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Found 2 results

  1. Dastgir


    File Name: Auraset File Submitter: Dastgir File Submitted: 24 Mar 2014 File Category: Plugins For Building Plugins: Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc Usage: Atcommand: (usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>}) (aura1,aura2 are optional) ScriptCommand: (usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3} aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional. aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0)) 2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change. You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables USERAURA - Aura1 USERAURA1 - Aura2 USERAURA2 - Aura3 You can also change aura by changing these variables. Some Useful aura Combinations: { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 }, I guess no further explanation is needed. Click here to download this file
  2. Dastgir


    Version 1.4a


    For Building Plugins: Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc Usage: Atcommand: (usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>}) (aura1,aura2 are optional) ScriptCommand: (usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3} aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional. aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0)) 2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change. You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables USERAURA - Aura1 USERAURA1 - Aura2 USERAURA2 - Aura3 You can also change aura by changing these variables. Some Useful aura Combinations: { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 }, I guess no further explanation is needed.
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