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Posts posted by Adam

  1. what about the regular npc's we have by default out of the box from the git?

    What about them ?


    Are you asking if they are safe or are you saying they are safe and should be used instead ?

  2. Hey Jabote,



    First, I should make clear that we follow kRO mechanics. While chances are kRO behavior regarding this is the same than fRO (official european), it may be not the same.


    I'm aware my friend, hence I made clear in the bug tracker-related topic  I have no access to iRO/kRO to test there by myself so I tested with the only official available to me (fRO).

    I would be very surprised if such a big difference regarding "core mechanism" was confirmed between these offy servers but yeah, it s not that impossible.


    Anyways, I ll try your idea when I get back home and let you know.

    Thanks! :)

  3. Hello,


    For now using Hercules if you Asura> Log off > Log back in = You get a 5 Minutes delay before you can naturally regenerate SP.

    In my experience this behavior differs from the official behavior which allow an instant natural SP regeneration after logging off/back in (bug report http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8220-asura-sp-regenerating-upon-log-offin/).


    So regardless if it's confirmed as bug or "intended", I need your help to "customize" the source for it to suit this scheme please:


    Asura> Log off > Log back in = Instant natural SP regeneration  (like in this below video made on the official european server)



    Thank you.


  4. Hello Hercules community,


    This is a revival of a topic started by Raziel that can be found here.

    I thought maybe with a better visibility, more people would be able to testify if they experience the same issue or not, for it to get eventually fixed :)


    Regarding Linker Skills
    The way it should be:
    Estin: Full DMG on small-sized monsters, 1 DMG on medium and large
    Estun: Full DMG on medium-sized monsters. 1 DMG on large. Stuns target.

    The way it is right now:
    Estin: Full DMG on Medium, 1 DMG on small and large
    Estun: Full DMG on Small and Medium, 1 DMG on large. I'm not sure if it is just me but the stun is like never occurring.

    Regarding Taekwon
    has been there for a while now and I would really like to clarify if it
    is a bug at all and if not would like to know why it is the way it is
    now?. Tested with a TK ranker, when your kick stance is active or you
    dodge an attack with Breakfall you are unable to teleport using both
    flywing or bwing. There's a short delay after the stance/breakfall and
    the items used(wings) are consumed although they don't take effect. You
    have to wait/walk for like 2 seconds and use the item again for it to
    take effect. It's very annoying when you are trying to escape from a
    huge mob and breakfall keeps activating and making the char unable to
    teleport away. If this isn't a bug and if there is any alternative to
    change this behavior of the skills and the use of item please let me

    Additional info
    : I'm using pre-renewal setting with the latest working copy of
    Hercules and tested with multiple chars to confirm it. I tried it on the
    2013 clients.





    May I ask for little customizations to your nice script please ?

    • Upon talking to the KoE warper, people are not randomly warped on the map but they choose which entry they wanna spawn at (north,south,east,west); this would allow more tactic plans
    • When KoE ends, the Guild Leader (only him) would be granted access to a treasure room where [Choose an amount here] different boxes will spawn with customs rewards in it
    • Guild Leader has until the next KoE starts to redeem the boxes, if he doesn't then the boxes are lost



    Thanks !


    I can only do the 1st part ehhehe.. I'm not good in scripting.


        mes "Hello.";    mes "Would you like to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000?";	if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close;    switch(select( "North","East","West","South","Close" )) {        case 1:	warp "guild_vs1", 50, 88; end;        case 2:	warp "guild_vs1", 88, 50; end;        case 3:	warp "guild_vs1", 50, 11; end;        case 4:	warp "guild_vs1", 11, 50; end;	case 5: close;	}}

    Thanks for that Hadeszeus =]

  6. The easy protection against this "dupe", it's make check before giving item, it's easy, and like that it must be.




    if (Zeny >= .@coin_num * .coin_cost) {set Zeny, Zeny - .@coin_num * .coin_cost;if (Zeny >= .@coin_num * .coin_cost)   getitem .itemID,.@coin_num;} 



    But there, if know some guy, who was send packets  to the server. And some packets he just block by firewall. But it was in 2012.

    Now it do not work, really dunno why, did't test it. 

    Sweet, thanks.


    not really mail bugged. Mail system -> opens a door to send some items/zeny when you busy at bugged NPC.

    How usually people dupe (and i was dupe too...):

    1. find a bad code exchanger something to anything.
    2. this code must not check in the last part of the script parameters before giving some item. 




    mes "Hi i will change your zeny for coins";mes "how many you need?";input .@coins_count;if (Zeny < .@coins_count * .price_value)    end;getitem .coinID,.@coins_count;..open mail..set Zeny,Zeny - .@coins_count * .price_value; 


    And many many other exaples like that doing exploits. First of all, "@storage", @guildstorage, openmail it's just a "backdoor" to send some item before "checks".

