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About rewindz

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  1. sorry but, what is the name of lua file that i can edit?
  2. As you can see the red block. what is that? is a new NPC ChatRoom or what? is rAthena already have this?
  3. i make my own CustomPatcher @Zhao Chow
  4. hello again i've a problem with my own patcher .. i can connect to FTP to download patch files but have no idea to repack it into grf file is something i need to know first? or any DLL require? thanks
  5. ehh.. can u give me sample ? i'm so confused right now i diff my exe with and this is my shortcut solved ! i'm forget to diff with Disable 1rag1 and Use SSO Login thanks
  6. thanks @Neo i've spent a lot of time for this i've to set argument on shortcut like you said but always show error unhandle blah blah ... (Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger) when run RagExe and nothing happened. what did i do wrong ? is that relate for disable 1sak1 1rag1 in NEMO ?
  7. hello guys i want to make my own LoginCredential like a ROCred. player just enter userid, password and click login to run RagExe then select char to play in game. but, how do i send userid and password on MyCredential to RagExe ?
  8. now.. i can threw out duration bar ! but skill effect (*ping* sound) is gone ...
  9. - dmg is done to myself without duration bar when i've to try to comment this line (line:3243) on Skill.c - can walk when i use skill and don't do any damage to mobs, but durationbar still appear with comment this line(line:5910) on Skill.c why C++ is so hard huh? i wanna know flow of skill usage can somebody help me please.
  10. @Zhao Chow sorry, i'll never do it again. @evilpuncker not a cast that i think, duration bar is gone when mob attack and appear again when i use skill
  11. i try to use @jobchange to Knight (7) but i met duration bar when i use Counter Attack so how can i remove duration bar when use Counter Attack ? i've to try to look in src files but nothing found or i'm wrongs ? sorry for my worst english skill, and i'll keep to work harder to learn it. thanks.
  12. thanks @@Dastgir, but i dont understand what does these numbers in these files mean? + navi_link_krpri + navi_linkdistance_krpri ... ("P"?, "E"? ) + navi_map_krpri + navi_mob_krpri + navi_npc_krpri
  13. i'm so confused with these files in lua files/navigation navi_f_krpri.lub navi_link_krpri.lub navi_linkdistance_krpri.lub navi_map_krpri.lub navi_mob_krpri.lub navi_npc_krpri.lub navi_npcdistance_krpri.lub navi_scroll_krpri.lub how it works ?
  14. hi @@Neo before i update NEMO to 20150520 version, i don't get any error with 2014-10-22bRagexe_patched. but after update always get error like @@hackerjung's post
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