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Found 3 results

  1. File Name: RO SETA (Crush Dump Viewer) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Client Resources File Name: RO Seta (Crash Dump Viewer) This tool was recently sent to me by a friend, that converts crash dumps/error handlers into readable content. For example, from one of my Support Tickets I'd received on my server, the following error handler was provided: 0012F46C : 58 61 D9 20 50 B1 C2 2A 58 61 D9 20 73 70 72 690012F47C : 74 65 5C BE C7 BC BC BB E7 B8 AE 5C B3 B2 5C B30012F48C : B2 5F BF E4 C1 A4 C0 C7 B1 CD 2E 73 70 72 00 7F0012F49C : 80 F4 12 00 38 31 14 00 00 00 14 00 A4 45 76 730012F4AC : 90 F5 79 73 50 F5 AB 25 0D 44 76 73 C8 F4 12 000012F4BC : 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C D8 3E A5 25 94 F5 12 000012F4CC : 41 00 91 7C E8 09 14 00 5D 00 91 7C 00 00 00 000012F4DC : 20 33 A5 25 E0 3E A5 25 A8 CE 90 25 00 00 00 000012F4EC : 0D 9A 80 7C 00 00 00 00 C8 B8 AE 25 00 00 00 400012F4FC : 00 00 00 00 10 F5 12 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C0012F50C : F0 F4 12 00 DC F5 12 00 68 FA 12 00 D8 9A 83 7C0012F51C : 10 9A 80 7C FF FF FF FF 0D 9A 80 7C 44 0F 78 730012F52C : 70 3F A5 25 D0 F5 12 00 90 00 00 00 20 00 00 000012F53C : C8 B8 AE 25 A8 B9 AE 25 C8 B8 AE 25 EC F5 12 000012F54C : 2B 45 76 73 D0 F5 12 00 A8 B9 AE 25 00 00 00 000012F55C : 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 90 F5 79 73 08 B0 82 25 And when entered into RO Seta, it converts to: XaÙ P±Â*XaÙ sprite¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®³²³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr.‚¬Ã´.81...¤EvsÂõysPõ«%DvsÈô..¸.€˜|Ø>Â¥%€õA.€˜|È .].€˜|.. 3Â¥%À>Â¥%¨ÎÂ%..š‚¬|..ȸ®%..@..õ...¸.€˜|ðô.Üõ.hú.Øšƒ|š‚¬|ÿÿÿÿš‚¬|Dxsp?Â¥%ðõ.Â.. .ȸ®%¨¹Â®%ȸ®%ìõ+Evsðõ.¨¹Â®%......Âõys°€š% Specifically, sprite¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®³²³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr Brings notice to the male version of Elven Ears. Some errors will remain garbled, but for the most part, this is an invaluable tool that allows server owners the ability to better pinpoint what's happening in their player's crash dumps. Credits to Skipper, though I have no idea where the file originally came from as again, it was literally sent to a short while ago. Click here to download this file
  2. 134 downloads

    File Name: RO Seta (Crash Dump Viewer) This tool was recently sent to me by a friend, that converts crash dumps/error handlers into readable content. For example, from one of my Support Tickets I'd received on my server, the following error handler was provided: 0012F46C : 58 61 D9 20 50 B1 C2 2A 58 61 D9 20 73 70 72 690012F47C : 74 65 5C BE C7 BC BC BB E7 B8 AE 5C B3 B2 5C B30012F48C : B2 5F BF E4 C1 A4 C0 C7 B1 CD 2E 73 70 72 00 7F0012F49C : 80 F4 12 00 38 31 14 00 00 00 14 00 A4 45 76 730012F4AC : 90 F5 79 73 50 F5 AB 25 0D 44 76 73 C8 F4 12 000012F4BC : 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C D8 3E A5 25 94 F5 12 000012F4CC : 41 00 91 7C E8 09 14 00 5D 00 91 7C 00 00 00 000012F4DC : 20 33 A5 25 E0 3E A5 25 A8 CE 90 25 00 00 00 000012F4EC : 0D 9A 80 7C 00 00 00 00 C8 B8 AE 25 00 00 00 400012F4FC : 00 00 00 00 10 F5 12 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C0012F50C : F0 F4 12 00 DC F5 12 00 68 FA 12 00 D8 9A 83 7C0012F51C : 10 9A 80 7C FF FF FF FF 0D 9A 80 7C 44 0F 78 730012F52C : 70 3F A5 25 D0 F5 12 00 90 00 00 00 20 00 00 000012F53C : C8 B8 AE 25 A8 B9 AE 25 C8 B8 AE 25 EC F5 12 000012F54C : 2B 45 76 73 D0 F5 12 00 A8 B9 AE 25 00 00 00 000012F55C : 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 90 F5 79 73 08 B0 82 25 And when entered into RO Seta, it converts to: XaÙ P±Â*XaÙ sprite\¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®\³²\³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr.‚¬Ã´.81...¤EvsÂõysPõ«%DvsÈô..¸.€˜|Ø>Â¥%€õA.€˜|È .].€˜|.. 3Â¥%À>Â¥%¨ÎÂ%..š‚¬|..ȸ®%..@..õ...¸.€˜|ðô.Üõ.hú.Øšƒ|š‚¬|ÿÿÿÿš‚¬|Dxsp?Â¥%ðõ.Â.. .ȸ®%¨¹Â®%ȸ®%ìõ+Evsðõ.¨¹Â®%......Âõys°€š% Specifically, sprite\¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®\³²\³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr Brings notice to the male version of Elven Ears. Some errors will remain garbled, but for the most part, this is an invaluable tool that allows server owners the ability to better pinpoint what's happening in their player's crash dumps. Credits to Skipper, though I have no idea where the file originally came from as again, it was literally sent to a short while ago.
  3. GRF Viewer Hi there ! If you remember, in the past I released a buggy web grf viewer. It was slow, didn't work with big GRF because of memory issue, can't decode DES encryption, now time to present its new version. Basically this web tool allow you to select your own GRFs and display their contents directly in the browser. Nothing to download. As its name suggest, it can't write into the GRF, there are currently no API available (for security reason) to have write access to the user computer, so the only point of this tool is to display its content and search on it. There are no way to repack, add or modify files. Just view and extract files. This tool is built using only javascript, html5 and webgl, it is in my point of view a demonstration of what can be done in the web today with new technologies. It can view as thumbnail some sort of files : bmp, gif, jpeg, tga, spr, pal, and some tools are included to render models and maps or listening audio files. Two possibilities at the start up : Select a GRF (click on "select files", or drag drop your grfs in the box). Note: once the page quit or reloading you have to re-select the files, the browser do not remember them. Click on the data folder, in this case, it will show resources from my remote client. This tool is an application from roBrowser, it's using roBrowser's core. So if you ever find a bug, I'll be really happy to fix it ! Note: it's possible the viewer stop rendering a directory content because it encounter a corrupted file in the GRF (wrong gzip encryption, or invalid file offset) or the file is encrypted. You can test this tool online here: http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/GRF-Viewer/ Some preview: All feedback are welcome. Have fun~
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