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Everything posted by nexuscoringa

  1. Right, but then I have to convert each .spr into .bmp. What I want is to convert all .spr into .bmps at once.
  2. Can it convert all files at once? I don't want to convert them one by one. I couldn't find a way to do it in spr conview =/
  3. Hi all, I've been trying to convert the .spr files for npc and mobs into .bmp files, but doing one at a time with the existing tools is a pain in the ass. Is there a way to convert all .spr file in a folder to .bmp? I don't know there's such a tool. Thank you.
  4. One more thing.. All servers are able to connect now, except for the Login Server. It gets access denied, so I suppose I should change something somewhere else...?| ------- FOR FUTURE PURPOSES: I GOT IT WORKING. Here's how> 1. Open up your inter_athena.conf 2. In the Login server connection (ip, db, id, pw), notice that there's also the ipban configs. You MUST have two different users for that (one for login and another for the ipban, otherwise you get the error).
  5. The SQL server has to be on a separate machine because the machines I have available are pretty.. limited. I'm running some tests on amazon, so that's why I'm separating them. If I use database + server on a single machine, I'll use that machine much more (IO operations and stuff). Putting them in different machines will make it less expensive Thanks for the help guys.
  6. Hi guys, I'm new to the Hercules, although I used eAthena txt in the past (like 6 years ago lol). So I'm configuring 2 machines, one that will run the server itself and another one that will be just the database + website. What do I need to do to make the login, char and map servers look at the database on the separate machine? Thanks.
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