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Good day. I was wondering if it's possible to announce certain mvp mob's death and making an NPC that tells you if certain MVP mob is dead or alive. I was thinking of NPCkillevent but I didn't know how to go on with it. So, I must be little off manner and ask, would you please give me a sample? just one mvp mob will do. I can work with the rest of them and I should, I cannot ask more than that. I was thinking of something like this: 1. Announcing part if(getmonsterid(1038)) in map "moc_pryd04" announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed "+getmonsterid(1038)+",0; 2. NPC that gives MVP info map,x,y script mvp brifing npc#,{ mes ""mvp name","map name","show X if dead / show O if alive""; mes "Osiris,pyramid 4th floor,O"; close; } I really don't know how to do this. If you can give me a sample I can add all the other mvps by myself, so please. Thank you.
Hello, I come humbly ask you to help me with 2 npcs. . 1st I would like a mvp that will summon a random mvp announced for every server every 5 minutes. ("can be edited by me later") on the thana_boss map. and in case the other would only be born when they killed the previous one, this would be the time of 5 minutes until a next one is born. 2 npc of pvp respawn, type .. the player entered a pvp room, it could be that of izlude, well, in this room when he was dead, it would take a time of 5 seconds until he was born again with the buffs "bless / agi normal skill time, but I can configure it later. " (I believe these npcs would be very useful for other people). I thank the attention.
hi, can someone make a simple npc displayed up top 10 user ranking cash point? maybe kiled mob and pvp ? there will 2 selection, mvp or pvp. here the script i'm using - script mvp_rewards -1,{ OnInit: .mobRewardPoints = 1; //MOB CASH POINT .rewardMobIds[1649] = 1; //High Priest Magaleta / High Priest Margaretha .rewardMobIds[1651] = 1; //High Wizard Katrinn / High Wizard Kathryne .rewardMobIds[1646] = 1; //Lord Knight Seyren .rewardMobIds[1650] = 1; //Sniper Shecil / Sniper Cecil .rewardMobIds[1648] = 1; // Whitesmith Harword .rewardMobIds[1647] = 1; // Assassin Cross Eremes .rewardMobIds[1917] = 1; //Wounded Morroc .rewardMobIds[1871] = 1; // Fallen Bishop .rewardMobIds[1768] = 1; // Gloom Under Night .rewardMobIds[1086] = 1; // Golden Thief Bug .rewardMobIds[1832] = 1; // Ifrit .rewardMobIds[1734] = 1; // Kiel D-01 .rewardMobIds[1251] = 1; // Knight of Windstorm .rewardMobIds[1646] = 1; // Lord Knight Seyren .rewardMobIds[1147] = 1; // Maya .rewardMobIds[1650] = 1; // Sniper Shecil .rewardMobIds[1583] = 1; // Tao Gunka .rewardMobIds[1708] = 1; // Thanatos .rewardMobIds[1312] = 1; // Turtle General .rewardMobIds[1751] = 1; // Valkyrie Randgris .rewardMobIds[1685] = 1; // Vesper .rewardMobIds[1511] = 1; // Amon Ra .rewardMobIds[1630] = 1; // Bacsojin .rewardMobIds[1039] = 1; // Baphomet .rewardMobIds[1115] = 1; // Eddga .rewardMobIds[1252] = 1; // Garm .rewardMobIds[1492] = 1; // Incantation Samurai .rewardMobIds[1190] = 1; // Orc Lord .rewardMobIds[1159] = 1; // Phreeoni .rewardMobIds[1658] = 1; // Ygnizem .rewardMobIds[1785] = 1; // Atroce .rewardMobIds[1096] = 1; // Angeling .rewardMobIds[1388] = 1; // Archangeling .rewardMobIds[1795] = 1; // Bloody Knight .rewardMobIds[1874] = 1; // Beelzebub .rewardMobIds[1272] = 1; // Dark Lord .rewardMobIds[1719] = 1; // Datale .rewardMobIds[1389] = 1; // Dracula .rewardMobIds[1112] = 1; // Drake .rewardMobIds[1046] = 1; // Doppelgangger .rewardMobIds[1418] = 1; // Evil Snake Lord .rewardMobIds[1120] = 1; // Ghostring .rewardMobIds[1688] = 1; // Lady Tanee .rewardMobIds[1373] = 1; // Lord of Death .rewardMobIds[1289] = 1; // Maya Purple .rewardMobIds[1150] = 1; // Moonlight Flower .rewardMobIds[1087] = 1; // Orc Hero .rewardMobIds[1038] = 1; // Osiris .rewardMobIds[1157] = 1; // Pharaoh .rewardMobIds[1582] = 1; // Deviling .rewardMobIds[1623] = 1; // RSX 0806 .pvpRewardPoints = 1; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if(.rewardMobIds[killedrid] > 0) { #CASHPOINTS += .mobRewardPoints; dispbottom "You now have " + #CASHPOINTS + " Cash Point" + ((#CASHPOINTS > 1)? "s":"") + "."; announce strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + " killed " + strmobinfo(1, killedrid) + " and earned "+ .mobRewardPoints +" Cash Point" + ((.mobRewardPoints > 1)? "s":"") + ".", bc_all; } end; OnPCKillEvent: #CASHPOINTS += .pvpRewardPoints; dispbottom "You now have " + #CASHPOINTS + " Cash Point" + ((#CASHPOINTS > 1)? "s":"") + "."; mapannounce strcharinfo(PC_MAP), strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + " killed " + rid2name(killedrid) + " and earned " + .pvpRewardPoints +" Cash Point" + ((.pvpRewardPoints > 1)? "s" : "") + ".",bc_map; end;}
Hye, Can I request. If player get MVP card from killed MVP, there will be announcement. For example ?
- 24 replies
//Created by youtubenew_4-4,143,169,3 script Find the Naruto 1_F_PRIEST,{mes "[ Find the Naruto ]";if(getgmlevel() < 80) { if(.Event==0) mes "There is no Find the Naruto event."; else { mes "There is a Find the Naruto event on now!"; mes "Location: "+ .Map$; mes "Prize: " + getitemname(.ItemID); mes "Number of Naruto: " + .Naruto; } close;} mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"! Please customize this event:";Main:next;mes "[ Find the Naruto ]"; switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Start Event:End Event")) { case 1: mes "Which item would you like the Naruto to drop?"; mes "Please input the item ID:"; input .ItemID; goto Main; case 2: mes "Starting the event now..."; set .Event,1; close2; goto OnStart; case 3: mes "Ending the event now..."; if(.Event) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" ended Find the Naruto Event!",bc_all; killmonster .Map$,"All"; set .Event,0; close;}OnMinute20:OnStart: announce "It's time to kill the Naruto!",0; sleep2 1000; set $@ran, rand(1,1);// if ($@ran == 11) set .Map$,"splendide";// if ($@ran == 10) set .Map$,"hugel";// if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"yuno";// if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"comodo";// if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"xmas";// if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"aldebaran";// if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude";// if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon";// if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen";// if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"izlude"; sleep2 1000; set $@ran2, rand(1,1);// if ($@ran2 == 5) set .Naruto,"5";// if ($@ran2 == 4) set .Naruto,"4";// if ($@ran2 == 3) set .Naruto,"3";// if ($@ran2 == 2) set .Naruto,"2"; if ($@ran2 == 1) set .Naruto,"1"; announce "The Naruto has landed in "+ .Map$ +"!",0; sleep2 10000; announce "" + .Naruto + " Naruto have spawned in "+ .Map$ +"!",0; sleep2 10000; monster .Map$,0,0,"Naruto",2518,.Naruto,"Find the Naruto::OnMobKilled"; end;OnMobKilled: mapannounce .Map$,"We've got a winner: " + strcharinfo(0) + " Congrats!",0;// set zeny,zeny+10000000; getitem .7711,10; set .Event,0; end;} Hi all. Im using this script. However. When I kill the monster above error appear. why ? I if kill the mobs, get event ticket.. [Error]: buildin_getitem: Nonexistant item 0 requested.[Debug]: Source (NPC): Find the Naruto at new_4-4 (143,169)
Hi all. I have this script. But this script seem bug. It not reset the party when no one left in the room or after player dead. Please help me. //===== rAthena Script =======================================//= MVP Ladder Game//===== By: ==================================================//= aftermath, AnnieRuru (rewrite)//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.0//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= rAthena Project//===== Description: =========================================//= Gather a party and kill every MVP in ascending order.