    But in past, (200*-2012) this system was bugged and by sending some packets, you can crash the server, and make a buffer overflow money, or extra items by wrong checks, etc.


    Example # 2


    mes "bla bla";input .@coin_num;......if ( Zeny > .@coin_num * .coin_cost )....EXPLOIT opencart/storage/guildstoarge/etc and send to another account items & zeny etc.NEXT;mes "Congradulations you get coin! bla blba ~~";mes "And you get bug!";set Zeny,Zeny-.@coin_num * .coin_cost;getitem .coin_id,.@coin_num;end;

    Thanks for the in-depth explanation, now you make me want to double check some scripts.


    Disable the @mail command for normal players.

    you can still use mail system via alt+h then send message. or it can be access via npc.


    >>and also the *openmail



    but wait,

    why you want to disable it ? is there some kind of bug ?

    if using langtype 0, it working fine ...


    euphy's woe setter script uses mailbox to send the reward ..


    bug maybe...


    last time i have an issue with this mail system.. they can dup items via mail system and i dont know how they do it.. i just found out that they got loads of stuff so decided to mac ban them :P


    and oh i remember there is a same issue also i forgot if its here or on rA.


    disable the npc and dont put @mail commands on group 0 that's what i did after..

    yup there is a bug regarding on it specially when you have a @security on your server.



    I never was aware (I must not be the only one) people could dupe using a bug related to the mail system, could you please elaborate for us ?

    So we can take counter-measures too if necessary.

    Thanks !

  9. Hey~


    Any news regarding this please :) ?


    2- The moment a guild flags another one as antagonist, it should be equally flagged as antagonist in
    the other guild's books too. at the moment one guild can add another foe and start grieffing its members without any reciprocity (abuse-able). Which means, if one of these 2 guilds counts too many FoEs already (3); they can't flag / be flagged antagonist until they get a free slot again

     Allow me to expose a little scenario to demonstrate the essential use of such a feature:


    X Guild meets members of Y Guild in a random field.

    X's leader flags Y's as antagonists and X men start killing Y members.




    Y men can't hit back because their leader hasn't flagged X Guild as Antagonist yet




    Option 1: Reciprocity check (This option works almost identical to the official "Alliance" guild system;except in case of antagonism, no need to ask for confirmation):

    If X adds Y antagonist, then X gets automatically flagged as antagonist in Y's books too.

    If Y has the maximum amount of Antagonists allowed already,then X can't flag Y antagonist.

    Reciprocity would also work the opposite way: If X takes Y out of antagonist list, X is also taken out of Y's antagonist list.


    About allies, they shouldn't be taken into account in this system imo, this would make things way too complicated.

    Z can't attack/can't be attacked by X just because Z is Y's ally.

    Z would have to flag X as Foe to be able to fight it (therefore Antagonism system may not apply if X's Antagonist limits have already been reached) 


    Option 2: Announcement

    When X adds Y as Antagonist, there would be a self_broadcast to online members of both guilds saying "New Foe has been added !" (maybe with red letters for more visibility).

    So at least, if the 1rst option can't be done, at least people get warned.


    Option 3: Combo

    Option 1+ option 2 (would be fantastic) :)


    Why not turning the whole server PK ?:

    Not everyone likes PK servers, some people enjoy PvE/Quest aspect of the game and may dislike being randomly killed in fields.

    The good thing about this antagonism system is it allows people from specific rival guilds to kill each other even outside of PvP without harming anyone else around :D (for instance party members not guilded in any of the rival guilds)

    This should enhance the guild hatred/rivalry in a great fashion, without any external plugin/script but just using something native in Ragnarok.


    Hi everyone,


    I thought i should make a fresh thread instead of bumping another one.

    So here am I again, requesting the same modifications on the AnnieRuRu's KoE script:

    • KoE warper: People are not randomly warped on the KoE map but they choose which entry they want to spawn at (north,south,east,west); this should certainly emphasize the tactic dimension
    • When KoE ends, the Guild Leader is granted access to a treasure room where a customizable amount of Treasure boxes are waiting to be collected
    • Guild Leader has until the next KoE starts to redeem the boxes, if he doesn't then the boxes are lost

    Thanks !

    Agree with the First IDEA but not in the next two. 

    Well, it's not a poll to be honest, I'm requesting help to bend the script my way :)

    Back on topic, if I should have post on "script support section" then sorry for my mistake and would be great if a moderator could move the topic where it belongs, thanks.



