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Posts posted by ρixєℓ

  1. 26 minutes ago, 4144 said:

    then you doing something wrong.

    Also you can use new clients with id limit up to 2147483648. In config by default it set to 131072

    I changed the ID of an item to 28000 and it worked normally, client I use is 2014-10-22, problem of changing the ID of all is that there are more than 500 items.



    Sorry guys, was using Sprite: as opposed to Vision:


    now it worked normally

  2. 2 minutes ago, Zarbony said:

    Hmm i dont know that u use rAthena.

    At the moment i switch my Active Server from rAthena to Herc.


    And for me the Converter works fine, surely with Items above 40k IDs.

    My Server got about 978 Item IDs above 40k.

    I use herc, but this solution you sent to rathena, I tested here on current herc and it didn't work.



    I have a very critical problem and I have already asked for help from everyone I know who understands ragnarok and nobody can help me, the deal is as follows, I can log normal in the emulator, however when I use @go, @item and @ Warp the char simply hangs, it does not show any error in the emulator, however the char stands still and I can not move.



    What I've done to try to solve:


    - I tried to use other emulators (Everyone gives the same error).


    - I deleted it and created the database again.


    - I formatted the machine several times (I've already used win 7 and 10 of 32 bits).


    - I tried to recompile the emulator with VS 2012, 2010 and 2015.


    - Updated Drivers.


    - Directx updated.


    - Sometimes the error occurs on any private server as well.


    - Ragnarok updated.


    I use xampp.


    NOTE: When I format the computer I can move at least 1 day without the problem occurring, then the problem starts again.



    I believe that it is a problem with the notebook because in my pc gamer that I sold I never had any problems with the emulator, however I need a solution.


    I will be very grateful if you can help me.

    Can you move?

    Any other commands that cause hang?

    The client hang? Or the machine? Or just the character?

    What happens if you let it hang for some time?(does it start to work again? Or it shows "not responding" error?)

    Have you tried downloading fresh kRO? If yes, have you tried downloading kRO from other websites?(not only 1 site, sometimes a site can provide faulty grf)

    Does it happen on specific map? Or on all maps?

    Which client version are you using?

    Have configured the packetver properly?

    Have tried to capture packet? To see if there's some abnormal packet?



    Best way would be , just use kRO data.grf and just your clientinfo.xml, that way, you can be assured of having no custom file interfering...


    Also have you tried changing resolution/graphics settings from setup.exe?


    There can be many things to try and figure... Its purely trial and error method to know solution of this problem

    - No

    - Only the character

    - I've waited too long, nothing happens

    - Yes, I've tested other gr

    - This happens on any map

    - I've already tested these:




    And all give the same problem.

    - I did.

    - There is no abnormal package.

    - I already tested this way and already configured the setup correctly but the error persists.




    Oh, another thing I forgot to mention, even in localhost phpmyadmin is quite slow, which was not supposed to happen .. I do not know if this has anything to do with the problem.


    I did this:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148131/xampp-wamp-whatever-it-is-apache-is-running-super-slow

    The phpmyadmin was fast so I opened the server and logged on, I was able to use the commands and play items on the floor normally, but when I rebooted the machine returned the problem and phpmyadmin slowed again, so I think the problem is there but I do not know The cause of phpmyadmin is slow since it is in localhost.

    NOTE: I already changed the current xamp through Wamp and the same problem occurred.




    I uninstalled the xampp I used (5.6.23) and installed it to and somehow the problem was solved, I believe it must have been some problem in this version, the strangest is that when I installed Wamp the same error occurred, Anyway the problem has been solved, thank you all.

  4. I have a very critical problem and I have already asked for help from everyone I know who understands ragnarok and nobody can help me, the deal is as follows, I can log normal in the emulator, however when I use @go, @item and @ Warp the char simply hangs, it does not show any error in the emulator, however the char stands still and I can not move.



    What I've done to try to solve:


    - I tried to use other emulators (Everyone gives the same error).


    - I deleted it and created the database again.


    - I formatted the machine several times (I've already used win 7 and 10 of 32 bits).


    - I tried to recompile the emulator with VS 2012, 2010 and 2015.


    - Updated Drivers.


    - Directx updated.


    - Sometimes the error occurs on any private server as well.


    - Ragnarok updated.


    I use xampp.


    NOTE: When I format the computer I can move at least 1 day without the problem occurring, then the problem starts again.


    I believe that it is a problem with the notebook because in my pc gamer that I sold I never had any problems with the emulator, however I need a solution.


    I will be very grateful if you can help me.

  5. Primeiro você deve usar o comando "ps aux" para ver a lista de processos que está sendo executado na máquina, procure pelos do emulador e depois basta utiizar "Kill [número do processo] que ele vai encerrar o mesmo, o comando de restart não funciona por que ele simplesmente abre os arquivos que já estão abertos, por isso ocorre o erro, o mais recomendável é usar o comando de desligar e depois o de ligar novamente.

  6. Exemplo:


    src/map/skill.h, Procure a skill que deseja adicionar/editar o efeito:


            case WE_BABY:
                if(sd) {
                    struct map_session_data *f_sd = pc->get_father(sd);
                    struct map_session_data *m_sd = pc->get_mother(sd);
                    bool we_baby_parents = false;
                    if(m_sd && check_distance_bl(bl,&m_sd->bl,AREA_SIZE)) {
                        we_baby_parents = true;
    Usei como exemplo o recall de babys, no caso 408 é o efeito que você vai adicionar ao utilizar a skill, basta fazer o mesmo para a sua skill customizada, para saber a lista de todos os efeitos basta utilizar doc/effect_list.txt

  7. Pode utilizar esses comandos:




    *isequipped(<item id>{,<item id>{,<item id>{,<item id>}}})

    This function will return 1 if the invoking character has all of the item 
    IDs given equipped (if card IDs are passed, then it checks if the cards 
    are inserted into slots in the equipment they are currently wearing). 
    Theoretically there is no limit to the number of items that may be tested 
    for at the same time. 
    If even one of the items given is not equipped, 0 will be returned.
        // (Poring,Santa Poring,Poporing,Marin)
        if (isequipped(4001,4005,4033,4196)) mes "Wow! You're wearing a full complement of possible poring cards!";
        // (Poring)
        if (isequipped(4001)) mes "A poring card is useful, don't you think?";
        // (Earring)
        if (isequipped(2622)) mes "You got a pair of nice Earring.";
    The function was meant for item scripts to support the cards released by 
    Gravity in February 2005, but it will work just fine in normal NPC scripts.


    *atcommand "<command>";


    This command will run the given command line exactly as if it was typed in 
    from the keyboard by the player connected to the invoking character, and 
    that character belonged to an account which had GM level 99.
        // This will ask the invoker for a character name and then use the 
        // '@nuke' GM command on them, killing them mercilessly.
        input .@player$;
        atcommand "@nuke "+.@player$;
    This command has a lot of good uses, I am sure you can have some fun with 
    this one.
    Script: <"
    if(isequipped(2303) && isequipped (2305)){ atcommand "@size 1";   }
    Ou seja, se o cara estiver equipando um Gibão e uma Túnica ao equipar o item com script acima ele fica pequeno, basta seguir o exemplo e fazer os outros, é bem simples.
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