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About MafiusBR

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  1. Vai em https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/conf/login/login-server.conf e muda a linhas // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ? check_client_version: false para true // What version we would allow to connect? (if check_client_version is enabled) client_version_to_connect: 20 aqui para e versão do que você vai colocar
  2. Hello, how are you? Would someone have hexed 2018-02-21 packed? Tks
  3. I am as a doubt and would saver as it does to read and write the mac adress in the database? Hexed ( 2014-10-22) Thank you
  4. Olá tudo bem? Estou add alguns custom e comigo nunca aconteceu isso, Todos os item custom que add nao importa a LOC: todos vão para traje, Alguem poderia me ajuda com esse erro. Itemdb.conf { Id: 20001 AegisName: "aura_dos_selamentos" Name: "Aura dos Selamentos" Type: 5 Buy: 0 Sell: 0 Weight: 1 Slots: 4 Loc: 256 EquipLv: 1 View: 2001 Script: <" bonus bAllStats,25; "> }, Obrigado.
  5. Hello, how are you? And can create a Ban/block system by MAC Address of the machine ? One might of a hint of how to do? Thank you
  6. Ola tudo bem? Gostaria de saber qual é o arquivo no source para alterar os comandos go0 = Prontera Obrigado
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