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Everything posted by jpnazar

  1. i use in the clientinfo.xml 3 Ports should be forwarded (6121,5121,6900) make sure all those 3 ports are opened. and the configuration in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf are correct. its all opened
  3. where can i get 2013-12-30 ragexe and xdiff?
  4. i use in the clientinfo.xml
  5. I already portforward but i cant connect to my server please help only [info]: Closed connection from ''. Heres the portforward test
  6. How can i reset all the skills of all the characters in the servers?
  7. help poem of the neatherworld not working the skill is no effect
  8. The item script is empty. Hence, we currently do not have this bonus implemented in Hercules nor rAthena. You're going to have to be patient and wait till it comes :] ahh ic how about in rathena ? can i have the script?
  9. http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_item_db&item_id=4518 When dealing physical damage there is a chance to cause burning status.
  10. Able to use Bio Cannibalize lvl 5. (Still needs 1 plant bottle to use this skill). Increase Acid Demonstration damage by 5%. Applicable to all jobs.
  11. is this correct? prontera,165,177,3 script PVP Warper 106,{if (!(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())){ if (select("Yes!","No thanks.") == 2) close; warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0; announce strcharinfo(0) + " has entered the PVP Room.",0; } end;}
  12. can you please add menu? Do you want to go? Yes and No
  13. how to add broadcast when player go in pvp? like "Player" Entered PVP Room
  14. what i remove here? //===== rAthena Script =======================================//= War of Emperium - WoE Auto-Start//===== By: ==================================================//= kalen (1.0)//= 1.1 by Akaru and ho|yAnge|//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 2.0//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= rAthena SVN; RO Episode 4+//===== Description: =========================================//= Auto Start for War of Emperium//=============================================//= gettime(3): Gets hour (24 hour time)//= gettime(4): Gets day of week 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday,//= 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, etc.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= v1.1a changed OnInit to OnAgitInit.[kobra_k88]//= v1.2 added gettime checks. removed $AgitStarted var.[kobra_k88]//= v1.3 Moved treasure spawn time here.[kobra_k88]//= v1.3a Implemented Shadowlady's idea to allow for different//= start/stop times on different days.[kobra_k88]//= 1.4 Fixed treasure chests spawn! We had to unroll some loops//= Now they appear in castles from 00:01 to 00:24. [Lupus]//= 1.5 Fixed WOE end messages on non-WOE days, by Avaj//= 1.5a missing tabs [KarLaeda]//= 1.6 Corrected multiple "WoE has begun" announces [ultramage]//= 1.7 Commented out the WoE start and end announces. [L0ne_W0lf]//= 1.8 Castle owners displayed when WoE starts and finished. [L0ne_W0lf]//= 1.8a Will now report unoccupied castles at start/end. [L0ne_W0lf]//= 1.8b Whoops. Fixed a mistake [L0ne_W0lf]//= 1.9 Rearranged the time-checks so they no longer use goto. [L0ne_W0lf]//= Removed treasure spawning function calls. (No longer needed)//= 2.0 Added WoE Battle Log support for broadcasts. [L0ne_W0lf]//============================================================//| To know how to set up WoE times, go to docwoe_time_explanation.txt// WoE Start/Stop times//======================================- script Agit_Event -1,{ end;OnClock2100: //start time for Tues(2), Thurs(4)OnClock2300: //end time for Tues(2), Thurs(4)OnClock1600: //start time for Sat(6)OnClock1800: //end time for Sat(6)OnAgitInit: // starting time checks if((gettime(4)==2) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23) || (gettime(4)==4) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23) || (gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)>=16 && gettime(3)<18)) { if (!agitcheck()) { AgitStart; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } // end time checks if ((gettime(4)==2) && (gettime(3)==23) || (gettime(4)==4) && (gettime(3)==23) || (gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==18)) { if (agitcheck()) { AgitEnd; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } end;S_DisplayOwners: setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[5],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[10],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[15],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i <= 19; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { if (GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; } else { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; } } end;}
  15. Can i have PVP Warper that disable in WOE
  16. Why this woe controller start 21:00 - 23:00? but it is not set
  17. how to remove this second password?
  18. can you give me the fix script?
  19. i want this script does not change the # of special poring , normal poring , and the prize prize: 7227 location: prontera special poring: 20 normal poring : 100 . quiz_00,72,36,3 script Poring Summoner 99,{mes "[Poring Summoner]";if(getgmlevel() < 99) { if(.Event) mes "There is no Poring Summon Event on now."; else { mes "There is a Poring Summon Event on now!"; mes "Location: " + .Map$; mes "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings[1]; mes "Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings[0]; } close;}mes "Please customize the Poring Summon Event:";Main:next;mes "[Poring Summoner]"; switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Location [" + .Map$ + "]:Special Porings [" + .SpecialPorings + "]:Normal Porings [" + .NormalPorings + "]:Start Event:End Event")) { case 1: mes "Which item would you like Special Summon to drop?"; mes "Please input the item ID:"; input .ItemID; goto Main; case 2: mes "Which map would you like me to host this event?"; input .Map$; goto Main; case 3: mes "How many Special Summon would you like me to summon?"; input .SpecialPorings; goto Main; case 4: mes "How many Normal Summon would you like me to summon?"; input .NormalPorings; goto Main; case 5: mes "Starting the event now..."; set .Event,1; monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring Event",1002,.SpecialPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnSpecialKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring Event",1002,.NormalPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnNormalKill"; set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings; set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings; announce "The Poring Event has begun!",bc_all; announce "Location: " + .Map$,bc_all; announce "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings,bc_all; announce "Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings,bc_all; close; case 6: mes "Ending the event now..."; goto EndEvent; }OnSpecialKill: set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings[1]-1; announce strcharinfo(0) + " got a " + getitemname(.ItemID) + "!",bc_all; getitem .ItemID,1; goto PoringCount;OnNormalKill: set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings[1]-1; goto PoringCount;PoringCount: announce "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings[1] + " || Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings[1],bc_all; if(!.SpecialPorings[1]) goto EndEvent; end;EndEvent: if(.Event) announce "The Poring Summon Event is now over!",bc_all; killmonster .Map$,"All"; set .Event,0; set .SpecialPorings[1],0; set .NormalPorings[1],0; close;}
  20. how to decrease this skills Rolling Cutter and Cross Ripper Slasher? battle.c case GC_ROLLINGCUTTER:skillratio += -50 + 50 * skill_lv;RE_LVL_DMOD(100);break;case GC_CROSSRIPPERSLASHER:skillratio += 300 + 80 * skill_lv;RE_LVL_DMOD(100);if( sc && sc->data[SC_ROLLINGCUTTER] )skillratio += sc->data[SC_ROLLINGCUTTER]->val1 * sstatus->agi;break;
  21. jpnazar

    @afk please?

    How about im using rathena?
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