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luizragna last won the day on February 13 2023

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About luizragna

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday August 12

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    In their hearts
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  1. Vê se este aqui serve: iteminfo.lub
  2. Hello guys. When i convert the image to indexed, she cause probems to sprite. I'm using Photoshop CS6,
  3. luizragna


    Search the command *getmapxy in the doc/scripts_commands.txt
  4. luizragna


    Try add to get the same item when he is used. For example, Fly Wing add this line in the fly wing getitem Wing_Of_Fly, 1; The full item + script: { Id: 601 AegisName: "Wing_Of_Fly" Name: "Fly Wing" Type: "IT_DELAYCONSUME" Buy: 60 Weight: 50 BuyingStore: true Script: <"itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1; getitem Wing_Of_Fly, 1; "> },
  5. Solved! Go to the GRF with your translations and go to that path: [GRF]/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/SkillTreeView.lub Find something like this: JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_NOVICE, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_NINJA, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_GUNSLINGER, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_SUPERNOVICE, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_TAEKWON, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_STAR, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_LINKER, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_STAR2, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_DO_SUMMONER, "Summoner") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_DO_SUMMONER_B, "Summoner") Rewrite the string as you want.
  6. Eu montei ontem este client compativel com a data.grf do bRO. Ele está bem atualizado e em testes ainda. Se der algum bug por favor me avisa. http://www.mediafire.com/file/djh4orvlam5l0i7/Client+-+Hexed+2018-06-20.rar
  7. Hello, guys...someone can help me? I'm using 2018-06-20RagexeRE
  8. Hello guys! I'm creating a custom label, OnUseSkillEvent I need add this trigger: (probabily in the skill.c) npc->script_event(sd, NPCE_USESKILL); I added in the cases (for exmple: MG_FIREBOLT) but i want for all skills. i already created the code for others files. npc.c: {"Use Skill Event",script->config.useskill_event_name}, npc.h: NPCE_USESKILL, script.c script->config.useskill_event_name = "OnUseSkillEvent"; and script.h const char *useskill_event_name; Test script: - script OnUseTest FAKE_NPC,{ OnUseSkillEvent: mes "Do you used a skill"; close; }
  9. Eu estou usando este client: Full client 2018-08-13: https://ro.industrial-illusions.net/files/ E este hexed: Just hexed 2018-06-20ragexeRE : http://www.mediafire.com/file/ddfcqbc84ls65d2/2018-06-20d+RE.rar
  10. Você fez alguma alteração no servidor sem ser a versão do hexed? Apareceu algum erro na hora de compilar? Você usou o banco de dados que vem com emulador?
  11. Do you have AI and AI_sakray folders in your client?
  12. Full client 2018-08-13: https://ro.industrial-illusions.net/files/ Just hexed 2018-06-20ragexeRE : http://www.mediafire.com/file/ddfcqbc84ls65d2/2018-06-20d+RE.rar
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