IS NULL OR defence = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND defence $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $defense;

    if (in_array($rangeOp, $opValues) && trim($range) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$rangeOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $range === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (`range` IS NULL OR `range` = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND `range` $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $range;

    if (in_array($slotsOp, $opValues) && trim($slots) != '') {
    $op = $opMapping[$slotsOp];
    if ($op == '=' && $slots === '0') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND (slots IS NULL OR slots = 0) ";
    else {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND slots $op ? ";
    $bind[] = $slots;

    if ($refineable) {
    if ($refineable == 'yes') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND refineable > 0 ";
    elseif ($refineable == 'no') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND IFNULL(refineable, 0) < 1 ";

    if ($forSale) {
    if ($forSale == 'yes') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND $shopTable.cost > 0 ";
    elseif ($forSale == 'no') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND IFNULL($shopTable.cost, 0) < 1 ";

    if ($custom) {
    if ($custom == 'yes') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND origin_table LIKE '%item_db' ";
    elseif ($custom == 'no') {
    $sqlpartial .= "AND origin_table LIKE '%item_db' ";

    // Get total count and feed back to the paginator.
    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT items.id) AS total FROM $tableName $sqlpartial");

    $paginator = $this->getPaginator($sth->fetch()->total);
    $sortable = array(
    'item_id' => 'asc', 'name', 'type', 'equip_locations', 'price_buy', 'price_sell', 'weight',
    'atk', 'defense', 'range', 'slots', 'refineable', 'cost', 'origin_table'
    if($server->isRenewal) {
    $sortable[] = 'matk';

    $col = "origin_table, items.id AS item_id, name_japanese AS name, type, ";
    $col .= "IFNULL(equip_locations, 0) AS equip_locations, price_buy, weight/10 AS weight, ";
    $col .= "defence AS defense, `range`, slots, refineable, cost, $shopTable.id AS shop_item_id, ";
    $col .= "IFNULL(price_sell, FLOOR(price_buy/2)) AS price_sell, view, atk, matk";

    $sql = $paginator->getSQL("SELECT $col FROM $tableName $sqlpartial GROUP BY items.id");
    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

    $items = $sth->fetchAll();

    $authorized = $auth->actionAllowed('item', 'view');

    if ($items && count($items) === 1 && $authorized && Flux::config('SingleMatchRedirectItem')) {
    $this->redirect($this->url('item', 'view', array('id' => $items[0]->item_id)));
    catch (Exception $e) {
    if (isset($tempTable) && $tempTable) {
    // Ensure table gets dropped.

    // Raise the original exception.
    $class = get_class($e);
    throw new $class($e->getMessage());


  2. Good to item_db category does not work and shows no errors '-' 
    demonstrates how the image below:
    however mob_db table works normally
    and consultation of mob_db showing the items that drops from monbs TBM works and not only that work got item_db
    does anyone know what can be?

  3. Hello hercules ^ ^ good'm trying to use the function and setwall delwall most do not know where I'm going wrong TT someone can give me a strength? 


    setwall "eden_dun03" 87,220,5,5,0 "BariDG"; 
    announce "[Dungeo]: And Barricades appeared will destroy them!", 8; goto OndsBarri; } 
    / / Barricades 
    mobs set $ 5; 
    areamonster "eden_dun03" 87,220,87,220, "Barricades DG", 1905.1, "DS3 :: OndsBdead"; 
    areamonster "eden_dun03" 87,219,87,219, "Barricades DG", 1905.1, "DS3 :: OndsBdead"; 
    areamonster "eden_dun03" 87,218,87,218, "Barricades DG", 1905.1, "DS3 :: OndsBdead"; 
    areamonster "eden_dun03" 87,217,87,217, "Barricades DG", 1905.1, "DS3 :: OndsBdead"; 
    areamonster "eden_dun03" 87,216,87,216, "Barricades DG", 1905.1, "DS3 :: OndsBdead"; 
    set $ mobs, mobs, $ 1; 
    if ($ mob == 0) {announce: 8; "[Dungeo] The Barridacas been destroyed!" 
    delwall "BariDG"; 


    where am I wrong? follows the print of the place where this should invesivel the wall ...


