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About PcPocket

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  1. Oh, never noticed that, thanks Anyway, is there a way to filter from all categories at the same time? If not, it would be nice, but nothing mandatory, just have to open a few tabs haha Thanks!
  2. Title says it all, able a option to find topics by it's tag on Bug Tracker, so we can see all confirmed/fixed bugs.
  3. Yeah.. the system I'm working is a BG system too. I use queueremove on everybody on the queue when it is full enough to start the match. And queueopt to call a function that will remove the player from the queue ( on the 3 options, move from map, die or logout ). After I player 2 modules, the queue gets to -1. I will do some tests to figure out whats the reason. If I don't find out, I will patch in the source to never get it below 0 haha. By the way, queue check command: bool script_hqueue_check(int idx, int var) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("script_hqueue_add: unknown queue id %dn",idx); return false; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if (script->hq[idx].item[i] == var) { return true; } } return false; }}BUILDIN(queuecheck) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); int var = script_getnum(st, 3); script_pushint(st,script->queue_check(idx,var)?1:0); return true;} They may want to invert the 'true' and 'false' returns, as all queue commands return 0 upon success ( why? I don't know ) And of course, the rest. BUILDIN_DEF(queuecheck,"ii"), script->queue_check = script_hqueue_check; script.h bool (*queue_check) (int idx, int var); @Edit I found out the piece of code causing it. function Players2BG { .@queue01 = queueiterator(getarg(0)); for (.@elem = qiget(.@queue01); qicheck(.@queue01); .@elem = qiget(.@queue01)) { announce "Adding player"+.@elem+" from queue"+getarg(0)+" to BG Team "+getarg(1),8; player2bg(getarg(1),.@elem,$@BG_Status); queueremove(getarg(0),.@elem); // Removes from the queue } return;} Then, the second time I go to the battleground ( the first one works fine ): ( ( the announce is in portuguese in the picture ) getarg(0) = Queue ID getarg(1) = BG Team ID I'm almost sure that I'm missing a qiclear in the end of the function, will test it now, must solve it. But.. I still think that the number of elements in the queue shouldn't be able to be lower than 0. @edit2 Yeah.. qiclear didn't solve the problem. I tested something new, I put 'queueremove($bgTeamQueue01,-1);' in the top of npc script, so everytime I click on it, it attempts to remove a non-existant value from the queue. Result: After I played one match, every queueremove, lowered the queuecount by 1. So if I click 10 times, npc show that queue has -10 members.. This just works after I play once ( so Players2BG gets called ). Trying to figure out why. @edit3 Yeah, there is a bug in queueremove command, trying to fix, post here soon. @edit4 Aparently, queueremove isn't actually removing a value from the queue, but changing it value to -1?
  4. Sorry for the wrong area haha anyway, how does this work? Somebody from developer team visit this area? Well, another thing.. I just finished my system, and I noticed that my queuesize is return -1 after some actions. I use queueremove when player die/change map/logout, maybe this is causing the queue counting to be reduced twice. I don't know, I just know that a queue can't ever have a size smaller than 0.
  5. 1) *qicheck(<queue_iterator_id>); checks whether there is a next member in the iterator's queue, 1 when it does, 0 otherwise. It's a command for the iterator, not to check if a value is in the queue. 2) Yeah, I tested it now. There is no need for "queuevalues", I mean.. it would be nice, but you can do it with queueiterator. I remain with my main suggestion
  6. A very simple command for the queue system, very easy to do, but it isn't available queuecheck( queue_id, value ); return 1 if the value is found in the queue, 0 if not. queueremove and queueadd does this checks, but you don't have the option to do the check without actually add / remove the value from the queue. Other thing that would be very usefull. queuevalues( queue_id ); returns all the values from the queue as an array. I haven't tested queue iterator yet so I don't know it's behavior, but from what I read I read from the docs, I can't do something like 'setarray .@list,queueiterator(queue_id);', if I can, than do not consider this suggestion, just the above one.
  7. Server side's item DB has no text for the items other than a name that goes unused client side. All seeable item information via the client (except its bonuses) are managed on the client side DB. And why translate mob db? Server side's item DB has no text for the items other than a name that goes unused client side. All seeable item information via the client (except its bonuses) are managed on the client side DB. And why translate mob db? when spawning a monster via command it will be translated So you can use @mobsearch, @monsterinfo, @iteminfo, using their names in your language.
  8. Suggestion: Make it for item / mob database as well. Thanks
  9. You can do it by inserting a new row in the 'mail' database table.
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