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    Ridley got a reaction from Quazi for a file, "New Reborn" integrated job master   
    I did this a while ago. In order to use this script you need Olrox new_reborn map

    This script is no physical job changer. instead each spike of the star shaped map represents a path of the classes. You walk up there to change your job. Extended Job's are available from a normal npc in the middle.
    Important: This script uses Euphys default herc job changer as a base.
    - the script gives out a +7 novi weapon for each of the base classes (check line 355 to 392)
    - it has some fancy warp portals, feel free to edit it to default
    - even more fancy, ressource eating rotating waiting rooms for exit and entrance (default prontera) which can be disabled as well (line 502 and 530)
    - autobuff inc agi +10 for 1 minute each time you walk directly through the middle (or spawn)
    - you can NOT skip rebirth. 1st job -> 2nd -> rebirth -> trans ->3rd
    - it also has support for rebellion, but rebellion is not yet added on herc so you might want to disable it
    This script was already tested live and worked fine. I did some edits tho but never optimized it since I lost interest in it. However, I think its something different from default Job Masters
    Note: I really recommend to read through it and check for all options.
    Some Screenshots
  2. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from estoudegreve for a file, Status Ailments   
    Add it to your data\sprite\ÀÌÆÑÆ®
  3. Like
    Ridley got a reaction from rayhanalka for a file, Collection - Fixed Dungeon Maps   
    As we know some maps have spots outside the actual map players can't reach, but it can happen mobs and specially bosses (in this case Ifrit) can spawn there.
    This is a fixed version of those. There is actually no need to add this to your grf, just use the map file and update your mapcache from it's gat.
    Note: Please let me know if you spot maps where you can warp
  4. Upvote
    Ridley reacted to raPalooza~ for a file, Town of Beginnings from SwordArtOnline   
    Town of Beginnings from SAO

    I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;]

    Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want.

    Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic
  5. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from EJD for a file, Status Ailments   
    Add it to your data\sprite\ÀÌÆÑÆ®
  6. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from heallergunz for a file, Status Ailments   
    Add it to your data\sprite\ÀÌÆÑÆ®
  7. Upvote
    Ridley reacted to Hyvraine for a file, Stellar - FluxCP (Herc FluxCP)   
    Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net
    Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
    Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns
    Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think.
    WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL:
    This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages.
    Extract the RAR file in the themes folder.  In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go.
    Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php.
    Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff.
    For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions.
  8. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from elinhopp for a file, "New Reborn" integrated job master   
    I did this a while ago. In order to use this script you need Olrox new_reborn map

    This script is no physical job changer. instead each spike of the star shaped map represents a path of the classes. You walk up there to change your job. Extended Job's are available from a normal npc in the middle.
    Important: This script uses Euphys default herc job changer as a base.
    - the script gives out a +7 novi weapon for each of the base classes (check line 355 to 392)
    - it has some fancy warp portals, feel free to edit it to default
    - even more fancy, ressource eating rotating waiting rooms for exit and entrance (default prontera) which can be disabled as well (line 502 and 530)
    - autobuff inc agi +10 for 1 minute each time you walk directly through the middle (or spawn)
    - you can NOT skip rebirth. 1st job -> 2nd -> rebirth -> trans ->3rd
    - it also has support for rebellion, but rebellion is not yet added on herc so you might want to disable it
    This script was already tested live and worked fine. I did some edits tho but never optimized it since I lost interest in it. However, I think its something different from default Job Masters
    Note: I really recommend to read through it and check for all options.
    Some Screenshots
  9. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from aszrool for a file, Starter map (iz_int) *both versions*   
    Back in January (or even december) iz_int was replaced for the new beginners quest (and I'm not talking about the academy). If you use academy, the spawn point won't fit since the coordinates on the new map is different.
    The files offered here:
    iz_int (academy beginners) screenshot 1
    iz_int (new beginners) screenshot 2
  10. Upvote
    Ridley got a reaction from vinciover for a file, Status Ailments   
    Add it to your data\sprite\ÀÌÆÑÆ®
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