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Posts posted by arisgamers

  1. you need to change packetver in hercules too.


    1. open [hercules drectory]srccommonmmo.h

    2. find these line :


    #ifndef PACKETVER
     #define PACKETVER 20140205
    #endif // PACKETVER

    3. change the date(text in bold) to match with your client date.

    4. rebuild the server

  2. which class lvl did you change ?

    make sure you change the correct one


    note :

    on default setting :

    1. novice, all first class, and second class max base lvl is 99

    2. only third class and probably second expanded class (Taekwon Master, Soul Linker, Kagerou, Oboro, & Rebellion) max base lvl > 100

  3. <p>Looks like the one from kisuka is the original.<br />

    <br />

    Anyway, can i updating git by using github in Windows (git the source code from github like how we obtain and updating hercules) ?<br />

    <br />

    And if it can,<br />

    1. how to do it ?<br />

    2. where should i put the clone ? (in same folder with installed Git or in separate folder ?)<br />

    3. how can i compile it in Windows ?(I saw if Git is made with gcc, which is common in Linux/UNIX, but not in Windows)</p>

  4. I tried to unpack 2014-04-16aRagexe.rgz with winrar,

    i got 2014-04-16aRagexe (without any extension).


    I tried to rename it to 2014-04-16aRagexe.exe (just give it exe extension),

    and patch it with Nemo, sadly it didn't work (got some error message).


    How to get the properly file (2014-04-16aRagexe.exe) from rgz file?

  5. I have try using new map_cache.dat, there was nothing important in the middle of morocc yet (no NPC, or anything important).

    So for me is better on using official map_cache.dat to avoid conflict in the future.


    thanks for all the explanation anyway.

  6. after i make new map_cache.dat for rebuilded morroc,

    what will happen if in the future hercules officially update their map_cache.dat ?

    which one will i keep when i pull hercules? (the one that i built, or the official one)


    Nope, you can't do this.

    No no no no no no no.


    @Yommy - Dammit to all hell, I was almost done with your "nozoki_ana_yom_signature.psd"  :mellow:

    Well my friend, you know we all love ya & I am sure you won't ever be far from our thoughts.



    If you are a fan of Yommy's Contributions to Athena please

    feel free to add this to your signatures to show your support:



    how to add that image in our signature?

    never mind, already found it  :P

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