    I do not know I searched everywhere for a ranking of woe and death kill however just thought that I just need that when someone dies in the maps of woe him in SQL +1 point more that there is error not put the T.T points



    I do not know I searched everywhere for a ranking of woe and death kill however just thought that I just need that when someone dies in the maps of woe him in SQL +1 point more that there is error not put the T.T points


  5. Hello someone could get me a ranking of woe and death kills? players would be able to see how many killed and how many died .....



    I am using this but it does not work


    // /== | |/ //== ==// ===/ //
    // // || || || || |/ | // //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || ___ //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || //
    // || || || || || || // //
    // /== /| | /| | ==// ====// //
    //Npc: Chaos Rankings - WoE///////////////
    //Description: Mostra os Rankings WoE //
    //Changelog: //////////
    // V1.1 - Script Original por algoz ONE //
    // v2.0 - Script Reformulado para //
    // diversos rankings //
    // v3.0 - Script Otimizado //
    support,62,47,4 script Rankings 450,{

    // == Configurações ==
    setarray @Names$[0],"^FF4500[Rank Guerra do Emperium]^000000","^40E0D0PortalRaG^000000"; //= Nome do NPC seguido do nome do Servidor.
    set @PlRank,10; //= Quantos Players aparecerão nos rankings?
    set @GdRank,10; //= Quantos Clãs aparecerão nos rankings
    // ===================
    set @CID,getcharid(0);
    set @GID,getcharid(2);
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Olá ^00BFFF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000.";
    mes "Selecione a ^FF0000opção^000000 desejada:";
    deletearray @breaks[0],getarraysize(@breaks);
    deletearray @name$[0],getarraysize(@name$);
    deletearray @kills[0],getarraysize(@kills);
    deletearray @deaths[0],getarraysize(@deaths);
    set @Rank,select("- TOP "+@PlRank+" Breakers","- TOP "+@GdRank+" Clãs","- Meu Status","- Sair") - 1;
    if(@Rank == 4)
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Bom jogo.";
    else if(@Rank == 3)
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID,@points,@kills,@deaths;
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID,@guild,@gkills,@gdeaths;
    mes @name$;
    mes "^0000FF[Jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000";
    mes "^525252Clã atual:^000000 ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(2)+"^000000.";
    mes "^525252Quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@points+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Clã quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@guild+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Matou no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@kills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Morreu no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@deaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Mataram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gkills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Morreram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gdeaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`"+(@from? "g" : "")+"name`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woe"+(!@from? "player" : "")+"rank` ORDER BY `breaks` DESC, `kills` DESC LIMIT "+(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank),@breaks,@name$,@kills,@deaths;
    mes "[^FF4500TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000]";
    for(set @i,0; @i<=(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank); set @i,@i+1)
    mes (@i+1)+": ---";
    mes "Posição: ^0000FF"+ (@i+1) +"^000000º: "+@name$[@i]+" com ^FF0000"+@breaks[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFbreaks^000000, ^FF0000"+@kills[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFKills^000000 e ^FF0000"+@deaths[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFDeaths^000000.";
    mes "^525252_____________^000000";
    mes "^525252TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000 "+@Names$[1]+".";

    function script WoE_Rank {

    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@bpoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `gname`,`breaks` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gname$,@gbpoints;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if ( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    - script WoePlayerLadder -1,{
    if(!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2())
    getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;
    set @Found,0;
    for(set @i,0; @i<3; set @i,@i+1)
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(getd("$DiasWoE_"+@i)); set @j,@j + 1)
    for(set @k,0; @k if(@map$==getd("$CastelosWoE_"+@i+"_"+@j+"$["+@k+"]"))
    set @Found,1;
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($woemap$); set @i,@i+1)
    set @Found,1;

    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    attachrid killedrid;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    set $UsingWoEController,0; // Coloque 1 caso utilize o WoE Controller de minha autoria.
    if(!$UsingWoEController) // Ponha aqui os castelos que estão habilitados na sua WoE caso não use o WoE Controller
    setarray $woemap$[0],"prtg_cas03","payg_cas03","gefg_cas04","aldeg_cas01","schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas05","arug_cas01";


  6. I modified the line you asked but still nothing has changed still no information upa pro sql 
    note: the tables estam upadas and has no errors in the map server 
    npc like this:

    // /== | |/ //== ==// ===/ //
    // // || || || || |/ | // //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || ___ //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || //
    // || || || || || || // //
    // /== /| | /| | ==// ====// //
    //Npc: Chaos Rankings - WoE///////////////
    //Description: Mostra os Rankings WoE //
    //Changelog: //////////
    // V1.1 - Script Original por algoz ONE //
    // v2.0 - Script Reformulado para //
    // diversos rankings //
    // v3.0 - Script Otimizado //
    prontera,151,166,4 script Rankings 450,{

