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Everything posted by Darkelfen

  1. As we know, there are certain skills of the DoRam which are casted twice, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR for example. The skill descript states that chance is increased every 30 levels, so I've used this piece of code at skill.c. I've assumed a 5% base chance * Sk_lv/30. case SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR: rate = (sd->status.base_level)/30; if( rnd()%100 < 5*rate ) skill_castend_damage_id(src, bl, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR, pc_checkskill(sd, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR), tick, 1); break; @@Rytech, suggested to change it to case SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR: rate = 5 * sd->status.base_level / 30; if( rnd()%100 < rate ) skill_castend_damage_id(src, bl, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR, pc_checkskill(sd, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR), tick, 1); break; The problem is that it produces inaccurate results as I'm dividing the base level and then multiplying by 5. For example a level 166 DoRam, would cast a second time at 27%, whilst it should double-cast at 25% chance since every 30 level the chance is increased rather than "every level/30". So I thought that "counting" the times the base level of the DoRam is divided by 30 should suffice, for example: case SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR: for (int number = 1; number <=sd->status.base_level; number ++) { if (number%30 == 0){ count++; } } int rate= 5*count. if( rnd()%100 < rate ) skill_castend_damage_id(src, bl, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR, pc_checkskill(sd, SU_SV_STEM_SPEAR), tick, 1); break; It seems a little lengthy for me, but in theory, it should return more accurate results from this one. What do you think?
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