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Posts posted by woody

  1. morocc,155,99,4	script	party_dungeon_warper	96,{	.@nom$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]";	mes .@nom$;	mes "Hello there, I'm in charge of managing the entrance to "+.dungeon_name$+".";	next;	mes .@nom$;	mes "I can only give access to a party of ^0000ff"+.min_party_size+" players or more^000000.";	mes "Only the ^0000ffparty leader^000000 can ask for the entrance access.";	mes "";	mes "^ff0000It costs "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+" to reserve an access.^000000";	next;	mes .@nom$;	if (.Dungeon) { //someone is in the dungeon		mes "A group of "+.PlayerCount+" players has currently access to the dungeon";		mes .AlivePlayerCount+" of them are still alive";		mes "^0000ff"+.WaitingCount+"^000000 group(s) are waiting for the entrance access.";	}	else mes "No one is currently in the dungeon.";	mes "";	mes "What do you want to do?";	getpartymember getcharid(1),1 ; getpartymember getcharid(1),2;	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ )		if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) )			.@count_online++;	.@DungeonReserved = 0;	for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.PartyIDs) ; .@i++)		if (getcharid(1) == .PartyIDs[.@i])			.@DungeonReserved = 1;	switch(select("Enter the dungeon:Reserve access:Leave")) { next ; mes .@nom$;	case 1:	if (!.@DungeonReserved) { //the dugeon isn't reserved yet		mes "You didn't reserve access yet.";		mes "Please reserve access before entering the dungeon.";		close;	}	else if (.PartyIDs[0] != getcharid(1)) { //dungeon reserved but in the waiting room		mes "You are in the waiting list sir, you cannot enter the dungeon yet.";		mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub(S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000.";		mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon.";		close;	}	else if (@dungeon == 0) { //player already died in the dungeon		mes "You already died in the dungeon and so cannot enter it again.";		close;	}	else if (@warped == 1) { //player warped out of the dungeon		mes "You warped out of the dungeon and so cannot enter it again.";		close;	}	@warped = 1;	.PlayerCount = .@count_online;	.EnteredPlayers++ ; .AlivePlayerCount++;	warp .warpzone$,.warpx,.warpy;	end;		case 2:	if (.@DungeonReserved) { //has already reserved access		mes "You already reserved access to the dungeon.";		mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000.";		if (callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))) mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon.";		close;	}	else if (.@count_online < .min_party_size) { //not enough players online or not in a party		mes "You need a party of "+.min_party_size+" players online to reserve the dungeon.";		close;	}	else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1) != getcharid(3)) { //not party leader		mes "Only the party leader can reserve access to the dungeon.";		close;	}	else if (getarraysize(.PartyIDs)) { //people already waiting		setarray .PartyIDs[getarraysize(.PartyIDs)] , getcharid(1);		mes "You successfully reserved the entrance.";		mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000.";		mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon.";		close;	}	if (countitem(.item) < .amount) {		mes "You don't have "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+".";		mes "^ff0000It costs "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+" to reserve an access.^000000";		close;	}	delitem .item,.amount;	.Dungeon = 1;	setarray .PartyIDs[0] , getcharid(1);	mes "^ff0000You can now enter the dungeon.^000000";	mes "If none of the party members enter the dungeon before "+.delay+" minutes, the dungeon will be automatically closed.";	initnpctimer ; .TimeDelay = 0;	addrid(2,0,.PartyIDs[0]) ; @dungeon = 1 ; @warped = 0;	end;		case 3:	end;	}OnTimer300000:	.TimeDelay = 1;	if (.AlivePlayerCount == 0) callsub S_NextParty;	end;S_Position:	for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.PartyIDs) ; .@i++) if (.PartyIDs[.@i] == getarg(0)) .@j = .@i;	return .@j;S_CheckCount:	debugmes "checkcount";	if (.AlivePlayerCount == 0 /*|| (.Delay && .AlivePlayerCount == .EnteredPlayers)*/) callsub S_NextParty;	return;S_NextParty:	addrid(2,0,.PartyIDs[0]);	announce "Everyone is dead, you lost access to the dungeon.";	deletearray .PartyIDs[0],1;	if (.PartyIDs[0]) {		detachrid ; addrid(2,0,.PartyIDs[0]);		announce "Your party can now enter the dungeon.",bc_self;		announce "Please enter it before a "+.delay+" minutes delay, else you will loose access.",bc_self;		initnpctimer;		.TimeDelay = 0;	}	end;	OnPCDieEvent:	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0);	if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) @dungeon = 0 ; .AlivePlayerCount -= 1 ; warp .exitzone$,.exitx,.exity ; callsub S_CheckCount;	end;	OnPCLogoutEvent: //if player logs out in the dungeon, he's counted as dead	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0);	if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) @dungeon = 0 ; .AlivePlayerCount -= 1 ; callsub S_CheckCount;	end;OnPCLoginEvent: //if player logs in in the dungeon, he's warped out of it	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0);	if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) warp .exitzone$,.exitx,.exity;	end;	OnInit://===============================set this up==========================================	.dungeon_name$ = "the Fire dungeon";	.item = 671; //item required (gold coin)	.amount = 1; //amount required	.min_party_size = 1; //minimum amount of players needed to enter the dungeon	.delay = 5; //delay after wich dungeon is closed if all the players in it are dead	.warpzone$ = "mus_arena01" ; .warpx = 62 ; .warpy = 48; //entrance warp coordinates	.exitzone$ = "mus_arena03" ; .exitx = 116 ; .exity = 193; //exit coordinates//=============================end of user setup======================================	mapwarp .warpzone$,.exitzone$,.exitx,.exity;	.Dungeon = .PlayerCount = .AlivePlayerCount = .WaitingCount = 0;	setarray .PartyIDs[0],0;}