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= 1.0 First version, edited. [Euphy]//============================================================prontera,164,171,3 script MvP Ladder Warper 1_M_KNIGHTMASTER,{// if ((agitcheck() == 1) || (agitcheck2() == 1)){ // mes .npc$; // mes "I'm sorry, during ^0000FFWar of Emperium^000000, You are not Allowed to use my services."; // close; // } mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Say... do you want to play the MvP Ladder game?"; next; switch(select("Yes, let's get it on!:Information.:Show me the best record.:No.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "In this game, your party has to kill every single MvP monster in ascending order, from the weakest to strongest."; if ( .finish_item_amount ) mes "If your party can finish the MVP ladder game, each member will earn "+ callfunc("F_InsertPlural", .finish_item_amount, getitemname( .finish_item_id )) +"."; if ( .register_cost ) mes "But the entrance fee is "+ callfunc( "F_InsertComma", .register_cost ) +" zeny."; next; mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You lose the game if you can't finish in "+ .timeout +" minutes, or if your entire party is killed."; mes "Good luck!"; close; case 3: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; if ( !$mvpladdderparty_time ) { mes "Nobody has finished this game yet."; close; } mes "The best record is"; mes "[ "+( $mvpladdderparty_time / 60 )+" min "+( $mvpladdderparty_time % 60 )+" sec ]"; mes "By the party ^FF0000"+ $mvpladdderparty_name$ +"^000000."; .@size = getarraysize( $mvpladderparty_member$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes "^000000"+ ( .@i +1 ) +". ^0000FF"+ $mvpladderparty_member$[.@i]; if ( getgmlevel() < .gmlvlreset ) close; next; if ( select( "Close.", "Reset the record." ) == 1 ) close; if ( select( "Never mind.", "I really want to reset it." ) == 1 ) close; $mvpladdderparty_time = 0; $mvpladdderparty_name$ = ""; deletearray $mvpladderparty_member$[.@i]; mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Record reset successfully."; close; case 4: mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "When you are strong enough to complete the game, please come back."; close; } if ( !getcharid(1) ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You have to form a party to play."; close; } if ( getpartyleader( getcharid(1), 2 ) != getcharid(0) ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Only the party leader can register."; close; } .@origin = getcharid(3); getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) .@online++; } } attachrid .@origin; if ( $@partymembercount != .register_min ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You have to form a party with exactly "+ .register_min +" members to play."; close; } else if ( .@online != .register_min ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "Your party must have "+ .register_min +" members online on map '"+ strnpcinfo(4) +"'."; close; } else if ( .register_cost && Zeny < .register_cost ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny. Please come back when you do."; close; } else if ( .party_id ) { mes "[MvP Ladder Warper]"; mes "I'm sorry, but a party is currently playing the game. Please standby until the party is finished."; mes "Thank you."; close; } Zeny -= .register_cost; announce "The party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has started the MvP ladder game.", bc_all; set .party_id, getcharid(1); set .@time_enter, gettimetick(2); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) { announce "You have "+ .timeout +" minutes to complete "+ .totalround +" rounds.", bc_self; .@name$[.@c] = strcharinfo(0); .@c++; } } } cleanmap .eventmap$; warpparty .eventmap$, 0,0, .party_id, strnpcinfo(4); donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvpDead"; sleep .timeout * 60000; if ( .round == .totalround +1 ) { getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; mapannounce .eventmap$, "Congratulations... You were able to defeat all the MVPs!", bc_map; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .finish_item_id, .finish_item_amount; } } set .