    1- Is it possible to activate the Antagonism system without activating "alliance", thus providing a total War

    between guilds? (at the moment the system won't let you add any guild as antagonist if your turned guild alliance settings to 0 in conf/battle/guild.conf)


    2- The moment a guild flags another one as antagonist, it should be equally flagged as antagonist in

    the other guild's books too. at the moment one guild can add another foe and start grieffing its members without any reciprocity (abuse-able). Which means, if one of these 2 guilds counts too many FoEs already (3); they can't flag / be flagged antagonist until they get a free slot again

    1. possible by implementing as a script command

    but I don't think its possible to list more than 3 ...

    the client not able to list the 4th one when invite the 4th antagonist guild


    2. I think its possible ... just need an extra check the opponent guild already has max antagonist guild


    These 2 ideas are definitely great; hope the great Annie can get this to work :)

  12. Hi everyone,


    I thought i should make a fresh thread instead of bumping another one.

    So here am I again, requesting the same modifications on the AnnieRuRu's KoE script:

    • KoE warper: People are not randomly warped on the KoE map but they choose which entry they want to spawn at (north,south,east,west); this should certainly emphasize the tactic dimension
    • When KoE ends, the Guild Leader is granted access to a treasure room where a customizable amount of Treasure boxes are waiting to be collected
    • Guild Leader has until the next KoE starts to redeem the boxes, if he doesn't then the boxes are lost

    Thanks !


    Patskie's script uses Scenario #1


    for Scenario #2, its even easier

    -	script	custom_drop	-1,{OnNPCKillEvent:	if ( !getcharid(1) ) {		if ( rand(4000) < 25 ) // .@rand_gc_drop ... 25/4000 = 1/160			getitem 512,1;		if ( rand(2000) < 5 ) // .@rand_sc_drop .... 5/2000 = 1/400			getitem 513,1;		if ( rand(1000) < 1 ) // .@rand_gc_drop .... 1/1000			getitem 511,1;	}	else {		getpartymember getcharid(1), 1;		getpartymember getcharid(1), 2;		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) {			if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) {				if ( rand(4000) < 25 ) // .@rand_gc_drop ... 25/4000 = 1/160					getitem 512,1, $@partymemberaid[.@i];				if ( rand(2000) < 5 ) // .@rand_sc_drop .... 5/2000 = 1/400					getitem 513,1, $@partymemberaid[.@i];				if ( rand(1000) < 1 ) // .@rand_gc_drop .... 1/1000					getitem 511,1, $@partymemberaid[.@i];			}		}	}	end;}

    Hey Annie, hi all,


    So I'm finally using your script (scenario #2 :P) and I was wondering if we could add an idle check to it (can easily be abused by Alchemist/Creators with homunculus otherwise) which would "cancel" the custom drop if the player is flagged AFK.


    Thanks !

  14. Hello,


    May I ask for little customizations to your nice script please ?

    • Upon talking to the KoE warper, people are not randomly warped on the map but they choose which entry they wanna spawn at (north,south,east,west); this would allow more tactic plans
    • When KoE ends, the Guild Leader (only him) would be granted access to a treasure room where [choose an amount here] different boxes will spawn with customs rewards in it
    • Guild Leader has until the next KoE starts to redeem the boxes, if he doesn't then the boxes are lost



    Thanks !

    bumpy :3


    -	script	kdjshfksfj	-1,{OnInit:	bindatcmd "autoloot", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReqItem";	bindatcmd "alootid", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReqItem";	bindatcmd "autolootitem", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReqItem";	bindatcmd "autoloottype", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReqItem";	end;OnReqItem:	.@itemid = Red_Potion; // require item	if ( !countitem( .@itemid ) ) {		message strcharinfo(0), "You must have "+ getitemname( .@itemid ) +" to use "+ .@atcmd_command$;		end;	}	if ( .@atcmd_numparameters )		atcommand .@atcmd_command$ +" "+ implode( .@atcmd_parameters$, " " );	else		atcommand .@atcmd_command$;	end;}
    why not just use bindatcmd and overwrite those autoloot stuffs

    so you can rentitem with an expire tick, then while the player having the items, they can use autoloot

    By the way I read in a different topic the "attachtimer" function shouldn't be used too often, is it relevant in this case ?

    attachnpctimer and addtimer is a different case


    1. attachnpctimer is a npc type timer that is attached to the npc

    2. addtimer is a player type timer that is attached to the player

    they are different

    3. sleep type timer ... my favorite

    4. static timer ... gettimetick(2)

    Thanks  for this suggestion Annie, it works great this way /no1

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