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Everything posted by Pandaaa

  1. is there anyway i can make it generally 50% in one input? btw how what input i will make in each skills to make it fixed cool down @ 50%?
  2. what will i put in here? to make it 50% is the only maximum can be reduced in delay skills..
  3. how can i make the max after cast delay fixed at 50%... even tho you wear any reduce delay card or items that exceed 50%
  4. i use nikkizai kRO & Renewal Full Client 2016-01-24 downloaded from here https://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro isn't the same with your data grf? btw, is the problem im getting error @ prt_in maps are the models? does the data.grf of nikkizai 2016 client has outdated models? i already extracted the original prt_in.gat/rsw/gnd files from data.grf then patched it with mapcache and still getting error when loading 1%.. tried to fix it many times.. i changed my RO Client, Downloaded new data folders(fresh), also tried to replace the nikkizai kRO data.grf with old data.grf.. doesnt fix at all
  5. still the same cant get into the prt_in map i already put the original prt_in at the data folder that i extracted from data.grf and used default mapcache to patch it
  6. the mapcache.exe inside hercules right? how can i add more maps using default mapcache?
  7. everytime i get in prt_in maps it loads 1~3% then gets me error already tried to put prt_in.gat/rsw/gnd in my data folder took from data.grf and patched with weemapcache still gets me error
  8. i already change the job_db.conf [1, .... 150] into [1, .... 255] HPTable:[1, .... 255] (int array) // Reference table for base HP per level SPTable:[1, .... 255] (int array) // Reference table for base SP per level // Note: If table index size is smaller than the max level the server will automatically generate the missing index based on the average increase per level. } still getting 2 digits HP and SP ------ if i must add more to next line before 141-150 like 151-160 until 255 i don't know what formula i will use HPTable:[ 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, // 1 - 10 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, // 11 - 20 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, // 21 - 30 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, // 31 - 40 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 280, 285, // 41 - 50 290, 295, 300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, // 51 - 60 340, 345, 350, 355, 360, 365, 370, 375, 380, 385, // 61 - 70 390, 395, 400, 405, 410, 415, 420, 425, 430, 435, // 71 - 80 440, 445, 450, 455, 460, 465, 470, 475, 480, 485, // 81 - 90 490, 495, 500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 535, // 91 - 100 540, 545, 550, 555, 560, 565, 570, 575, 580, 585, // 101 - 110 590, 595, 600, 605, 610, 615, 620, 625, 630, 635, // 111 - 120 640, 645, 650, 655, 660, 665, 670, 675, 680, 685, // 121 - 130 690, 695, 700, 705, 710, 715, 720, 725, 730, 735, // 131 - 140 740, 745, 750, 755, 760, 765, 770, 775, 780, 785] // 141 - 150
  9. already change into trans only and changed the level into 255/100 then after getting lvl 150 above my HP/SP gets (hp)50/15(sp) http://imgur.com/Bm876k0
  10. How can i remove the 3rd job classes and disable the 3rd job items,etc., (about 3rd jobs) I want to use the Trans Job only anyone?
  11. Hello, i already fix the prontera map change it to other design.. but i got new problem now how can i change this into english? what is the problem im using a data v4.0 and 2014-02-05b Ragexe Client http://imgur.com/ROq93hC
  12. i warp to prontera typing @go 0 then loads 3% gets me error. ==
  13. When i run the server and opend the client I get Black Map with NPC and i can't click the npc/move my character. I am currently using the Latest Hercules SVN and 2014-02-05b Ragexe Client with Data Version 4.0 from this link.
  14. ohh, btw which data folder i need to use 2014 clients i found a link in rathena here.. what version should i get? i tried using a 2010-07-30 client and a data version 2.0 and i doesn't work it say "you are not eligible to open character slot" everytime i create a character also the polygon stat is small.
  15. What is the best client i can use for Pre-Renewal Server (Trans Job Only) no 3rd Job items and Classes anyone can recommend be any client that will not give much problems? or easy to create?
  16. What is the best revision of hercules can be used?
  17. I should get the full then? :\ which one is good the MVS Express 2013 or 2015?
  18. Anyone can help me? is there a way to upgrade my Visual Studio into the Latest one? i am currently using a Microsoft Visual Express 10. I can't use Hercules SVN i got an outdated MVS. I tried downloading the Latest Version and seems that i need to download Full 2015 MVS.. just to upgrade my MVS 10 will save more time :3 is there a way?
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