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Posts posted by master@ragna

  1. Hello can anyone explain ragnarok episodes ..

    like what

    episode 1 to episode 2 = what skills and maps and mobs added etc..

    episode 2 to 3 - what skills and maps and mobs added etc..

    episode 3 to 4


    episode 4 to 5

    episode 5 to 6

    episode 6 to 7

    episode 7 to 8

    thanks in advance



  2. Hello Everyone,


    [Autoloot off ]


    In players.conf


    // Idle characters can receive autoloot?
    // Set to the time in seconds where an idle character will stop receiving
    // items from Autoloot (0: disabled).
    idle_no_autoloot: 0



    but this will be for all classes/ all players. ?

    what if i only want it for homuncules only, or else alchemist class.

    Please Help me with this

    Thanks in advance :)

  3. Hello,
    Please can someone help me figured out this script for hercules.

    This Script is Dice Event Script, I got it from rathena, could someone of you help me with this ?

    Thanks in Advance.

    at the moment this script works, without any errors on map server.

    Just explain in short for those who dont know about it. [ this will help you guys to solve my problem ]

    at event start Portal spawns in prontera
    announcement :- event is held go in portal etc,,...
    after enter portal
    people can choose which ever number box they want..
    1 - 2 - 3 - 4

    the npc will then start the dice event .
    he will say any random number [1,4] , for example say number 4
    then all players in number 4 will loose. [warp back to prontera]

    then people can rechoose their box ,..by walking
    then dice npc will start again n say a random number ..for example 2
    then all players in box 2 will loose [warp back to prontera]
    this will continue to happen unless the player count is 1
    last person will be winner

    he need to talk to npc n write his name , which will be announced  as winner & he get reward for it ,..

    Above is the way its suppose to work. [ or i want it to work]

    and i will tell you whats happening right now in current script is
    NPC chooses 1 random number for example say 4
    then box number 1,2,3 are getting warped out as loser.
    which is exactly opposite of what i am expecting


     -	script	Dice#announcer	-1,{ OnInit:        disablenpc "prtevent";        hideonnpc "Dice#evnt1";        end; OnClock0613:        announce "Dice Guru: We are going to have a Dice event.",0;        sleep2 10000;        announce "Dice Guru: For those who wants to join, Please proceed Prontera 161 , 179 and enter the Warp Portal.",0;        sleep2 10000;        announce "Dice Guru: After 1 Minute the Portal will close.",0;        sleep2 10000;        announce "Dice Guru: So please go to Prontera 161 , 179 and enter the Warp Portal now if you want to join.",0;        enablenpc "prtevent";        initnpctimer;        end; OnTimer30000:        announce "Dice Guru: Last 30 seconds.",0;        sleep2 5000;        announce "Dice Guru: If you want to join please enter the Warp Portal in Prontera City 109 ,96.",0;        end;       OnTimer50000:        announce "Dice: Last 10 seconds.",0;        end;       OnTimer55000:        announce "Dice: 5.",0;        end;       OnTimer56000:        announce "Dice: 4.",0;        end;       OnTimer57000:        announce "Dice: 3.",0;        end;       OnTimer58000:        announce "Dice: 2.",0;        end;       OnTimer59000:        announce "Dice: 1.",0;        end;       OnTimer60000:        announce "Dice: Time's up.",0;        end;       OnTimer61000:        disablenpc "prtevent";        donpcevent "Dice#evnt1::OnEnable";        stopnpctimer;        end;       }//--------------------------------------------------       prontera,161,179,0	warp	prtevent	2,2,quiz_01,204,90            //-------------------------------------------------- quiz_01,204,93,6	script	Dice#evnt1	715,{ //--------------------------------------------------        mes "[Dice]";        mes "Please tell me your name";        next;        input .@name$;        if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) {                mes "[Dice]";                mes "Are you sure thats your character name?";                close;        }        mes "[Dice]";        mes "Congrats. You've won.";        close2;        announce "Dice: We have a winner, "+.@name$+".",0;        getitem 27000,1;                if (.rounds == 0) {                set .rounds, 1;                warp "prontera",155,147;        hideonnpc "Dice#evnt1";                }else{                warp "quiz_01",204,90;                mapwarp "gon_test", "quiz_01",204,90; //warps back to game        hideonnpc "Dice#evnt1";                donpcevent "Dice#evnt1::OnEnable";                }                 end;       OnEnable:                set .rounds, .rounds - 1;        mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: We are about to start the Dice event.",0;        sleep2 10000;        mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: You MUST GO INSIDE THE BOX, because if you're caught standing on the stairs you'll be automatically disqualified.",0;        sleep2 10000;        mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: That's it.. Now let's play...",0;        sleep2 10000;        goto L_Start;                end;       L_Start:        if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1) goto L_Champ;        if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 0) goto L_None;        if(getmapusers("quiz_01") > 1) {        announce "Dice: . . . . .",0;        set $@number, rand(1,4);        sleep2 10000;        announce "Dice: I have a number now. Please go to the box of the number you want.... GO!",0;        sleep2 10000;        announce "Dice: 5",0;        sleep2 5000;        announce "Dice: 4",0;        sleep2 4000;        announce "Dice: 3",0;        sleep2 3000;        announce "Dice: 2",0;        sleep2 2000;        announce "Dice: 1",0;        sleep2 1000;        announce "Dice: Time's up.",0;        donpcevent "evnt#1::OnEnable";        announce "Dice: Winning number "+$@number+".",0;        if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 2) && ($@number != 3)) goto L_Lose1;        if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 2) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose2;        if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 3) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose3;        if(($@number != 2) && ($@number != 3) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose4;        end;        }                L_Lose1:                if (.rounds == 0) {        areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"prontera",131,97;                }else{        areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"gon_test",57,99;                }        goto L_Start;        end; L_Lose2:                if (.rounds == 0) {        areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"prontera",131,97;                }else{        areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"gon_test",57,99;                }        goto L_Start;        end;       L_Lose3:                if (.rounds == 0) {        areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"prontera",131,97;                }else{                areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"gon_test",57,99;                }        goto L_Start;        end;       L_Lose4:                if (.rounds == 0) {        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"prontera",131,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"prontera",131,97;                }else{        areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"gon_test",57,99;        areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"gon_test",57,99;                }        goto L_Start;        end;    L_Champ:                mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: Come to me and tell me your name.",0;        hideoffnpc "Dice#evnt1";        end    L_None:                announce "No One Entered the Dice Event. Event Closed",0;        hideonnpc "Dice#evnt1";        end;OnInit:        set .rounds, 3;        end;            } -	script	evnt#1	-1,{OnEnable:        areawarp "quiz_01",182,94,228,88,"prontera",109,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",185,87,188,82,"prontera",109,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",197,87,200,82,"prontera",109,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",209,87,212,82,"prontera",109,97;        areawarp "quiz_01",221,87,224,82,"prontera",109,97;        end;}


    Thanks in Advance.
    please fix this someone.



    this is image for people to know what is dice event, this will remind you of the event.

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