@timeused, gettimetick(2) - .@time_enter; if ( .bonus_item_amount && .@timeused < .bonus_time * 60 ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "You are rewarded a bonus item for completing the ladder within "+ .bonus_time +" minutes.", bc_map; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .bonus_item_id, .bonus_item_amount; } } } if ( !$mvpladdderparty_time || .@timeused < $mvpladdderparty_time ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "And you broke the record! [ "+( .@timeused / 60 )+" min "+( .@timeused % 60 )+" sec ]", bc_map; set $mvpladdderparty_time, .@timeused; set $mvpladdderparty_name$, getpartyname( .party_id ); copyarray $mvpladderparty_member$, .@name$, .register_min; } else mapannounce .eventmap$, "Time used [ "+( .@timeused / 60 )+" min "+( .@timeused % 60 )+" sec ]", bc_map; sleep 10000; announce "The party ["+ getpartyname( .party_id ) +"] has finished the MvP ladder game!", bc_all; } else announce "The party ["+ getpartyname( .party_id ) +"] has failed to finish the MvP ladder game.", bc_all; mapwarp .eventmap$, .map$, .x, .y; killmonsterall .eventmap$; .party_id = .round = 0; end;OnMvpDead: .round++; if ( .round >= 2 && .round != .totalround +1 && .round_item_amount ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ ) getitem .round_item_id, .round_item_amount; } } } if ( .round == .totalround +1 ) { awake strnpcinfo(0); end; } else if ( .round == .totalround ) mapannounce .eventmap$, "The final Round will begin in "+ .delay +" seconds...", bc_map; else mapannounce .eventmap$, "Starting round "+ .round +" in "+ .delay +" seconds...", bc_map; sleep .delay * 1000; if ( .mvpid[.round] == 1646 ) // pick random Bio3 MVP .mvpid[.round] = rand(1646,1651); monster .eventmap$,0,0, "--ja--", .mvpid[.round], 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMvpDead"; mapannounce .eventmap$, getmonsterinfo( .mvpid[.round], MOB_NAME ) +" has spawned!", bc_map|bc_blue; end;OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( Hp > 0 ) .@less_one = 1; else end;OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != .eventmap$ || !getcharid(1) ) end; if ( getcharid(1) != .party_id ) end; getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ && Hp > 0 ) .@alive++; } } if ( .@less_one ) .@alive--; if ( !.@alive ) { mapannounce .eventmap$, "Party wiped!", bc_map; sleep 10000; awake strnpcinfo(0); } end;OnInit:// Configurations ----------------------------------------------------- // Time limit (in minutes) // When time runs out, all players inside the room will be kicked out. // Do NOT set this to zero! set .timeout, 40; // entrance fee (in Zeny) set .register_cost, 10000000; // exact amount of party members needed to start the game set .register_min, 1; // id of each mvp. you can add more setarray .mvpid[1], 1086,// Golden Thief Bug 64 1115,// Eddga 65 1150,// Moonlight Flower 67 1159,// Phreeoni 69 1112,// Drake 70 1583,// Tao Gunka 70 1492,// Incantation Samurai 71 1046,// Doppelgangger 72 1252,// Garm 73 1418,// Evil Snake Lord 73 1059,// Mistress 74 1190,// Orc Lord 74 1087,// Orc Hero 77 1251,// Knight of Windstorm 77 1038,// Osiris 78 1658,// Ygnizem 79 1272,// Dark Lord 80 1871,// Fallen Bishop 80 1039,// Baphomet 81 1147,// Maya 81 1785,// Atroce 82 1389,// Dracula 85 1630,// Bacsojin 85 1885,// Gorynych 85 1623,// RSX 0806 86 1511,// Amon Ra 88 1688,// Lady Tanee 89 1768,// Gloom Under Night 89 1719,// Datale 90 1734,// Kiel D-01 90 1157,// Pharaoh 93 1373,// Lord of Death 94 1312,// Turtle General 97 1779,// Ktullanux 98 1874,// Beelzebub 98 1646,// Bio3 placeholder 99 1708,// Thanatos 99 1751,// Valkyrie Randgris 99 1832;// Ifrit 99 // number of rounds (default: 39) set .totalround, getarraysize(.mvpid) -1; // item reward for completing each round set .round_item_id, 30002; set .round_item_amount, 1; // item reward for completing the entire ladder set .finish_item_id, 30001; set .finish_item_amount, 5; // bonus reward if ladder completed within a certain time (in minutes) set .bonus_time, 30; // if completed within 45 minutes, this reward is given set .bonus_item_id, 30002; set .bonus_item_amount, 30; // time delay between rounds, in seconds (default: 3) set .delay, 10; // minimum GM level to reset the best record set .gmlvlreset, 99; // event map set .eventmap$, "guild_vs2-2"; // mapflag configuration setarray .