    // == Configurações ==
    setarray @Names$[0],"^FF4500[Rank Guerra do Emperium]^000000","^40E0D0PortalRaG^000000"; //= Nome do NPC seguido do nome do Servidor.
    set @PlRank,10; //= Quantos Players aparecerão nos rankings?
    set @GdRank,10; //= Quantos Clãs aparecerão nos rankings
    // ===================
    set @CID,getcharid(0);
    set @GID,getcharid(2);
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Olá ^00BFFF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000.";
    mes "Selecione a ^FF0000opção^000000 desejada:";
    deletearray @breaks[0],getarraysize(@breaks);
    deletearray @name$[0],getarraysize(@name$);
    deletearray @kills[0],getarraysize(@kills);
    deletearray @deaths[0],getarraysize(@deaths);
    set @Rank,select("- TOP "+@PlRank+" Breakers","- TOP "+@GdRank+" Clãs","- Meu Status","- Sair") - 1;
    if(@Rank == 4)
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Bom jogo.";
    else if(@Rank == 3)
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID,@points,@kills,@deaths;
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID,@guild,@gkills,@gdeaths;
    mes @name$;
    mes "^0000FF[Jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000";
    mes "^525252Clã atual:^000000 ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(2)+"^000000.";
    mes "^525252Quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@points+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Clã quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@guild+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Matou no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@kills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Morreu no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@deaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Mataram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gkills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Morreram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gdeaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`"+(@from? "g" : "")+"name`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woe"+(!@from? "player" : "")+"rank` ORDER BY `breaks` DESC, `kills` DESC LIMIT "+(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank),@breaks,@name$,@kills,@deaths;
    mes "[^FF4500TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000]";
    for(set @i,0; @i<=(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank); set @i,@i+1)
    mes (@i+1)+": ---";
    mes "Posição: ^0000FF"+ (@i+1) +"^000000º: "+@name$[@i]+" com ^FF0000"+@breaks[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFbreaks^000000, ^FF0000"+@kills[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFKills^000000 e ^FF0000"+@deaths[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFDeaths^000000.";
    mes "^525252_____________^000000";
    mes "^525252TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000 "+@Names$[1]+".";

    function script WoE_Rank {

    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@bpoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `gname`,`breaks` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gname$,@gbpoints;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if ( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    - script WoePlayerLadder -1,{
    if(!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2())
    getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;
    set @Found,0;
    for(set @i,0; @i<3; set @i,@i+1)
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(getd("$DiasWoE_"+@i)); set @j,@j + 1)
    for(set @k,0; @k if(@map$==getd("$CastelosWoE_"+@i+"_"+@j+"$["+@k+"]"))
    set @Found,1;
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($woemap$); set @i,@i+1)
    set @Found,1;

    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    attachrid killedrid;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    set $UsingWoEController,0; // Coloque 1 caso utilize o WoE Controller de minha autoria.
    if(!$UsingWoEController) // Ponha aqui os castelos que estão habilitados na sua WoE caso não use o WoE Controller
    setarray $woemap$[0],"prtg_cas03","payg_cas03","gefg_cas04","aldeg_cas01","schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas05","arug_cas01";


  7. Hello am using a rank woe however she is not working could someone get me a ranking or woe corrigirir this low? 
    note: The rank is not the rank and GVG as each players killed and died.

    // /== | |/ //== ==// ===/ //
    // // || || || || |/ | // //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || ___ //
    // || ||--|| ||--|| || || //
    // || || || || || || // //
    // /== /| | /| | ==// ====// //
    //Npc: Chaos Rankings - WoE///////////////
    //Description: Mostra os Rankings WoE //
    //Changelog: //////////
    // V1.1 - Script Original por algoz ONE //
    // v2.0 - Script Reformulado para //
    // diversos rankings //
    // v3.0 - Script Otimizado //
    prontera,151,166,4 script Rankings 450,{

