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About Miengo

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  1. buenas tiempo sin pasarme como indico jabote, consegui poner el cliente en linea, pero el problema son los packet, solo algunos packet estas correctamente programados, pero tiene un monton de fallos da crash al matar mobs, la ruleta no funciona de manera correcta[no "añade" las monedas], y la verdad,salvo 4 tonterias que funcionan... ahora mismo[cuando le probe] es totalmente inestable, siendo "estables" [ no 100%] alguno de 2013, si quieres estabilidad tendras que irte a 2012... sin mas vuelvo a pirarme xD
  2. duplicate storage code and change command?
  3. sorry... Enable 64k pallete ¿Enable or Disable?
  4. okay ... but continue with the other problems, I understand that is not a stable exe, but I would try roulette and found no more new exe
  5. I have several problems with this exe when I can not put nemo using the "Disable HShield" option error he says: Failed in step 1 -jz not found Even without this option I think the exe, but my server gives me more errors character size info error: character num: 2 character_info size; 147 Also another mistake is that the sprite shown novice black if I create a new character that you created but does not enter the game if a character created login gives me this error [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x4f2b (0x0002), 11b ytes received), disconnecting session # 3. if diff options, ignore errors I get the following errors(4) Data : https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/ nemo: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/ hercules: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
  6. Me acabas de resolver el proble.a xdEn rathena no hace falta poner ese id o por lo menos yo nunca le puse y me funcionaban
  7. A la hora de diffear este exe no me deja marcar disable hshieldEso por una parte...Luego de compilar el servidor con su fecha e intentar meterme tengo 2 problemas1 me salta un error de character size la segunda vez que entro y el personaje no aparece (aun creando una cuenta nueva y creando personaje con esta) 2 no entra al juegoLogin okChar okMap se queda pensando...El emulador es hercules y me e fijado que tenga los packet
  8. Miengo

    not compile

    Topic solvedProblem from vps, install ubuntu from.virtual machine, compile emulator 0problems
  9. Miengo

    not compile

    NoMake plugins not exiscorrect is make pkugin Plugin sorry xd
  10. Miengo

    not compile

    … make sql & make pluginMake SQL gives the same error mentioned before ... Make pluglinmake[1]: Entering directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'o'. Stop.make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'Makefile:120: recipe for target 'plugin.o' failedmake: *** [plugin.o] Error 2Make sqlmake[1]: Entering directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'o'. Stop.make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'Makefile:120: recipe for target 'plugin.o' failedmake: *** [plugin.o] Error 2Makemake[1]: Entering directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'o'. Stop.make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins'Makefile:120: recipe for target 'plugin.o' failedmake: *** [plugin.o] Error 2
  11. Miengo

    not compile

    That is a mistake somewhere plugin know, the issue is that a clean direct the revision gives this error github As I fix it?
  12. Miengo

    not compile

    pfff make plugin make[1]: Entering directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins' make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'o'. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/emulador/src/plugins' Makefile:120: recipe for target 'plugin.o' failed make: *** [plugin.o] Error 2 Windows compiles without errors
  13. no en realidad segui la guia al pie de la letra, la modificacion esta erronea, ya solucione el tema de la mod y la deje que solo afecte a los mobs el map_zone no funciona, lo probe en un emulador limpio
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