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About rennison

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  1. I tried, and even then, it won't
  2. Good night, could someone help me? I am not able to use the leaf of yggdrasil item, and the high priest resurrection skill also cannot. Item_db.txt skill_db.txt
  3. Good night, could someone help me create or if I have, an NPC of visual items, where I can see how it looks on the character before buying
  4. error C2231: '.mode': left operand points to 'struct', use '->'
  5. mmo.h atcommand.c storage.c storage.c when will compile the error position.mode, set "->" use in mode storage.h
  6. I did everything you commented
  7. Good night, could you help me with Gstorage? Your guild's storage has already been opened by another member
  8. hi, what value of bg? and what value to install on my herc emulator?

    1. Dastgir


      It's already free available for hercules

  9. rennison

    Command @AFK

    Good afternoon, how do I add the command @afk, when player uses @afk, it looks like @autotrade.
  10. Nada resolvido, se alguém puder de coração bom, me ajudar, agradeceria! @edit Resolvido, era Hexed com problema!
  11. acho que me expressei mal, tirei os comentários do IP rs, padrão tudo s1/p1 ragnarok Banco, login e senha.
  12. Só alterei o IP de conexão mesmo, fora isto, emulador limpo, eu consigo, mas esse meu emulador, já tem todas as configurações e BG! rs
  13. Segue as SS, apaguei o LOGIN e deixei só de conexão. https://prnt.sc/svzp22
  14. Já foi feito isso, rs, já tem conta existente no banco, fora a conta de conexão, isso ocorre quando coloco a senha e login, e da enter.
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