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About Tutti

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  1. I wonder how I can block command *@go to a city And how do I remove the city from the patch? thx
  2. He gave the same when using the command Disconnected from server. And train depot can not log more like this in Screenshots
  3. Tutti

    Upgrade (SQL)

    I cleared my tables in my database I'm with these following ERROR in mapserv. [SQL]: - detected 16 new SQL updates[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-14--16-15.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-15--18-06.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-05--01-05.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-06--00-00.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-09--01-56.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-04-16--01-24.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--19-53.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--21-12.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-31--07-49.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-16--07-49.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-01-04--16-47.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-02-19--17-57.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-03-25--23-57.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-04-07--22-04.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-05-17--00-06.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-11-03--00-45.sql'[SQL]: To manually skip, type: 'sql update skip <file name>' Already imported several to my table. Those that remain are giving ERROR import. #HELPPP !
  4. I change mapit-> free for mapit-> next? What do I fix this?
  5. Friends added this @mobalive command on my server Recompiled when they appeared following ERROR! When I use the command on the server to the Disconnected Server. I try to log into the server again select char I want to log in and is giving. * I can only log in again to the server if I turn off the emulator and on again! Here is the atcommand.c command that I added. /*========================================== * MOB Alive *------------------------------------------*/ACMD(mobalive){ char mob_name[100]; int mob_id; int number = 0; struct s_mapiterator* it; if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%99[^n]", mob_name) < 1) { clif->message(fd, "Por favor, digite o nome do monstro (uso: @mobalive <nome>)."); // Please enter a monster name (use: @mlive <nome ou id do monstro>). return false; } if ((mob_id = atoi(mob_name)) == 0) mob_id = mob->db_searchname(mob_name); if(mob_id > 0 && mob->db_checkid(mob_id) == 0){ snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof atcmd_output, "ID %s inválido!",mob_name); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); return false; } if(mob_id == atoi(mob_name) && mob->db(mob_id)->jname) strcpy(mob_name,mob->db(mob_id)->jname); // --ja-- // strcpy(mob_name,mob_db(mob_id)->name); // --en-- snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof atcmd_output, "Procurando pelo monstro %s em %s ...", mob_name, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex)); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); it = mapit_geteachmob(); for(; { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)mapit_next(it); if( md == NULL ) break;// no more mobs if( md->bl.m != sd->bl.m ) continue; if( mob_id != -1 && md->class_ != mob_id ) continue; if( md->spawn_timer == INVALID_TIMER ) { ++ number; snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof(atcmd_output), "Há pelo menos um %s vivo.", md->name); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); } } if ( ! number ) clif->message(fd, "Nenhum encontrado."); mapit_free(it); return true;} #HELPPPP !
  6. Tutti

    item random

    it did not work
  7. Tutti

    item random

    English! Making this item drop the items that the random script Portugues! Como fazer este item soltar os itens que esta no script random
  8. English! Hercules there @mobalive command announcing the MVP is alive in the MAP? Portugues! Hercules existe comando @mobalive que anuncia se o MVP esta vivo no MAPA ?
  9. English! what changes? Portugues! quais alterações ?
  10. English! when they finish watching this bug will be communicating me how to solve this ?? Portugues! quando terminarem de ver este bug vao estar me comunicando de como resolver isto ??
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