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About Yume

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  1. Hey everyone, I use to own a server back in the day and recently I've had an interest of getting back into it. So I thought I would come on here and see what people thought! Name : none yet Rates : Under 25x, however at the moment I'm leaning towards 10x/10/x10x ~ MvP's 1x Type: PreRE Warper: Towns and maybe the first level of dungeons Healer: Undecided @commands: @autotrade, @autoloot? Resetter: Yes No custom items or maps Job changer: No Platinum Skill Npc: No If you guys have any questions, suggestions, or comments feel free to leave them.
  2. Yume

    OVH 100Mbps

    Thank you very much! Do you have a suggestion on which one to go with from RamNode?
  3. Hello, I'm thinking about going with OVH as my host. is their 100Mbps Bandwith enough for the game? I see other host offering 1000Gbps for a little more.
  4. Yume

    Failed to Load

    My plugin failed to load. Not sure why... I am using this guide http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc . However I don't see anywhere to run make plugin in my root folder so I used configure. I got this error.... plugin.bmp
  5. Looking for a script like this that charges zeny for job change except for all classes.
  6. So the script worked once but it hasn't worked since
  7. Just do what malufett suggested. I did it and it works just fine.
  8. Yume


    Is there a way to make certain weapons only equipable on certain maps?
  9. Yume

    Rental npc

    When I try to use my rental npc to get a peco peco it says you do not meet the requirements... I am job lvl 50 on a knight with the riding skill. Here is the code any ideas? } else if (checkmount() != MOUNT_PECO && getskilllv(KN_RIDING)) { setmount; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You do not meet requirements to rent."; end;
  10. Yume


    Figured that out. How would I remove buffs when they warp? *** Figured it out ***
  11. Yume


    Looking to make a simple warper that will send you to one of 4 random spots on a map.
  12. Yume

    Job Changer

    Looking for a job changer that cost zeny to job change. Does not need 3rd class but it can include them.
  13. Yume

    Old Izlude map

    I am trying to install the old izlude map. I followed this guide: 2. Recompile your server's mapcache. I suggest using this pre-compiled Mapcache Maker. TIP: if you download map_cache.dat from the SVN and put it in the folder with mapcache.exe, then it will run in rebuild mode (only add your maps) Edit grf-files.txt to the location of your data.grf/sdata.grf Make a temporary data folder somewhere (ex: on your Desktop) and put the 3 map files (.rsw, .gat, .gnd) in it. Now edit the Data Directory location in grf-files.txt to the location of the data folder you just made with the map files in it. Copy the map_index.txt from your server folder into the Mapcache Maker's folder. Run mapcache.exe and it will create a new mapcache (called map_cache.dat) 3. Move/upload map_cache.dat to your server's .../trunk/db/ folder. Start your server. If you receive a message "{C}{C}[Notice]: Removing map [ ______ ] from maplist{C}{C}", go back and check your work. I did not have an error show up yet my Izlude map is still showing up as the new one instead of the old one I installed.
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