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Posts posted by Nash

  1. Hi Guys ,
    I am looking for lua files for my client which is dated 2012-04-10 
    and also for a renewal data folder 

    please help ASAP

    Thx guys




  2. For the aura you can use @aura, wich you get with this patch, but I've preferred to use effects from the effects_list.txt for making the script useable without any source mod.


    For a faction vs faction pvp you'll need to perform a source modification, which I don't know.


    Your script could be like this (untested so there may be errors/bugs):


    // [jaBote] Simple faction script.// Can be done with arrays to save lots of variables and improve efficiency, but this one is easier to understand except for the menu making which is automatic./// @configurations are in OnInit label.-	script	Factions Manager	-1,{	OnInit:		set .forever, 1; // Are factions forever (value: 1) or can you decide them whenever you log in (value: 0)?		set .totalfactions, 2 // Total number of factions		// Faction 1 parameters		set .faction1_name$, "Red"; // Name for faction 1		set .faction1_item, 7575; // CHANGE it to any item ID you want. It should be character-bound.		set .faction1_effect, 22; // CHANGE it to an existent effect from effects_list.txt 		set .faction1_effectdelay, 10000; // Delay, in milliseconds, for reapplying the faction effect so it seems a consistent aura				// Faction 2 parameters		set .faction2_name$, "Blue"; // Name for faction 2		set .faction2_item, 7576; // CHANGE it to any item ID you want. It should be character-bound.		set .faction2_effect, 33; // CHANGE it to an existent effect from effects_list.txt 		set .faction2_effectdelay, 10000; // Delay, in milliseconds, for reapplying the faction effect so it seems a consistent aura				// Add more factions here if you want		// More info on effects: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/effect_list.txt				set .init, 1;		end;		OnPCLoginEvent:		if (!.init) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; // Faction data from OnInit MUST be loaded		if (!(.forever && faction)) {	// Need to set faction as you don't have one			mes "Hey " + strcharinfo(0) + "! Pick a faction!";			for (set .@i, 1; .@i <= .totalfactions; set .@i, .@i + 1){	// Dynamic menu set 				set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getd(".faction" + .@i + "_name$"); // Dynamically getting the name of the faction				if (.@i < .totalfactions) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":";			}			set faction, select(.@menu$);			next;			mes "You're now in the " + getd(".faction" + faction + "_name$") + " faction.";			getitem getd(".faction" + faction + "_item");			close2;		}		doevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMakeAura"; // Do Aura Loop		end;		OnMakeAura:		enable_items; // May be a possible exploit but it's necessary		misceffect getd(".faction" + faction + "_effect");		addtimer getd(".faction" + faction + "_effectdelay"),strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAuraRefresh";		end;		OnAuraRefresh:		deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAuraRefresh";		doevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMakeAura"; // Start again		end;			OnPCLogoutEvent:		if (!.forever && countitem(getd(".faction" + faction + "_item"))) delitem getd(".faction" + faction + "_item"),1;		end;}


    Check if it works.


    Edit: I'd seriously better make an array version of this, I'll do it again later of tomorrow when I have time but I can't right now.


    Edit 2: Made some corrections, thanks Capuche.

    Thx thx thx alot 


    Now can any 1 provide me src mods for this ???

  3. Hi Guys,
               i wanna request a simple faction Script
    like on loggin you get option to choose your faction For ex. Holy and Darkness
    Choose 1 faction and you get item according to that faction.
    and it also changes your aura diffrent aura for diffrent faction

    Point*- Both Factions Can pvp any where in server except Main town !!

    Thx in advance 



  4. Hi guys,

       I have added @auraset command but there aren't good default auras
    so i wanna add custom auras for my server 

    can any 1 tell me how can i add custom auras and how can i set its effect id so that i can load it ingame
    with @auraset

    i wanna add 6-7 auras!!

    please Help biggrin.png



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