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About eKoh

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  1. Hmm, i think it will return the actual value but not the .var, btw I did something that works, I just need to put atcommand <"command">, it works for the settings I have, but I would need to make 1 single command to make it work for every change: OnInit: bindatcmd "reloadpvp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnReloadPvp"; OnReloadPvp: .pvppoints = 10; // A pvp setting end;
  2. I am checking that. Btw, is it possible to change a Script Variable ( .var ) from another script? Btw, the $@var is stored in the RAM?
  3. Thank you a lot man, seems that $@ is the perfect variable for me. Btw, how do you know this? By source code or experience or? By the way, I have another question, is this variable attached to the player or? Because I try to access to this variable from Script 2 but I created this variable from Script 1. But it seems to not load it.
  4. Hello, I am working with a script and I am using a $@ variable but I don't know for how long it lasts. I wanted to use a $ variable, but this can cause some bugs if somehow the server crashes and the variable cannot be turned back to 0 before the player leaves.
  5. Is there a command like that? Like @monster but, doesn't give Drops nor Exp. And not like @summon because the monsters from this command cannot attack like normal monsters.
  6. O: Nice tool, but sadly it doesn't have the MD5 hash diff =/
  7. I use rAmod and I have Xantara's Vote 4 Points and it works perfectly fine, but it costs 15 usd as far as I remember. Here is the link if you want to see how the V4Ps is: Link I think it works with Hercules, since the Sql tables it uses are not from rAthena nor eAthena. It has its own sql tables.
  8. I can't move to newer clients, because for example, RCX (A tool that is used to reduce the Graphics from RO and to reduce lag) is very important for WoE. And in newer clients, from 2012 or more, this tool is not working for example.
  9. Hello guys, I want o use 2010-07-30 because some stuff only works with that client. I want to apply Client Hash Packet by using Nemo patcher, the only current patcher that enables this MD5 hash protection for the 2010 client. But sadly, I am getting a Gravity error using this Nemo patcher. After login and selected a character, I get stuck at 12% while loading the map: Here the crashlog is: http://pastebin.com/kDnvhJpW But with K3dt Diff patcher works perfectly fine, of course, without the MD5 hash. Some patches are not being applied, that works in 2012 client only. In the 2010 they appear but doesn't work: And this patch that works in 2010 using K3dt and 2012 but using Nemo for 2010 doesn't work: Disable Packet Encryption I really think that this Disable Packet Encryption patch is the reason that the client crashes. If this is the reason of the crash, how to fix it?
  10. Hello guys =)! I have recently moved to this 2012-04-10 client but it is not allowing these tools being used. I was using 2010-07-30 client before and they were working perfectly fine. This 2012 client also disables AHK and maybe other tools I don't know, which is good but I do need to allow the following tools in 2012 client if possible: * RCX * RoMedic * MirAI Is it possible?
  11. Thank you a lot guys! Specially Winterfox. I could understand how the bindatcommand script command works and I managed to add a new usage: @bghappy <Bonus in %> <Minutes till bonus end> Btw, how can I make a codebox with "Select Code" option? Or http://pastebin.com/eiEau6nm
  12. I want to make a command like that, but I am not sure if it can be done by scripting or by sourcing. Usage: @bghappy 20 Set Battlegrounds happy hour for a 20% bonus. @bghappy 0 Ends the Battleground happy hour. This is the script command that is being used for the current Battleground Happy hour script: set .bonus,120; // +20% set .showbonus,.bonus - 100; setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",.bonus; // +20% Reward Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",1; // Sets ranked mode //This is the one that stops it: setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",100; // Normal Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",0;
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