@mapflag, mf_nowarp, mf_nowarpto, mf_nosave, mf_nomemo, mf_noteleport, mf_nopenalty, // disable exp loss mf_noreturn,// mf_nobranch,// mf_nomobloot, // disable monster drop loots,// mf_nomvploot, // 2 of these mf_partylock;// Config Ends -------------------------------------------------------------- mapannounce .eventmap$, "An administrator has refreshed the server. Please re-register. We apologize for the inconvenience.", bc_map; getmapxy .map$, .x, .y, 1; mapwarp .eventmap$, .map$, .x, .y; killmonsterall .eventmap$; .@size = getarraysize( .@mapflag ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) setmapflag .eventmap$, .@mapflag[.@i];waitingroom " Ladder Game",0; end;}function script F_GetPlural { set .@str$, getarg(0); if (countstr(.@str$," ")) { // multiple words explode(.@tmp$,.@str$," "); set .@size, getarraysize(.@tmp$); // if format is "... of|in|on ...", pluralize preceding word; else pluralize last word if (compare(.@str$," of ") || compare(.@str$," in ") || compare(.@str$," on ")) { for (set .@i,1; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (getstrlen(.@tmp$[.@i]) == 2 && compare("of|in|on",.@tmp$[.@i])) break; set .@index, .@index + 1; } } else set .@index, .@size - 1; set .@str$, .@tmp$[.@index]; set .@tmp$[.@index],"%s"; set .@format$, implode(.@tmp$," "); } else set .@format$, "%s"; set .@strlen, getstrlen(.@str$); if (.@strlen < 3) // prevent errors return ((getarg(1,0)) ? strtoupper(sprintf(.@format$,.@str$)) : sprintf(.@format$,.@str$)); setarray .@suffix$[0], charat(.@str$,.@strlen - 1), substr(.@str$,.@strlen - 2,.@strlen - 1); if (!compare("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",.@suffix$[0])) { // last character is not a letter set .@result$, .@str$; } // common exceptions --> singular form == plural form else if (compare("fish|glasses|sunglasses|clothes|boots|shoes|greaves|sandals|wings|ears",.@str$)) { set .@result$, .@str$; } // ends in -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh --> add -es else if (.@suffix$[0] == "s" || .@suffix$[0] == "x" || .@suffix$[0] == "z" || .@suffix$[1] == "ch" || .@suffix$[1] == "sh") { set .@result$, .@str$ + "es"; } // ends in -f, -fe --> remove -f, -fe --> add -ves else if ((.@suffix$[0] == "f" || .@suffix$[1] == "fe") && .@suffix$[1] != "ff") { if (compare("belief|cliff|chief|dwarf|grief|gulf|proof|roof",.@str$)) set .@result$, .@str$ + "s"; // exceptions --> add -s else set .@result$, substr(.@str$,0,.@strlen - 2 - (.@suffix$[1] == "fe")) + "ves"; } // ends in consonant + -y --> remove -y --> add -ies else if (.@suffix$[0] == "y" && !compare("aeiou",charat(.@suffix$[1],0))) { set .@result$, delchar(.@str$,.@strlen - 1) + "ies"; } // ends in -o --> exceptions --> add -es else if (.@suffix$[0] == "o" && compare("buffalo|domino|echo|grotto|halo|hero|mango|mosquito|potato|tomato|tornado|torpedo|veto|volcano",.@str$)) { set .@result$, .@str$ + "es"; } // default --> add -s else { set .@result$, .@str$ + "s"; } return ((getarg(1,0)) ? strtoupper(sprintf(.@format$,.@result$)) : sprintf(.@format$,.@result$));}function script F_InsertPlural { return sprintf(getarg(3,"%d %s"), getarg(0), ((getarg(0) == 1) ? getarg(1) : callfunc("F_GetPlural",getarg(1),getarg(2,0))));}function script F_InsertComma { set .@str$, getarg(0); for (set .@i,getstrlen(.@str$)-3; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-3) set .@str$, insertchar(.@str$,",",.@i); return .@str$;}
Hello, How to make an item that transform player to mvp ? and give additional status ? For example: Player A equip custom accessory then Its will transform into MVP. With that equip, its give additional status.
[Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string.[Debug]: Data: variable name='.@num' index=0[Debug]: Function: getstrlen[Debug]: Source (NPC): Private MVP Room at prontera (164,184)[Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string.[Debug]: Data: variable name='.@num' index=0[Debug]: Function: getstrlen[Debug]: Source (NPC): Private MVP Room at prontera (164,184)[Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string.[Debug]: Data: variable name='.@num' index=0[Debug]: Function: getstrlen[Debug]: Source (NPC): MVP Summoner#1 at 06guild_01 (49,49) I got this error on private mvp room, then after a while my server crash. what is the problem ? how to fix it ?
Hey guys... First, apollogies for my english... I'm looking for you help in here, 'cause no one could helped me in my idiom!! My problem is: I'm typing a script that sumons some mvp's ... and those monster have a Label!! at their Label, I'm trying to make the npc to annunciate: "Char's name has killed the MVP's name". But instead to annunciate a MvP's name, it's showing the mob's name. Example: For Baphomet the npc's announce is Like that: "James has killed Baphomet Jr." instead "James has killed Baphomet" My script: OnKILLMOB: $mob--; announce strcharinfo(0)+" has killed "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0),bc_yellow; I also has tried like this: OnKILLMOB: if ( getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP) ){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" has killed "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0),bc_yellow;} But this way doesn't annunciate anything. And I tried to do instead at monster label (OnKILLMOB:), do this at event (OnNPCKillEvent:) but anyway that's works!! So I hope you can help me!! Once again, I'm sorry about my english!!
Hello community! I have a question: is it possible to remove drop from slave mobs without editing mob_db? For example: White Lady summoning Green Maiden, who drops Bao Bao, and every time when player killing slave mob - it drops this item again and again. Many players like to abuse it. Is it any way to fix it? Thanks for advance! c:
Hi there.. I'm just curious. Is it Possible that even when I close the char/login/map-server's windows batch files.. for example the damaged received or status freeze/stun/etc. of Monsters especially MVP's will be saved? like when left your char in a certain map and close everything.. but still you'll find your char where you left it when you load everything again. btw thank you for checking out this topic.
Hi, is there a way to change the mvp's size without their slaves inheriting it?
Version 1.0.1
Hi guys! Seeing that rAthena is down and the time I uploaded the file it got deleted, Here's the cards that I have currently for the Sealed MVP Cards! More power to Hercules! If you have more pictures to be added in, do let me know and I'll add them in! Right now these are what I have only. Anyways the names are the same as the item_db so it should be working fine! I have 22 cards here. It's not fully done yet though! Pictures such as Sealed Valkyrie aren't in yet and I can't get them through our grf files. So if someone does have the files, do let me know! -It seems that Hercules does not supports RAR files therefore I can't place all the files together. Sorry guys) -
File Name: Sealed MVP Cards File Submitter: ToiletMaster File Submitted: 24 May 2013 File Category: Other Graphics Hi guys! Seeing that rAthena is down and the time I uploaded the file it got deleted, Here's the cards that I have currently for the Sealed MVP Cards! More power to Hercules! If you have more pictures to be added in, do let me know and I'll add them in! Right now these are what I have only. Anyways the names are the same as the item_db so it should be working fine! I have 22 cards here. It's not fully done yet though! Pictures such as Sealed Valkyrie aren't in yet and I can't get them through our grf files. So if someone does have the files, do let me know! -It seems that Hercules does not supports RAR files therefore I can't place all the files together. Sorry guys) Click here to download this file