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Everything posted by JiGsGfx

  1. it works like a charm thank you so much
  2. i have a problem with my Alt+Q content like you see below Equipment said "The item price is to high. / 1 vs 1" i think its because im using 2013-08-07 msgstringtable does anyone of you know where can i get msgstringtable for 2013-07-03 tried to search for it but cant find any i found one but not sure its fine with my client http://herc.ws/board/files/file/24-ro-client-package-for-private-server/ will try it out first
  3. tried to used client 2013-07-03 and its ok now i can now click on NPC without DC
  4. Be sure to have msgstringtable.txt of your date only: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/blob/master/Data/MsgString/%5B2013-08-07Ragexe%5Dmsgstringtable.txt (But unsure, since you said, you and other have same data, and they don't crash..) tried to use client 2013-12-23 but the client freeze and not responding after patcher Start Game also tried to see the differences of my client 2013-08-07 msgstringtable to the one that you gave found lots of differences, will it cause problem to have different msgstring?
  5. you mean guys that i need to change my client date?
  6. all NPC, no Crash and server are still UP im only the one who's disconnected... and others don't experience my problem its weird coz we're using the same client coz im the one who provide them what to use
  7. Hi, does anyone of you knows how to solve this problem of mine? i have a problem Everytime my character click an NPC Error appeared saying "Disconnected from Server" this happens when i tried to disable my renewal settings from src/config/renewal.h then recompile my server not sure if its my client exe or what coz everythings fine before... im using 2013-08-07aRagexe did tried like Disable Nagle Algorithm but still same problem i tried also to disable packet_obfuscation but still same problem also tried to use my backup before i did the recompile same error please help thanks in advance
  8. thanks to Juvia i mis input the log_db_db: i put ragnarok instead of log
  9. hi, just want to ask what's the problem on my test server coz my client can't connect and don't see any logs on the login server when trying to connect. my inter-server use also my clientinfo and the only thing i can see is the SQL error "loginlog" coz i know that i dont have table for "loginlog" i only have "log" table kindly see attached image Thanks
  10. thanks to Pan and Properties, although Pan suggestion is kind of complicated for me so i tried Properties suggestion and it works... thanks for the two of you /no1
  11. hi, im new to hercules and i cloned and pull hercules and tried to compile it using v.studio express 2010 but it doesn't make server's .exe coz i'm having problem, i'll use it as a test server. 1>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: plugin-sample, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: mapcache, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: map-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: login-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: char-server, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------2> core.c2> console.c3> grammar.c3> libconfig.c2> des.c3> scanctx.c3> scanner.c2> grfio.c4> grammar.c4> libconfig.c4> scanctx.c4> scanner.c5> grammar.c5> libconfig.c5> scanctx.c5> scanner.c2> malloc.c5> strbuf.c4> strbuf.c5> mt19937ar.c3> strbuf.c5> conf.c4> conf.c3> mt19937ar.c2> showmsg.c2> strlib.c5> core.c3> conf.c5> console.c4> mempool.c5> db.c3> core.c3> console.c4> mutex.c3> db.c2> sysinfo.c4> raconf.c5> ers.c2> utils.c4> thread.c3> des.c2> nullpo.c5> HPM.c3> ers.c4> account_sql.c2> mapcache.c4> ipban_sql.c3> grfio.c3> HPM.c4> login.c3> malloc.c4> loginlog_sql.c5> malloc.c5> mapindex.c4> core.c3> mapindex.c5> mempool.c5> mutex.c3> md5calc.c5> nullpo.c3> mempool.c3> mutex.c5> raconf.c4> console.c5> random.c5> showmsg.c5> socket.c4> db.c4> ers.c5> sql.c3> nullpo.c5> strlib.c3> raconf.c4> HPM.c4> malloc.c3> random.c5> sysinfo.c3> showmsg.c3> socket.c2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt3> sql.c6>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: plugin-HPMHooking, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------6>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration 4> md5calc.c3> strlib.c4> nullpo.c4> random.c3> sysinfo.c4> showmsg.c5> thread.c4> socket.c5> timer.c5> utils.c3> thread.c5> char.c4> sql.c3> timer.c5> int_auction.c4> strlib.c5> int_elemental.c5> int_guild.c3> utils.c3> atcommand.c4> sysinfo.c4> timer.c3> battle.c4> utils.c3> battleground.c5> int_homun.c4> mt19937ar.c3> buyingstore.c5> int_mail.c5> int_mercenary.c5> int_party.c5> int_pet.c5> int_quest.c3> chat.c5> int_storage.c5> inter.c4> Creating library ..login-server.lib and object ..login-server.exp4>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt5> pincode.c3> chrif.c3> clif.c3> date.c3> duel.c5> Creating library ..char-server.lib and object ..char-server.exp5>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt3> elemental.c3> guild.c3> intif.c3> irc-bot.c3> itemdb.c3> log.c3> mail.c3> map.c3> mapreg_sql.c3> homunculus.c3> HPMmap.c3> instance.c3> mercenary.c3> mob.c3> npc.c3> npc_chat.c3> party.c3> path.c3> pc.c3> pc_groups.c3> pet.c3> quest.c3> script.c3> searchstore.c3> skill.c3> status.c3> storage.c3> trade.c3> unit.c3> vending.c3> Creating library ..map-server.lib and object ..map-server.exp3>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 4 failed, 2 skipped ========== thanks in advance
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