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About Linne

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  • Birthday 12/29/1995

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    Game World
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  1. kd kd kd seu server

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. evilpuncker


      eu não existo

    3. Linne


      Eu sei, só toaqui pra sugar e pa sou cria do cronus



    4. evilpuncker


      todo mundo ja pertenceu ao cornus um dia kkk

  2. The Pet Evolution System, Rodex and achievement system already exist in herc.ws emulator? If yes, in what hexed work?
  3. Does anyone have? Or is custom them?
  4. skill_tree.txt > http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7H8iifRt I want to replace with the new one. skill_tree.conf in my Ragnarok Naruto Online
  5. Is there any converter skill_tree.txt > skill_tree.conf such as the item_db haru.ws? http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/ I'm so sorry , google translation ! LOLLOLOL
  6. hosts the data folder on megaupload or mediafire for me? Just A Note: Megaupload is down from years, and mediafire does not allow those big files. NewMegaupload: https://mega.co.nz/
  7. hosts the data folder on megaupload or mediafire for me?
  8. Someone pass me the link of the hexed + data 2013-12-23?
  9. me avisa qdo seu server estiver pronto <3

  10. Thanks guys. Solved <3
  11. Como faço para a função do showevent (abrir emoticons nos npcs) ficar sempre ON, no momento ela só é ativa caso eu click no npc e abre a fala. Agradeço a atenção.
  12. thank you, was wrong: // MySQL Log SQL Databaselog_db_ip: 3306log_db_id: rootlog_db_pw: ragnaroklog_db_db: ragnaroklog_codepage:log_login_db: loginlog
  13. I created a database called "ragnarok" and imported the main.sql then I created one named "log" and imported the logs.sql
  14. Could anyone help me solve this?
  15. thank you very much, helped me a lot
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