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Found 6 results

  1. Hello Hercules Community, Let me explain it first. It is ExtendedBG, which tends to contain all eAmodBG modes and extra modes(as and when coded). Some Previews: http://imgur.com/a/2SSVR Ohh, and the last thing I forgot to tell, Its 100% Plugin and Script, no Source Edits .. Special Thanks To: jaBote co-founded this project(and really thanks to him , that he motivated me at start at provided some functions and idea of how the base should be, and what we should do it to give flavor of Hercules in it). Repository Link: https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG (Please read README.md for installation steps) Leave Comments/Suggestions if you find something. NOTE: There might be some(/many) debug messages left in map-server which will be cleaned up. I will add battle.conf soon (you have to add it yourself for now or edit the plugin) The plugin might be a big mess to read/understand (I did many experiments over the year) There might be some bugs Thanks to @Rebel and @Myriad for testing and providing initial feedback Contact me on Discord: @Dastgir#1460 if there's some urgent issue or else open the issue in github. keep this topic for support. Want to encourage me??
  2. Introducing the Item Options System! Commit https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/974222a8d3f189083205bf5d330de04a43226ad3 Feature Information The Item Option System is a feature that was implemented in 2015-02-26 clients, allowing equipments to have up to 5 additional effects similar to cards or enchants. Each equipment is capable of having 5 information bars above the card slot/enchant bar that describes the effect of the option it is infused with. New Script Commands (The following snippet is available in doc/script_commands.txt.) *getequipisenableopt(<equipment slot>) This function checks if the equipped item allows the use of bonus options. Returns 1 if allowed, 0 if not. --------------------------------------- *getequippedoptioninfo(<info_type>); This function is to be used with the scripts of contents listed in db/item_options.conf only. Returns the value of the current equipment being parsed. If the equip was not found or the type is invalid, -1 is returned. --------------------------------------- *getequipoptioninfo(<equip_index>,<slot>,<type>); Gets the option information of an equipment. <equipment_index> For a list of equipment indexes see getequipid(). <option_slot> can range from 1 to MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS <type> can be IT_OPT_INDEX (the ID of the option bonus, @see "Id" or "Name" in db/item_options.conf) or IT_OPT_VALUE (the value of the bonus script of the equipment, @see "Script" in db_item_options.conf). returns the value of the slot if exists or -1 for invalid slot, type or slots. --------------------------------------- *setequipoption(<equip_index>,<slot>,<opt_index>,<value>); Set an equipment's option index or value for the specified option slot. <equipment_index> For a list of equipment indexes see getequipid(). <option_slot> can range from 1 to MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS <type> can be IT_OPT_INDEX (the ID of the option bonus, @see "Id" or "Name" in db/item_options.conf) <value> The value of the type to be set. returns 0 if value couldn't be set, 1 on success. Release Notes This system allows the infusing of equipments with bonus item options. This feature is constrained to clients of packet versions greater than or equal to 20150226. Item Options and their effects are defined server-side in db/item_options.conf and client side in data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/addrandomoptionnametable.lub The ID of the option must tally with the correct index of the description provided in the client side file. IT_OPT_* keys and MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS macro are also exported from the source as constants. If you wish to disable item options for certain (equipment) items, an additional flag `disable_options` has been added to the item sql tables, and as `DisableOptions: true/false (boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!)` to the item_db.conf files. Documentation is provided for script commands. If upgrading, don't forget to run the sql upgrade files! Credits A big thanks to all the reviewers that helped make the code closer to perfection. - Emistry, dastgir, MishimaHaruna, Jedzkie, Ridley8819, Asheraf, 4144. Style and Script Fixes by Asheraf (https://github.com/Asheraf) Initial design Idea in rAthena commit.
  3. Version 1.0 - Final


    Muspelheim is a custom region/extension of my previously released area of Helheim (meant to connect via the west portion of Helheim). Basically, it's a fire region. Yup, that's it. Released originally for my server CasualRO, I'm releasing it for free as a "Herc.ws Exclusive". Package contains a bunch of maps, some NPC sprites, and monster recolors (Orcs among other things). It's suggested that you also release Torturous Redeemer and Skoll in this region as they fit perfectly with the design. I am not providing support for this package, so you're on your own. If you don't know how to implement custom sprites or maps, use Google. Please don't be a mooch! If you use any of these files, PLEASE send $5 via Paypal: [email protected] - I like Starbucks, and it's not free, but this package is, so caffeinate me, kthx. Enjoyyyyyyy
  4. Version 1.0 - Final


    Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times. Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it. Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how. I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered. As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect: win_pront13.rsw# 0.25# 0.6# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c01.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c02.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c03.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c04.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun2.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_n.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_fild1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google. If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it.
  5. File Name: Deathmas in July by Eiphes (jTynne) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times. Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it. Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how. I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered. As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect: win_pront13.rsw# 0.25# 0.6# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c01.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c02.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c03.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c04.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun2.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_n.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_fild1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google. If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: Muspelheim by Eiphes (jTynne) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Muspelheim is a custom region/extension of my previously released area of Helheim (meant to connect via the west portion of Helheim). Basically, it's a fire region. Yup, that's it. Released originally for my server CasualRO, I'm releasing it for free as a "Herc.ws Exclusive". Package contains a bunch of maps, some NPC sprites, and monster recolors (Orcs among other things). It's suggested that you also release Torturous Redeemer and Skoll in this region as they fit perfectly with the design. I am not providing support for this package, so you're on your own. If you don't know how to implement custom sprites or maps, use Google. Please don't be a mooch! If you use any of these files, PLEASE send $5 via Paypal: [email protected] - I like Starbucks, and it's not free, but this package is, so caffeinate me, kthx. Enjoyyyyyyy Click here to download this file
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