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Everything posted by Zerathul

  1. Hi together, I have a char that can upgrade a custom item. The higher upgrades have other requirements. Is there a simple way to check in the script if the char can wear the item?
  2. This option should store the value in the database. However, I need a way to read the new bank value from the database or directly modify the ingame bank value. As a workaround, I have my script modified so that it works with the Zeny-value from the char. Currently there is really no way to influence the ingame Bank by script?
  3. hi everyone, I write again because now i have a problem with saving the bank_vault. I store the value with said SQL query in the database, but the ingame bank-display does not refresh. When I select - after the update query - the value, then I get the new value. If I deposit money through the bank or take off, then the old value for the calculation is used, and overwrite the database value. How can I tell the (ingame) Bank that it has a new value?
  4. Thanks, one step further^^ I get in my test still 0. My test script: - script bankvalue#newbe01::value -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql "SELECT bank_vault FROM account_data WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3),.@bank; mes "your bank vault: " + @bank + " Zeny."; close; end;} and the result: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3715/kbtvmo63_jpg.htm
  5. hi everyone, For a own NPC I need to know how much zeny the player has in the bank. I have try it with variable name such as #bankstorage, #kafrabank, #bankvault and so on. They were all 0. (In the bank are more than 0 zeny) How do I get out in the script, how much zeny has the player in the Bank? Thanks for your help
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