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Posts posted by Blinzer

  1. new edit feb 18, 2019: me and haziel have been talking. he compensated me nicely and handsomely a couple of weeks ago, and now we're talking business again. as such, the situation between me and him is pretty much resolved.


    the guy does quality work, that's why i'll continue to support him. :)

  2. 7 hours ago, luizragna said:

    Strange, does some error appear somewhere?


    Loading NPC file: npc/cities/limitless.txt[K [1m[31m[Error][0m: [?5h                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [?5lscript error in file 'npc/cities/limitless.txt' line 204 column 4

        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       201:         {
       202:                 .HP_Bar = 1;
       203:                 .mobGID = monster ("payon",148,226,"[T] HP Test",POPORING,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDie");
    *  204:                         [1m[31ms[0metunitdata .mobGID,UDT_MAXHP,4000;
       205:                         setunitdata .mobGID,UDT_HP,4000;
       206:                 .@count = getunits(BL_PC, .@units, false, "payon");
       207:                 for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++)

  3. sure it's possible, just find the str bonus formula in status.c here:




    not sure which one of these exactly is your problem, but it's somewhere around this area.

  4. battle.c is where you change the damage for any skill.


    i've been looking for stuff like this myself, particularly i'm trying to change how quickly multihits hit next. i don't understand why they're so damn hard to find. anyways, my guess is this. this is where special exceptions for AoE skills are defined, so i assume the "non special exception" is for the rest of the AoE skills. the problem is i have no clue where any of this is defined for each skill individually:




    i might be wrong though, but i can confirm that both of the spells do inflict a square so that might actually be it. where the hell is the i variable then?:



  5. i've gone down this path already, here's a suggestion. if you plan to make custom potion formulas, make sure you create or modify at least one creation guide in-game and make it easily accessible, so people actually know what's going on with the world.

  6. refinement right now gives atk2 based on the level. i want to add an additional modifier that multiplies your base ATK by 1% +1%*weaponlvl for each refine. i.e.: level 4 weapon at +10 gives 50% more base ATK, level 2 weapon at +10 gives 30% more base ATK. i know i've asked for this like 3 times, but i kind of need it lol. as usual, i'll tip in bch(bitcoincash).

  7. got it. in my case, i had to change View to the correct weapon class since my database is old and doesn't support subtype. the client info was useful as well, i may need that in the future. thanks man.

  8. EbWlkJZ.png


    fixed everything,i just had to switch type to 4 and Loc: 2. one very last problem: the game doesn't identify it as an axe, and i know this because it doesn't give the ASPD penalty for wielding an axe. how to fix? there must be a list of axes somewhere or something that says "from 1101 to 1150 it's 1 handed swords, from 1301 to 1350 one handed axes" etc. since in my old database there's nothing like the subtype.


    i can provide the version of hercules i'm using if you tell me what file to look at, if necessary.


    also, make a bch wallet(bitcoincash) and i'll tip you.

  9. 4 hours ago, Myriad said:

    my suggestion start over and import all your old content to fresh hercules and follow improved practices, so then you can simply
    git add remote origin Merge https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git
    git fetch Merge
    git merge Merge/master
    ...resolve any conflicts (shud be not many if any)

    and voila you up to date with hercules

    plugins, item_db2 and mob_db2 help immensely with this. it will take a long time to import ur stuff, but it is worth it in my opinion.


    i wish i could, but i have 1000+ source changes and 2000+ items in the item database. 11mb diff file. that would require weeks of pure grind that i'm not willing to go through at this point in time. past me was dumb, that's for sure. by the time i tried to be more responsible, i was already 30 meters deep.

    the Inherit: false seems a good strategy, having a script that would add it before every }, in my old database and simply renaming it to item_db2 would probably work(or maybe i can trick notepad++ into doing it for me without needing a script?). then the only issue would be making sure the new updated item_db is being read without exploding, which i will try to do now. i can manually resolve rogues, as long as it's a reasonable amount of cases(=<100 cases) and i have a clear explanation of which ones they are.


    read below.

  10. i'm going from newer database to older database, not the other way around. i'm pretty sure they already have a converter for old->new.

    also, my old database takes priority over the new one. if ID 2301 exists in my database and the more updated one, i need to have my old 2301 as the one in the final new database, and the new database also need to exist in the old format i am already currently using..

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