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Everything posted by raPalooza~

  1. File Name: Modern Prontera [ Free Clean Map ] File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 12 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Modern Prontera Finally a clean good looking prontera ! ;p Those broken rooftops from prontera were annoying the s* out of me! hahahaha So i decided to transport some textures and objects from another maps in order to give a clean modern look to prontera. ( a fountain? let's put a huge freaking statue ) XD Feel free to use it as you want. (texture only for example) Files is packed inside a GRF ready to go.(japafoldernames) (obs: planning on releasing other versions) Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.0


    Modern Prontera Finally a clean good looking prontera ! ;p Those broken rooftops from prontera were annoying the s* out of me! hahahaha So i decided to transport some textures and objects from another maps in order to give a clean modern look to prontera. ( a fountain? let's put a huge freaking statue ) XD Feel free to use it as you want. (texture only for example) Files is packed inside a GRF ready to go.(japafoldernames) (obs: planning on releasing other versions)
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