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Posts posted by Hyoru

  1. Hello!

    Ops, wrong area.. It's not a request. Just need support. Sorry.


    I'm having trouble to recolor this Lightsaber:




    I followed jTynne's guide: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3842-guide-how-to-recolor-sprites-by-eiphes/

    and when I imput the .bmp into the Actor the lighsaber is still blue (I'm using photoshop cs 5)


    When I edit with paint the actor shows this:




    Please help!

    Thank you.

  2. Hello! (I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, sorry.)


    I'm trying to use a 3rd job to be another evolution of Taekwon, but I can't change the skilltree. I mean, to Rune Knight, remove the swordman, knight skills and add Taekwon skills.

    If someone can help I would appreciate it.


    I'm using 2013-12-23 client



  3. Hello!


    I'm trying to add a Custom Weapon to Soul Linker


    This folder:




    and then:





    I followed this guide http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_weapons


    I tested the same weapon to Knight


    sprite/Àΰ£Á·/±â»ç and it works just fine.


    I just think that the problem is the Soul Linker Folder.


    Btw, I'm using client 2013-12-23 with the last version of hercules.



  4. I added delay on my yggdrasil berry:


    	Id: 607	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"	Type: 0	Buy: 5000	Delay: 2500	Weight: 300	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">

    But now, when the delay is on shows me


    NO MSG: 1862

    NO MSG: 1862

    NO MSG: 1862


    I've tried to add at messages.conf but didnt work.


    Someone can help me, please?
    Thanks in advanced.

  5. This script isn't work.


    prontera,156,178,4	script	ChangeMe	910,{	if (getgmlevel() < 10) end;	set .@AID, getcharid(3);	// save their RID		mes "Hello GM";	mes "Enter the char's name:";	input .@name$;	query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+escape_sql(.@name$)+"'", .@account_id,.@name$;	if (!.@account_id) {		mes "^FF0000     This player doesn't exist!";		close;	}	mes "How many cash point would you like give to^0000FF " + .@name$ + "^000000?";	input .@amt;	if (.@amt < 1) {		mes "^FF0000     Amount must be positive.";		close;	}		mes " ";	mes "Give "+.@amt+" cash points to "+.@name$+"?";	if(select("Yes:No")==2) close;		if (attachrid(.@account_id)) {		set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@amt;		dispbottom "Gained "+.@amt+" cash points. Total "+#CASHPOINTS+" points";	} else {		query_sql "SELECT COUNT(`account_id`) FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str`='#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id`='"+.@account_id+"'", .@update;		if (.@update)			query_sql "UPDATE `global_reg_value` SET `value` = (CAST(`value` AS UNSIGNED)+'"+.@amt+"') WHERE `str`='#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id`='"+.@account_id+"'";		else			query_sql "INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ('#CASHPOINTS',"+.@amt+",2,"+.@account_id+")";	}	attachrid(.@AID);	mes "Gave "+.@amt+" cash points to "+.@name$+".";	close;}

    It add CASH to players even if they're offline.


    I tried to change 'global_reg_value' to 'acc_reg_num_db' but didnt work.


    Thanks in advanced.

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