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Everything posted by Nitrate

  1. Tried it with BF_SKILL and it still doesn't trigger, even tried it out with Cold Bolt to check and that still doesn't trigger it. Tried it with BF_SKILL|BF_WEAPON and also didn't trigger on both Soul Breaker and Cold Bolt.
  2. Hello, I'm trying to make some autospell effects trigger on skills but can't seem to make them work. bonus5 bAutoSpell,"SA_DISPELL",1,500,BF_WEAPON,1; I'm currently using that on my Randgris Card but it does not work. Tested it with Bash and Soul Breaker and it doesn't autocast. Anyone know why this is happening? Sorry if I'm in the wrong section, didn't know where to post this in either Database or Scripting section.
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