    // == Configurações ==
    setarray @Names$[0],"^FF4500[Rank Guerra do Emperium]^000000","^40E0D0PortalRaG^000000"; //= Nome do NPC seguido do nome do Servidor.
    set @PlRank,10; //= Quantos Players aparecerão nos rankings?
    set @GdRank,10; //= Quantos Clãs aparecerão nos rankings
    // ===================
    set @CID,getcharid(0);
    set @GID,getcharid(2);
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Olá ^00BFFF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000.";
    mes "Selecione a ^FF0000opção^000000 desejada:";
    deletearray @breaks[0],getarraysize(@breaks);
    deletearray @name$[0],getarraysize(@name$);
    deletearray @kills[0],getarraysize(@kills);
    deletearray @deaths[0],getarraysize(@deaths);
    set @Rank,select("- TOP "+@PlRank+" Breakers","- TOP "+@GdRank+" Clãs","- Meu Status","- Sair") - 1;
    if(@Rank == 4)
    mes @Names$[0];
    mes "Bom jogo.";
    else if(@Rank == 3)
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID,@points,@kills,@deaths;
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID,@guild,@gkills,@gdeaths;
    mes @name$;
    mes "^0000FF[Jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000";
    mes "^525252Clã atual:^000000 ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(2)+"^000000.";
    mes "^525252Quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@points+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Clã quebrou o Emperium..^000000 ^FF0000"+@guild+"^000000 vezes.";
    mes "^525252Matou no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@kills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Morreu no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@deaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Mataram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gkills+"^000000 Players.";
    mes "^525252Amigos do Clã Morreram no Total..^000000 ^FF0000"+@gdeaths+"^000000 Vezes.";
    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`"+(@from? "g" : "")+"name`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woe"+(!@from? "player" : "")+"rank` ORDER BY `breaks` DESC, `kills` DESC LIMIT "+(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank),@breaks,@name$,@kills,@deaths;
    mes "[^FF4500TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000]";
    for(set @i,0; @i<=(@from? @GdRank : @PlRank); set @i,@i+1)
    mes (@i+1)+": ---";
    mes "Posição: ^0000FF"+ (@i+1) +"^000000º: "+@name$[@i]+" com ^FF0000"+@breaks[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFbreaks^000000, ^FF0000"+@kills[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFKills^000000 e ^FF0000"+@deaths[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFDeaths^000000.";
    mes "^525252_____________^000000";
    mes "^525252TOP "+(@from? @GdRank+" Clãs" : @PlRank+" Breakers")+" - WoE^000000 "+@Names$[1]+".";

    function script WoE_Rank {

    query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@bpoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `gname`,`breaks` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gname$,@gbpoints;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if ( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`breaks`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    - script WoePlayerLadder -1,{
    if(!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2())
    getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;
    set @Found,0;
    for(set @i,0; @i<3; set @i,@i+1)
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(getd("$DiasWoE_"+@i)); set @j,@j + 1)
    for(set @k,0; @k if(@map$==getd("$CastelosWoE_"+@i+"_"+@j+"$["+@k+"]"))
    set @Found,1;
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($woemap$); set @i,@i+1)
    set @Found,1;

    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`kills`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    attachrid killedrid;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0),@ppoints,@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2),@gpoints,@gname$;
    if( @name$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',0)";
    if( @gname$ == "" )
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+getcharid(2)+",'"+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"',0)";
    query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0);
    query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` set `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2);

    set $UsingWoEController,0; // Coloque 1 caso utilize o WoE Controller de minha autoria.
    if(!$UsingWoEController) // Ponha aqui os castelos que estão habilitados na sua WoE caso não use o WoE Controller
    setarray $woemap$[0],"prtg_cas03","payg_cas03","gefg_cas04","aldeg_cas01","schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas05","arug_cas01";


  8. se e do host então deve ser cerescp mesmo então eu acho que o arquivo e "serv.php" ou coisa do tipo ou mais facil como nunca usei o ceres então não sei qual o nome e melhor vc perguntar pro host qual eo nome do arquivo que faz a ligação do mysql com o cp ai deve esta na mesma pasta..

  9. type'm trying to create an automatic point guild ta put the script just reading the 1st rank of the 2 ° and 3 ° it ta not reading what I'm doing wrong? 



