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Everything posted by ぽろり

  1. removing 3rd job (quest related or not) npc will remove 3rd job in the game without actually removing it from the system.
  2. changing max_preserve = 4 * pc->checkskill(sd, WL_FREEZE_SP) + (status_get_int(&sd->bl) + sd->status.base_level) / 10; to max_preserve = 2; is a way that works for me, although you have to configure every "PreservePoints" in spellbook_db.txt to 1 since each of the skills have their own preserve points 14,1,6190 // limits cold bolt to 2 reads and 2 release.
  3. so you wanna read 2 spell books then release it 2x?
  4. src/map/skill.h #define MAX_SKILL_SPELLBOOK_DB 17 and you have to configure preserve points in db/spellbook_db.txt
  5. str = (int)(rstr + (float)dex/5 + (float)st->luk/3 + (float)((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.base_level/4); this statement carries the formula adding atk for stats str/dex/luk rstr = actual str the user has meaning 1 str = 1bAtk dex = dex/5 per bAtk st->luk/3 = luk divided by 3 per bAtk for example replacing rstr with (rstr *2) provides 2atk per str: str = (int)((rstr*2) + (float)dex/5 + (float)st->luk/3 + (float)((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.base_level/4);
  6. i think youre looking for this function status_base_atk in src/map/status.c
  7. kRO's data.grf/rdata.grf extract it.
  8. missing this file 하이위저드_남.imf or ÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå_³².imf from your imf folder, id say update your data.grf/rdata.grf or extract your imf folder from data and paste to your custom.grf
  9. name: 특가b alternative name: Ư°¡b its a cash shop button.
  10. いthink your stats seller does a different functions like granting permanent stat (i.e atcommands like @int, @dex @str etc..), it resets the stats used not the stat points given by statpoint.txt. statpoint.txt is your table giving the stat points for every level, although you have to change the constant values inside and you may not need the use of stat seller.
  11. db/re/statpoint.txt for renewal and db/pre-re/statpoint.txt for pre-re
  12. skill_tree.conf seems you added more skills to the super novice's skill tree.
  13. the best solution i can think of is updating you data.grf, it would be painless. else try this grf which has my effect data from my data.grf since i think this is the problem or your imf folder. https://www.mediafire.com/?i3tgg4ihfd78bgd
  14. http://herc.ws/board/topic/5695-where-to-find-full-throttle-files/ linked
  15. not found in kRO's data.grf and jRO's, its using this name instead of the old Silver coin's
  16. client.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client. min_hair_style: 0 max_hair_style: 27 min_hair_color: 0 max_hair_color: 8 min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 4
  17. item_rate_equip: 10000 -> Normal item_rate_equip_boss: 10000 - > Boss read whats on the comment "//"
  18. ^^ meaning the game is actually running but no one is paying attention or in layman's term, the game is sinking. @offtopic lol sry
  19. ^^ there is a specific constant data on mob_db regarding specific mob drop with its specific drop rate. 1272,DARK_LORD,Dark Lord,Dark Lord,96,1190900,1,714240,558000,2,3027,5112,330,168,118,136,154,142,161,66,10,12,2,6,89,0x37B5,100,868,768,480,357120,7005,6000,5093,500,617,2000,1615,800,2004,100,1237,300,2334,300,2507,100,985,5141,5162,10,0,0,0,0,4168,1
  20. It is really up to you, if you are fad of rATHENA or Hercules. You can find most of the changes here http://herc.ws/board/forum/12-repository-news/ wiki is also helpful, http://herc.ws/wiki/Main_Page i don't know any book other than the one K&R wrote which is probably pretty hard to read unless you can read twisted/old english statements. you can use SVN to get the trunk instead of Github if that is easy for you.
  21. lua or lub folder. sprite ofcourse. imf folder ( if you are using mounts and stuff ).
  22. resnametable in your grf, and know how to add map in your server
  23. It does not really say what the item's effect is. but it seems its nothing since its a costume. Type: Costume Defence: 0 Location/Position: Upper Weight: 0 Required/Requested Level: 1 Equipment: All occupations/ Everyjob
  24. have you tried using @itemlist and check if you have the actual egg?
  25. Just so you know, not everything is controlled by lua unlike WOW or such. I think lua is only client related, server is mostly controlled with C language. you can download a basic RO(kRO) client here - http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_kROLinks
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