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About MidKnight

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  • Birthday 07/05/1990

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  1. Awesome vendor script AnnieRuru thanks for sharing. Works great.
  2. Thanks for the post Bringer, Sorry for the late reply.
  3. Hello everyone, I would like to request a Team Death Match Script. In this topic i try my best to explain what i want the script do. It's a 5 vs 5 pvp but it's party type example it's a party vs party pvp but you can only start it if your a party leader. Here's a example what i mean by the party vs party. say i made a party call "Fallen Angel" I have to invite 4 other players in my party that would be complete . and the other party would have to be the same as me he/she have to invite 4 players in he/she party as well there will be 2 options to pick Blue Team or Red Team those 2 options is for both party to decide say i chose Blue Team it will announce "Fallen Angel Party" would like to Team Death Match as the Blue Team and the other party who wanna team death match have to pick Red Team since my party is Blue Team and it will announce the other party name saying the name of their party has accepted Fallen Angel as Red Team and when the npc warp both of us party it will change our cloth dye say my party is blue it will change my hole party members cloth dye Blue same as the other party buy they all be Red the map i want the party vs party be is guild_vs1.
  4. Thanks for your help Hirist, It works.
  5. Hello everyone, I would like some help on this Status & Skill seller. I wanna add in Kafra Points in it but i'm not sure on how to add Kafra Points in the script and where. I'M just now learning how to script if anyone would like to help me that be great. I will post the script so anyone can look at it. I would like the Status/Skill selling part be 500000 Kafra Points Here's the script below prontera,151,192,4 script Kafra Linda 4_F_KAFRA8,{ mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Hello"; mes "My name is Kafra Linda"; mes "I work for the Kafra Services"; mes "My job is to sell Status Points & Skill Points."; next; menu "^FF3355Sell Points",Sell,"Buy Points",Buy,"See Prices^000000",Prices,"No Thanks",CANCEL; Sell: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Allright, What kind of points would you like to sell?"; next; menu "^FF3355Status Points",Stats,"Skill Points^000000",Skill,"No Thanks",CANCEL; Stats: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Ok, now put in the Amount of Statpoints you would like to sell"; input .@statamount; if (StatusPoint < .@statamount) goto NoPoints; set .@statprice, 100 * .@statamount; set Zeny, Zeny +.@statprice; set StatusPoint,StatusPoint -.@statamount; close; Skill: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Ok, now put in the Amount of Skillpoints you would like to sell"; input .@skillamount; if (SkillPoint < .@skillamount) goto NoPoints; set .@skillprice, 100 * .@skillamount; set Zeny, Zeny +.@skillprice; set SkillPoint,SkillPoint -.@skillamount; close; Buy: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Allright, what kind of points would you like to buy?"; next; menu "^FF3355Status Points",BStats,"Skill Points^000000",BSkill,"Nothing",CANCEL; BStats: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Ok, now put in the Amount of Statpoints you would like to buy"; input .@statamount; set .@statprice, 100 * .@statamount; if (Zeny < .@statprice) goto NoZeny; set Zeny, Zeny -.@statprice; set StatusPoint,StatusPoint +.@statamount; close; BSkill: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Ok, now put in the Amount of Skillpoints you would like to buy"; input .@skillamount; set .@skillprice, 100 * .@skillamount; if (Zeny < .@skillprice) goto NoZeny; set Zeny, Zeny -.@skillprice; set SkillPoint,SkillPoint +.@skillamount; close; Prices: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "I buy and sell Stat/Skill points for the same prices."; next; mes "Status Points 100 Zeny"; mes "Skill Points 100 Zeny"; close; NoPoints: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Skill / Status Points!"; close; NoZeny: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Sorry, you don't have enough zeny to buy points!"; close; CANCEL: mes "[Kafra Linda]"; mes "Allright. Please come again if you need anything."; close; }
