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About skylineisback

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  1. Hello Hercules Community, i just add a Pokeball Item but i need a complex script. By Clicking Once Summon the Homunc "ID" By Clicking Twice Rest the Homunc. and at least call the Homunc again by clicking. 11163,Bisasam,Bisasam1,11,60,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,1086,{},{},{} By the way. Is there a way to have more than one homunc?
  2. auhh i see.. is there a way to save every frame with one click in this mode ? (Photoshop)
  3. [sOLVED]Hello Hercules Community, maybe there is anyone who can help me. i want to create a pokemon sprite but there is a bug everytime. the black color is transparent .why?
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