    The Npc cant click

  2. -    script    Anti Bot    -1,{OnNPCKillEvent:    if(getgmlevel() > 0) end;    set @kill,@kill+1;    if(@kill >= rand(200,201)) goto Check;    end;OnPCLoginEvent:Check:    if(getgmlevel() > 0) end;    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;    if (.@map$=="jawaii") end;    if(checkcart() == 1) set @cart,1;    if(checkfalcon() == 1) set @falcon,1;    if(checkriding() == 1) set @riding,1;    atcommand "@option 2 0 0";    atcommand "@battleignore";    setoption 0x2,1;    sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1;    mes "[Anti Bot]";    mes "Bot checking time";    mes "Please input the number you see";    next;    switch( rand(1,9) ) {    case 1:        mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";        mes "###############^83F52C####^000000################";        mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";        mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";        mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";        mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";        mes "###############^83F52C######^000000##############";        input @num;        if(@num == 1) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 2:        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C#########^000000##############";        input @num;        if(@num == 2) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 3:        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        input @num;        if(@num == 3) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 4:        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C#########^000000##############";        mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";        input @num;        if(@num == 4) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 5:        mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C#######^000000################";        mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "#############^83F52C######^000000################";        input @num;        if(@num == 5) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 6:        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";        mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C######^000000################";        input @num;        if(@num == 6) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 7:        mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";        mes "################^83F52C##^000000#################";        mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";        mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";        mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";        mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";        input @num;        if(@num == 7) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 8:        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        input @num;        if(@num == 8) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    case 9:        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C########^000000##############";        mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";        mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";        input @num;        if(@num == 9) break;        atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);        end;    }    next;    mes "[Anti Bot]";    mes "Thank you for your patience, you can now move on.";    atcommand "@option 0 0 0";    atcommand "@battleignore";    setoption 0x2,0;    sc_end sc_berserk;    percentheal 100,100;    addtimer .time_tocheck, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On15secs";    set @kill,0;    if(@cart == 1) {        setcart;        set @cart,0;    }    if(@falcon == 1) {        setfalcon;        set @falcon,0;    }    if(@riding == 1) {        setriding;        set @riding,0;    }    close;OnPCLoadMapEvent:	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++) {		if (strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.@i]) {			addtimer .time_tocheck, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On15secs";			break;		}	}	end;On15secs:	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++)		if (strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.@i]) goto check;	end;OnInit:	.time_tocheck =  15 *1000;	setarray .map_list$, "jawaii", "payon"; // add the map you want to it triggered	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++) setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_loadevent;	end;}

    Like this ?


    - script Anti Bot -1,{


    if(getgmlevel() > 0) end;

    set @kill,@kill+1;

    if(@kill >= rand(200,201)) goto Check;




    if(getgmlevel() > 0) end;

    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;

    if (.@map$=="jawaii") end;

    if(checkcart() == 1) set @cart,1;

    if(checkfalcon() == 1) set @falcon,1;

    if(checkriding() == 1) set @riding,1;

    atcommand "@option 2 0 0";

    atcommand "@battleignore";

    setoption 0x2,1;

    sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1;

    mes "[Anti Bot]";

    mes "Bot checking time";

    mes "Please input the number you see";


    switch( rand(1,9) ) {

    case 1:

    mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";

    mes "###############^83F52C####^000000################";

    mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";

    mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";

    mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";

    mes "#################^83F52C##^000000################";

    mes "###############^83F52C######^000000##############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 1) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 2:

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C#########^000000##############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 2) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 3:

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 3) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 4:

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C#########^000000##############";

    mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 4) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 5:

    mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C#######^000000################";

    mes "##################^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "#############^83F52C######^000000################";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 5) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 6:

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####################";

    mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C######^000000################";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 6) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 7:

    mes "############^83F52C########^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000####^83F52C##^000000###############";

    mes "################^83F52C##^000000#################";

    mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";

    mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";

    mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";

    mes "###############^83F52C##^000000##################";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 7) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 8:

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 8) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);


    case 9:

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C########^000000##############";

    mes "###################^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "############^83F52C##^000000#####^83F52C##^000000##############";

    mes "#############^83F52C#######^000000###############";

    input @num;

    if(@num == 9) break;

    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);




    mes "[Anti Bot]";

    mes "Thank you for your patience, you can now move on.";

    atcommand "@option 0 0 0";

    atcommand "@battleignore";

    setoption 0x2,0;

    sc_end sc_berserk;

    percentheal 100,100;

    set @kill,0;

    if(@cart == 1) {


    set @cart,0;


    if(@falcon == 1) {


    set @falcon,0;


    if(@riding == 1) {


    set @riding,0;









     if(@kill >= rand(200,201)) goto Check;



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