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About iramenous

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  1. Is it okay if I ask for a Coin Trader NPC Request? mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Do you wish to convert your zenny or your coin?"; Menu: Convert Coin Convert Zenny ((If Coin mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Bronze Coin - 5,000,000"; mes "Silver Coin - 30,000,000"; mes "Gold Coin - 100,000,000"; mes "Mithril Coin - 300,000,000"; mes "Platinum Coin - 500,000,000"; Menu: Bronze Coin (Letter color is Brown) Silver Coin (Letter color is Silver) Gold Coin (Letter color is Yellow) Mithril Coin (Letter color is Metal) Platinum Coin (Letter color is Dark Green) (Or based on their colors) ((If Any on the Menus stated above mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Thank you for converting your coins to zenny!"; close;)) ((If Zenny mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Bronze Coin - 5,000,000"; mes "Silver Coin - 30,000,000"; mes "Gold Coin - 100,000,000"; mes "Mithril Coin - 300,000,000"; mes "Platinum Coin - 500,000,000"; Menu: Bronze Coin (Letter color is Brown) Silver Coin (Letter color is Silver) Gold Coin (Letter color is Yellow) Mithril Coin (Letter color is Metal) Platinum Coin (Letter color is Dark Green) (Or based on their colors) ((If Any on the Menus stated above mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Thank you for converting your coins to zenny!"; close; ((If no Zeny or Coin mes "[Coin Trader]"; mes "Sorry, it seems that you haven't met the requirements..."; mes "Please check your inventory."; close;
  2. Can someone give me a script for Stat Seller NPC? mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "Welcome!"; mes "I can give you instant 10 stats, for a little fee."; mes "Are you interested?"; menu: Yes No ((if Yes mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "I see before that I'll explain everything to you!"; next; mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "I can give you 10 Status Points for 4,000,000."; mes "The stats that I'll be giving will be made permanent"; mes "but all bought stats will be deleted, once you changed your job or reset your stats."; next; mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "You can choose which stats to be added."; mes "Do you wish to continue?"; menu: Yes No ((if Yes mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "Please choose a Stat to permanently add"; menu: Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk ((if Any of the Menus remove zenny - 10,000,000 @??? - 10 (Max Stats: 255) mes "[stat Seller]"; mes "Thank you and come again!"; close; ((If No mes "[stats Seller]"; mes "I'll always be at your service!";)) close; ((If No mes "[stats Seller]"; mes "I'll always be at your service!";)) close; ((If No 10,000,000 mes "[stats Seller]"; mes "You don't have the exact amount that I gave you!"; mes "Don't rush yourself in, I'm always here..."; close; Thank you!
  3. Can I request a script that you can jail a player for how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds? And you can reduce their time jail.. @Jailsend <Player_Name> <Time> y- Year mt- Months w- Weeks d- Day h- hours ms- minutes s- seconds @Jailreduce <Player_Name> <Time> y- Year mt- Months w- Weeks d- Day h- hours ms- minutes s- seconds Thanks in advance for those kind hearts <3
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