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Dies Irae

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About Dies Irae

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  1. i tried making a custom patch but it didnt work .... the players only get the error with lite client... so frustrating any ideas ? thnx Then the solution is into the difference between lite and full client. Just remind what you did (while packing your lite client archive) ... GRFs are the same for both? EXE is the same for both? EXE got the same patches/DIFFs for both? Outdated DATA.INI for the lite client? Did you modified some file into your System folder and have forget an update for the lite client? Full client is reading the sprite properly and allows players to play without problems. Just spot the difference between your lite client and your full client. Else ... make a new lite client. Take custom GRFs, EXE, System folder, DATA.INI, Data folder from your Full client and make an archive (7z, WinZip/WinRar) that will become your new Lite client. Player will have to download the new source and install it into a fresh RO folder, but at least they should be able to play without problems.
  2. Ragnarok Online 57% - 43% Mabinogi
  3. Adding Custom Items Item Bonus Scripts (you can also find this into your "...doc" folder, check for item_bonus.txt file) Adding Card's Illustrations : this or this Search button is your best friend forever.
  4. Seems the voting poll will be re-opened/defaulted Friday. Somebody must have cheated. (Info from RMS forum, thanks yC)
  5. Did you tried making a patch for your custom GRF to fix it? Like ... make a custom update with male and female HW sprites. If it's not about your GRF/DATA.INI must be something on source code, where the HW classe is defined. This seems the same error reported here. Can be an issue on recent client's packets?
  6. Try removing the following lines from your clientinfo.xml ... <hideaccountlist /><extendedslot /><readfolder /> Else ... into yours conf/login-server.conf or conf/import/login_conf.txt did you enabled this features? // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ?check_client_version: yes// What version we would allow to connect? (if the options above is enabled..)client_version_to_connect: 27 If you did then remember both versions (server side and clientinfo.xml) should match (I did input 27 since your clientinfo.xml have that value on it).
  7. With NEMO Patcher set the following DIFF: Use Ascii on All Langtypes (Recommended) In your clientinfo.xml use a proper langtype. In your case 12 or 18 (French have ç symbol too). I had your same issue, so I did a try. I don't know why goes this way (maybe some pro will answer) but this fixed my problem. Just putting langtype in my clientinfo.xml and the ASCII DIFF on Nemo didn't worked. I thought the default client font didn't supported accents and latin fonts (èéòàùç) so I tried adding a DIFF with NEMO: Use Custom Font -> BlackladderITC (the one I picked) or anything ... don't really matters since later will be removed. Apply (don't close NEMO, minimize it). Move your new client in your RO folder and run it. Authenticate and once in game try typing "ç". It should work. Close your RO client. Back to NEMO, remove the Use Custom Font DIFF and apply again. Move the new client in your RO folder/overwrite. DONE Let us know. Hope it solves ... EDIT : Could depend by conf/char-server.conf and missing "ç" there?: // Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option.// Note: Don't add spaces unless you mean to add 'space' to the list.char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890
  8. Ok ... while I was reading/replying you and testing some changes ... seems I have solved. I've modified my clientinfo.xml (tried few langtypes and server versions). After some client crash and failed connection into the login-server (that made me think was the right way to follow ... finally some communication between client and server!) now anything seems in working order and able to login/create accounts with the _M/F function. Below my new clientinfo.xml ... To note: the old lines ... <hideaccountlist /> <passwordencrypt /> <passwordencrypt2 /> <extendedslot /> <readfolder />... have been removed. I've tested also some client DIFF with enabled/disabled "Read DATA folder first" and "SSO Login Packet" but in both cases it's working, for now I will keep it the way it is. In other words: I don't really have a clear idea on how I fixed it, but seems those lines into my clientinfo.xml gave the connection problems. The only problem is that now my old admin account cannot login (error: "Incorrect userid or password. Try again. (1)") ... I will just modify the new account GM level into SQL database. I will keep testing and investigating. Till new updates any user with the same problem consider those lines as cause of the problem. A warm thanks to jaBote; thanks also to shakto for his "2013 Ragexe Support" thread (gave some purpose to be tested). PS: Yes, it's for personal use, so no worries about posting actual user/password around. Thanks for the thought.
  9. Unlucky is not.I tried makin a new account, or digit a wrong password on my admin account (admin:password -> admin:password1 ... to try getting at least the "Wrong password or username" error). Nothing. It just don't communicates to the server (map-server, login-server and char-server batch don't reports any error or activity ... nothing). I assume the client is not communicating properly with the server. conf/map-server.conf and conf/map-server.conf ? Same file? Must be a typo.Anyway: I checked all the "...confimport" files twice and my settings seems well done. I will post them below here ... maybe I'm wrong (I think I can do idiot errors, since it's my first server). ...confimportchar_conf.txt ...confimportinter_conf.txt ...confimportlogin_conf.txt ...confimportmap_conf.txt Other "...conf" files and "...confimport" files haven't been edited. Thanks for your patience.
  10. Hello. After trying with rAthena and having too many errors I decided to give a try to Hercules (that has been really better!). This is my first server, even if I'm reading eA and rA since years. I just wanna make a server but I'm having some issues on first steps. I have downloaded a fresh Hercules emulator Made my own "...confimport" folder (and related .txt files) Checked if "...srccommonmmo.h" contains the right packetver (#define PACKETVER 20131223 -> I'm using 2013-12-23cRagexe.exe patched with NEMO Patcher) Recompiled. Setted MySQL schemas and user (superuser for server communication + my admin account) Patched my client Made a GRF (converting to UNICODE file paths/names, with my custom "dataclientinfo.xml") Made a DATA.INI file with my custom GRF listed as first Started runserver with no errors (unlocking Windows Firewall/granting UAC permissions forever) Runned client, given my credentials/tried to make a new account with _M/F (I have setted it enabled into my "...confimportlogin_conf.txt") "Failed to connect to server" Assuming MySQL5 instance is running properly (system tray monitor says so), I don't get any char/map/login-server error and my GRF is properly done ... why the server keeps erroring with "Failed to connect to server"? I'm running on localhost ( but I cannot figure why this happens. Here some screen and code to help you solving my problem. clientinfo.xml NEMO Patcher log login-server + char-server map-server Side note: I checked many posts on both rA and Hercules but cannot find any solution. The only thing I thought could help didn't worked (I gave a try to this). Thanks for any help (hopeful I have posted on the right section ... I have really no idea if it depends on client or emulator configurations). If need more infos just have to ask.
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