This is very early in the brainstorming process Looking to put together a team of content developers, scripters, and like minded individuals to build a roleplay server that can host a potential community of 70+ based on the base Ragnarok Online game with Hercules emulator in a world called "Empire Under Siege". I distinctly need help with helping to modify the current base game that would add custom NPCs, scripts, and tools that would make the game more friendly to a Dungeon Master and players in a custom universe. I do not expect a total makeover of the current game, but adaptations.
Where professional work is involved, I am willing to financially support 2d artists, scripters, and coders. I of course also welcome free-lance volunteers who want to take it on as a hobby, or build experience for free.
If this might interest you, or you have info that you think your script/plugin/knowledge might help - please message me!