    - script Verificar#MapGuild -1,{
    if(getgmlevel() < 1){
    query_sql "SELECT `id`,`name`,`ratio` FROM `pvpm_data` where `type` = '2' ORDER BY `ratio` DESC LIMIT 1",.@Guild1,.@Name1$,.@ratio1;
    set .@1Lugar,.@ratio1;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == "louyang" && strcharinfo(2) != getguildname(.@Guild1) ){
    mes "[^FF8000Point Clã WOE^000000]";
    mes "Para entra nesse mapa você precisa ser do clã ^FF8000"+.@Name1$+"^000000";
    mes "Então você será teleportado para prontera!!";
    warp "prontera",150,150;

    if(getgmlevel() < 1){
    query_sql "SELECT `id`,`name`,`ratio` FROM `pvpm_data` where `type` = '2' ORDER BY `ratio` < '"+.@1Lugar+"' DESC LIMIT 1",.@Guild2,.@Name2$,.@ratio2;
    set .@2Lugar,.@ratio2;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == "job_wiz" && strcharinfo(2) != getguildname(.@Guild2) ){
    mes "[^FF8000Point Clã WOE^000000]";
    mes "Para entra nesse mapa você precisa ser do clã ^FF8000"+.@Name2$+"^000000";
    mes "Então você será teleportado para prontera!!";
    warp "prontera",150,150;

    if(getgmlevel() < 1){
    query_sql "SELECT `id`,`name`,`ratio` FROM `pvpm_data` where `type` = '2' ORDER BY `ratio` < '"+.@2Lugar+"' DESC LIMIT 1",.@Guild3,.@Name3$,.@ratio3;
    set .@3Lugar,.@ratio3;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == "kh_kiehl02" && strcharinfo(2) != getguildname(.@Guild3) ){
    mes "[^FF8000Point Clã WOE^000000]";
    mes "Para entra nesse mapa você precisa ser do clã ^FF8000"+.@Name3$+"^000000";
    mes "Então você será teleportado para prontera!!";
    warp "prontera",150,150;

    kh_kiehl02 mapflag loadevent
    louyang mapflag loadevent
    job_wiz mapflag loadevent


  10. agora fica assim:

    Critical Error

    Um erro foi encontrado durante a execução da aplicação.

    Isso pode ser devido a uma variedade de problemas, como por exemplo um bug na aplicação.

    Geralmente, é normalmente causado por configuação.

    Detalhes da Exceção

    Erro: PDOException

    Mensagem: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    Arquivo: /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php:81

    Arquivo Linha Função/Método /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 81 PDO::__construct() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 94 Flux_Connection::connect() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 159 Flux_Connection::getConnection() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/modules/install/index.php 17 Flux_Connection::getStatement() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php 337 include() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/index.php 179 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch() Vestígio da String da Exceção

    #0 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(81): PDO->__construct(*hidden*)
    #1 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(94): Flux_Connection->connect(Object(Flux_Config))
    #2 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(159): Flux_Connection->getConnection()
    #3 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/modules/install/index.php(17): Flux_Connection->getStatement('SELECT VERSION(...')
    #4 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php(337): include('/home/portalra/...')
    #5 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()
    #6 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/index.php(179): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    #7 {main}




    falando que a senha ja esta sendo usada não tem nada no phpmyadmin

  11. bom dia =)

    estou com um problema de compatibilidade mesmo


    Critical Error

    Um erro foi encontrado durante a execução da aplicação.

    Isso pode ser devido a uma variedade de problemas, como por exemplo um bug na aplicação.

    Geralmente, é normalmente causado por configuação.

    Detalhes da Exceção

    Erro: Flux_Error

    Mensagem: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S22, ERROR: 1054): Unknown column 'atk:matk' in 'field list'

    Arquivo: /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection/Statement.php:27

    Arquivo Linha Função/Método /home/portalra/public_html/cp/modules/item/view.php 35 Flux_Connection_Statement::execute() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php 337 include() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() /home/portalra/public_html/cp/index.php 179 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch() Vestígio da String da Exceção#0 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/modules/item/view.php(35): Flux_Connection_Statement->execute(Array)
    #1 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php(337): include('/home/portalra/...')
    #2 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()
    #3 /home/portalra/public_html/cp/index.php(179): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    #4 {main}


    como da pra ver o fluxcp esta tentando acha a coluna "atk:mark" eu procurei isso em todos lugares e não achei ele fala que o erro esta no arquivo "Statement.php"

    mais no arquivo não tem nada sobre o mesmo segui o arquivo a baixo.