  6. Hi everyone I would like to request a event script if it's possibe. The event script is kinda similar to the Automatic Dice Event. I'm going to type out the details of the event script and what it dose. I try my best to explain the event script, but the event is pretty much a event gm hosting event but i thought it would be kool to have a event script of it. here gose. Details 1 the event name is call Bumper Cars Automatically starts a Bumper Cars event every 50 minutes. Prize 25 poring coins id 7539. i would like the event announce like the dice event dose something like this announce Bumper Cars: We are going to have a Bumper Cars event. announce Bumper Cars: For those who wants to join, Please proceed Prontera 145,162 and enter the Warp Portal. announce Bumper Cars: After 1 Minute the Portal will close. announce Bumper Cars: So please go to Prontera 145,162 and enter the Warp Portal now if you want to join. announce Bumper Cars: Last 30 seconds. announce Bumper Cars: Last 10 seconds. announce Bumper Cars: 5. announce Bumper Cars: 4. announce Bumper Cars: 3. announce Bumper Cars: 2. announce Bumper Cars: 1. announce Bumper Cars: Time's up. announce Bumper Cars: The next Bumper Cars event will begin after 50 minutes. Details 2 Details 2 is the info where the event map is at, and in Details 1 when the event announce we are having a Bumper Cars event when the warp portal spawns in prontera it will warp you to the event map. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: We are about to start the Bumper Cars event. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Before we start i will tell you some info about Bumper Cars. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Info 1, any healing items can be used and the skill healing also can be used, for those who don't have the healing skill i suggest you bring alot of healing items or use equipments/cards or anything that can heal you. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Info 2, There will be 3 Warp Portals that will spawn on the map, your goal is to Magnum Break everyone into any of those 3 Warp Portals till your the last man/women standing. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Info 3, What if you don't have the skill Magnum Break? You can use a Marine Sphere Card that card will give you a level 3 Magnum Break skill. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Info 4, Only skills you can use are Healing Skill and Magnum Break Skill The rest of all your other skills you can not use. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: Info 5, If you happen to die if you didn't got Bump into the Warp Portals you will be revive with full hp and sp. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: That is all the info i told you all, NOW LET'S GET BUMPING. mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: 5 mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: 4 mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: 3 mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: 2 mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: 1 mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: START after the mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: START the 3 Warp Portals will spawn and pvp mode is on. If there's happen to be 2 last players in the event the event will start a count down mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: you both have 3 minutes. If those 2 players didn't finish the event before 3 minutes is up they will get warp back to prontera mapannounce poring_c01 Bumper Cars: you both have lost. then those 2 players get warp back to prontera and Bumper Cars will announce announce Bumper Cars: There was no winners. when there is a 1 man/women standing the reward npc will spawn and the last man/women standing will talk to the reward npc the reward npc will say Please tell me your name and the reward npc will say, Are you sure thats your character name? Congrats. You've Won then Bumper Cars will announce Bumper Cars: We have a winner, with the player name then Bumper Cars will give the winner there prize 25 poring coins id 7539 and get warp back to prontera 156,191 Details 3 Details 3 is where the event will warp the players to and this is where the 3 Warp Portals will spawn in the event map and the reward npc. Event Warp this is where the players get warp to for the event: poring_c01 103,106 Event where the 3 warp portals are spawn when the event starts: poring_c01 103,87 poring_c01 90,101 poring_c01 117,101 and this is where the 3 warp portals will warp the players when they get Magnum Break into prontera,156,191 Npc Reward: poring_c01 103,115 i forgot to add this i just add it in the details 3 when the players go into the warp portal to get warp to the event map all the buffs they have will be removed. and i forgot about the revive part when the players happen to die and didnt got bump into the warp portals they will be revive back with full hp/sp Mapflags nomemo noskills only skills that can be used is Healing Skill and Magnum Break Skill if this is possible. nobranch noteleport Items That Can't Be Used Butterfly Wing id 602 Fly Wing 601 Jobs since there is different jobs and levels like the expanded classes is 160 and 3rds are 175 if this is possible i would like the event that can only warp players to the event map that are max lvl like the expanded classes and 3rd classes only if the players end up warping to the event map and if they are not max lvl they will get warp back to prontera sorry for the bad typing i hope any of you can understand all this and thanks for reading it.
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