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Posts posted by dungpt8782

  1. function	script	Test	{	 mes "[Test]";	for(set .@i,1; getd(".@F"+.@i+"[0]"); set .@i,.@i+1)		mes " .@F+.@i+"[0] is exist";	close; OnInit:	setarray .@F1[0],30712,1,30711,2;	setarray .@F2[0],30713,1,30712,2;	end;} 


    How to make FOR work in case the conditions of the test variables exist?


    I made this script and work good with rAthena, but did not work in Hercules :(


    Somebody help me pls!!!!

  2. Thank you so much Dastgir, but i must change sscanf to sscanf_s to build this plugin. It's still working fine?


    I have 1 more thing to need your help, pls show me, how to let user select aura from aura collection?

  3. Hi, i'm newbie and i need to help for this problem:

    $sql = "SELECT value AS acc_cash FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.acc_reg_num_db WHERE key='#CASHPOINTS' AND account_id={$session->account->account_id}";			$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);			$sth->execute();			$oldcash =  $sth->fetch()->acc_cash;			if ($oldcash > 0){				$cashpoint = $oldcash + $newcash;				$sql = "UPDATE {$server->charMapDatabase}.acc_reg_num_db SET value = '".$cashpoint."' WHERE key='#CASHPOINTS' AND account_id={$session->account->account_id}";				$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);				$sth->execute();			} else {				$cashpoint = $newcash;				$sql = "INSERT INTO {$server->charMapDatabase}.acc_reg_num_db (`key`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ('#CASHPOINTS',$cashpoint,2,{$session->account->account_id})";				$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);				$sth->execute();

    This code used to make for rAthena serrver.

    Now i change it to use with Hercules but its not work. Someone can help me pls!!!

    Sorry, my English is bad, i hope you can understand me :(

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