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nuna last won the day on October 10 2019

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About nuna

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  1. Example I want to get item to one npc and it will require 1 hr again to get or talk to him. (Timer will count even you log out) Thanks!!
  2. Example: during woe. I would like to record all the break announcement that can be seen on an npc. Npc will show: [NPCname] Kriemhild castle has been conquered by playername1 of the guildname1. close;
  3. Does anyone has the script for the longest agit defender? wherein every second of defending the agit counts. Here's the criteria of what i'm looking for: - An npc in which shows the Top 10 Longest Agit Defender the npc will show somehow like this: [Top 10 Longest Agit Defender] Top 1: Ganja Guild : 10 minutes 14 seconds // top 1: <guild name> : <defending time> Top 2: Ganja2 Guild : 8 minutes 10 seconds // top 2: <guild name> : <defending time> //and so on. . . . //not a matter of points, but a matter of time on how long does the guild defend their castle - after clicking 'next' it will also show the Longest Agit Defender of the Day which resets after woe [ Longest Agit Defender of the Day ] September 24, 2015 - Kriemhild //<date of defend> - <defended castle name> - Ganja Guild - 10 minutes 12 seconds // //- <guild name> : <defending time> Credits to: https://rathena.org/board/topic/103232-request-longest-agit-defender-script/ Message me asap and lets talk
  4. Hello everyone. Im having problem with this https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/NPC/security.txt whenever i tried the max failed attempt which is 3. The character will not be banned. Also the chatlog shown charname doesnt exist. Hope anyone can fix it and make it @kick instead of ban. already did change atcommand "@ban +"+.ban_hour+"h \""+strcharinfo(0)+"\""; //Ban the Player for 1 hour. with atcommand "@kick \""+strcharinfo(0)+"\""; //Ban the Player for 1 hour. but no luck. Thanks in advance!
  5. hello how can i add announce on specific item if get and make it have amount value? function script boxrandom { setarray .@reward, 607, 60, 612, 10, 611, 10, 608, 10, 678, 5, 675, 5; set .@size, getarraysize( .@reward ); for( set .@i, 1; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { .@percent[.@i] = .@total + .@reward[.@i]; .@total += .@reward[.@i]; } .@r = rand( .@total +1 ); for( set .@i, 1; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) if( .@percent[.@i] > .@r ) break; getitem .@reward[ .@i-1 ], 1; end; } how can i add also on what amount per item? example since 612 - id name and 10 is the chance. please help me to make it 612,1->amount,10->chance Example i want the id number 678 if get to be announce" char name got 1x Poison bottle "
  6. Yes i only want player to get any 1 items of the list with chance sir thanks a lot
  7. Hello sir thank you but how can i make it only 1 can get?
  8. Hello may i request for some script like for example npc to claim item but in random chance. list of items,qty / Chance 607,5 50% 608,6 52% 678,4 50% 672,1 2% something like that. Thank you in advance
  9. no sir haha but thanks anyway. I want the player all player to be restricted in payon : Just example. lets make it moc_fild22 i want moc_fild22 to be unwarpable or if anyplayers tries to warp or go to moc_fild22 then they will automatically go back to their savepoints.
  10. Hello may i request if you warp on payon then you go back to your savepoint thank you!!!
  11. query_sql "SELECT `char`.char_id,`char`.`name`, global_acc_reg_num_db.`value` FROM global_reg_value LEFT JOIN `char` ON global_reg_value.char_id=`char`.char_id WHERE global_reg_value.str='brokeemp' ORDER BY CAST(`global_reg_value`.`value` AS UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT 10", .@char_id, .@name$, .@count; i already tried to change it to char_reg_num_db but still its having error. im trying to remake a ladder with this script for( set .@x,0; .@x<=9; set .@x,.@x+1 ) { mes "^0000FF"+(.@x+1)+".^000000 "+.@name$[.@x]+" - ^FF0000"+.@count[.@x]+"^000000 Point(s)"; } // .@x starts at 0, but you want to start with '1st', so use (.@x+1) Thank you in advance!
  12. Hello everyone how can i remove the bentdown of asura Currently i am having this error: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4520-body-reloc-client-crash-while-usingequipped-some-headgears/ I can't update client since my server is already live. im using 20121410 Now i just want my asura to doesnt have bent down after casting it. Other term for bentdown ( Punching Floor ) Thank you in advance.
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