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Posts posted by anjasoleil0


    How do I add this on linux?


    Its Simple. by applying this step.. [WIKI] GCC


    It says

    [Warning]: 'HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/HPMHooking.so', skipping...

    [Warning]: 'HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/addrid.so', skipping...


    What I did was,


    1. extracted the whole rar file in hercules' directory.

    2. edited the conf/plugin.conf now it looks like


    plugins_list: [
    /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */
    3. edited the src/plugins/Makefile.in
    now it says 
    MYPLUGINS = addrid
    4. I compiled it by make plugins, make all and make plugin.my_plugin
    What am I missing?
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