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Posts posted by koko24

  1. Hello im wondering if this can also be use in hercules


    i've been trying to figure it by myself for hours but i lack coding skills




    preventing players from using moving skills(body reloc) when trapped



    found the solution, my next question is can the traps prevent the body reloc from over stepping? example


    PlayerA is in Point = 1,

    Traps in in Point = 2,

    PlayerA Use body reloc to Point = 3


    is it posible that the PlayerA cannot go to Point 3

    instead he is magnet to traps at Point 2


    any knows how to remove this pinkish color




    can't upload the psd i dont have permision

    it is blending that you apply in photoshop.



    i already remove it and applied stroke instead but still the same



    any knows how to remove this pinkish color




    can't upload the psd i dont have permision

    Don't enable anti alias functions when you fill pink color(#FF00FF)

    im pretty sure i didnt enable anti-alias function when i fill it with pink




    - Anyway someone explained to me on how it should properly works i'll try it later thank you

  3. i cant remember changing any weight from default to 0


    is there anyway to make the weight cap damage? like sp from asura?

    case WS_CARTTERMINATION:i = 10 * (16 - skill_lv);if (i < 1) i = 1;//Preserve damage ratio when max cart weight is changed.if(sd && sd->cart_weight)skillratio += sd->cart_weight/i * 80000/battle_config.max_cart_weight - 100;else if (!sd)skillratio += 80000 / i - 100;

  4. yes i copied everything, from stats to item build to item inventory, i only reach half of his damage,


    i didnt saw his cart list, but my cart is on max weight 8k,


    im wondering if is there any known weight cart bug

  5. any knows why cart termi damage is over powered? 255/120 ws cart termi is 100k-200k and i dont know how they do it


    Card Effects are disable, no thana no tg no hydra, tried copying his stats and build but i can't copy his damage and i dont know here the bug is comming


    anyone experience this? or any info regarding this?

  6. i think you can find it here



     * when enabled, reflect damage doesn't bypass devotion (and thus damage is passed to crusader) * uncomment to enable **/#define DEVOTION_REFLECT_DAMAGE

  7. i want to modify GVG damage



    	/* GvG zone is applied to all maps with a gvg mapflag */	name: "GvG" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */		disabled_skills: {		AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER"		AL_WARP: "PLAYER"		WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER"		TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER"		RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER"		HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER"		HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER"		CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER"		CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER"		NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER"		CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER"		BS_GREED: "PLAYER"		SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER"		SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER"	}		disabled_items: {		Assumptio_5_Scroll: true		Greed_Scroll: true		Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true	}	/* 5 second duration increase on GvG */	/* knockback disabled */	/* GvG Mode Damage Reductions */	/* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */	/* - magic_damage_rate  -40% */	/* - misc_damage_rate   -40% */	/* - long_damage_rate   -20% */	/* - short_damage_rate  -20% */	mapflags: ( "invincible_time_inc	5000",				"noknockback",				"weapon_damage_rate	60",				"magic_damage_rate	60",				"misc_damage_rate	60",				"long_damage_rate	80",				"short_damage_rate	80" )	
    				"noknockback",				"weapon_damage_rate	50",				"magic_damage_rate	50",				"misc_damage_rate	50",				"long_damage_rate	60",				"short_damage_rate	60" ) 


        is this the right one?

  8.  if (ratio > 60000) ratio = 60000

    if i want to lower the cap this is the only thing i need to modify right?


     if (ratio > 55000) ratio = 55000

    like this? Thank you guys for answering

  9. Hello 

    i want to limit the extremityfist SP Damage to 6k sp

    				case MO_EXTREMITYFIST:	#ifndef RENEWAL					{						//Overflow check. [Skotlex]						unsigned int ratio = skillratio + 100*(8 + st->sp/10);						//You'd need something like 6K SP to reach this max, so should be fine for most purposes.						if (ratio > 60000) ratio = 60000; //We leave some room here in case skillratio gets further increased.						skillratio = (unsigned short)ratio;					}


  10. Hello Few days ago i experience this bug in my server




    tried everything to fix it, and finally found the error by overwriting everything in my source into default


    then when i try to bring back the mods that i put, i finally found out the source of the error


    its about this 1hand parrying from source, it is working as inteded but every skill that require weapon to use is usable without the required weapon




    anythoughts on how to fix this?

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