    require_once 'Flux/LogFile.php';
    require_once 'Flux/Error.php';
    class Flux_Connection_Statement {
    public $stmt;
    private static $errorLog;
    public function __construct(PDOStatement $stmt)
    $this->stmt = $stmt;
    if (!self::$errorLog) {
    self::$errorLog = new Flux_LogFile(FLUX_DATA_DIR.'/logs/mysql/errors/'.date('Ymd').'.log', 'a');
    public function execute(array $inputParameters = array())
    $res = $this->stmt->execute($inputParameters);
    if ((int)$this->stmt->errorCode()) {
    $info = $this->stmt->errorInfo();
    self::$errorLog->puts('[sqlSTATE=%s] Err %s: %s', $info[0], $info[1], $info[2]);
    if (Flux::config('DebugMode')) {
    $message = sprintf('MySQL error (SQLSTATE: %s, ERROR: %s): %s', $info[0], $info[1], $info[2]);
    throw new Flux_Error($message);
    return $res;
    public function __call($method, $args)
    return call_user_func_array(array($this->stmt, $method), $args);


    esse erro ocorre quando tento ver os itens do database.

    e bem provável que esse arquivo esteja ligado a outro com as informações da tabela em questão mais qual?

    alquem pode ajuda?

  12. bom olá estou com problema com o dano do Assassino... já to a dias e dias mudando todas as variáveis possíveis no src relacionadas a SC_EDP que eu nome da habilidade encantar com veneno letal mais ele continua com o dano 50~90k por hit....

    então eu pensei eu fazer uma coisa que queria saber duas coisas, se e possível! e como faço?

    não sei se alquem já fez isso '-'

    bom pensei e fazer o sequinte....

    queria que as card "Hidra e General Tartaruga" desce menos dano porem.... todas as classes custumam usar essas card.....

    o que eu pensei eu colocar na script dela um tipo de configuração assim


    { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; }

    na minha cabeça:(obs: kkk  ta errado mais e só pra ter uma ideia blz?)

    { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; if(class===4013;15;}


    tipo um eu sei que ta errado mais queria colocar um tipo de if se usado por Assassino o bonus em vez de 20% seria só 15%.....

    ai queria fazer isso com a hidra e com a gt...... todas as classes já estão estabilizadas e isso faria só o cross diminuir o dano......


    tem como fazer? se tem meu raciocínio ta certo? como faço isso?





    rate do servidor 300/150 pré status 300

  13. alquem sabe como resolver algum desses erros?



    [Depurar]: Nao foi possivel armazenar mais mobs aleatorios de mob_pouch_db!
    [Aviso]: status_readdb_sc_conf: Invalid status type SC_MOONSTAR specified.
    [Aviso]: status_readdb_sc_conf: Invalid status type SC_SUPER_STAR specified.
    [Erro]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 5txt
    [Erro]: npc_parse_mapflag: mapflag nÒo reconhecida 'restricted' arquivo 'npc/out
    ros/pvp_sem_custom.txt', linha '223'.
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): NPCS#brA (invisivel/nao em uma mapa)
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): NPCS#brA (invisivel/nao em uma mapa)
    [Erro]: chat_createnpcchat: NPC 'Presenþa' já tem uma sala de chat, não é possív
    el criar um novo!
    [Erro]: script_rid2sd: erro fatal! nenhum jogador anexado!
    [Depurar]: Funcao: close (nao ha parametros)
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): Core_Sortudo em quiz_02 (0,0)
    [Erro]: script_rid2sd: erro fatal! nenhum jogador anexado!
    [Depurar]: Funcao: close (nao ha parametros)
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): Sortudo em prontera (132,189)
    [Erro]: script_rid2sd: erro fatal! nenhum jogador anexado!
    [Depurar]: Funcao: close (nao ha parametros)
    [Depurar]: Source (NPC): Core_Sortudo em quiz_02 (0,

  14. não to consequindo editar então e só pra dizer que ta tudo certo agora eu que fiz besteira blokiei skill no mapa como vou usar skill lá '-'



    obrigado a todos que ajudaram.






    pode fechar o topico.

  15. fiz tudo isso mudei todos os arquivos lua e lub e tals mais ta tudo e português porem não da pra usar quase nenhuma skill tipo eu clico em cima e não rola nada nem da pra arrasta ele pro atalho..

  16. a minha esta em ingles mesmo procurando e já ter baixa umas 20 datas diferentes  vem em ingles mesmo falando que ta em prt o arquivo que faz os nomes das skills fica em português eo skilinfolist alquem sabe de uma em português? ou tem e pode me add no skyper pra me passar?

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