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About ElariaRO

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  1. Hey there, I guess I have a problem with the same sex marriage script which is located in npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt The script shows no error, wedding works aswell without any problems but wedding partners can't use the skills or trade the rings. I tested the marriage with 2 female characters, one of them had to register as groom, the other one as bride (which is okay) but then both get a brides ring and I guess this causes the problem? I think I had the same issue back then but I don't really remember it anymore. Does anyone know what I can do about it? Here is the script:
  2. Did you try to use " yum --enablerepo=webtatic update php " ? It should update your php version automatically.
  3. I don't think there is. If so I'd like to know that aswell. Even though I don't like the V4P system because it's basically spoon feeding.
  4. It was intented to keep the main colors like this since the logo has these colors. It's sad that it's not your type of color though. Thanks for the review
  5. Just wanted to share our patcher design with you What do you think? FB button is "pressed down" version. Also all other buttons will have a hover aswell.
  6. Hello I request this script. If anyone is able to do it feel free to Server Level Up System What it should do: It has to check how many EXP the whole playerbase does. If a certain amount of EXP was gained a map will be unlocked. Maps that can be unlocked should be able to set through script. There has to be an announcement when the playerbase reached 25,50, 75 and 100% of the needed EXP to unlock a map. Needed EXP has to be visible through a NPC for every player.
  7. Still searching for a developer!

  8. Will there be a comeback of ElariaRO? Yes.

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