I wanted when the person using the comman @joinbg seemed the option to choose the blue side or red.
// (c) 2008 - 2012 eAmod Project; Andres Garbanzo / Zephyrus//// - [email protected]// - MSN [email protected]// - Skype: Zephyrus_cr// - Site: http://dev.terra-gaming.com//// This file is NOT public - you are not allowed to distribute it.// Authorized Server List : http://dev.terra-gaming.com/index.php?/topic/72-authorized-eamod-servers/// eAmod is a non Free, extended version of eAthena Ragnarok Private Server. // ==============================================================================// BattleGround System - Common NPCs// ============================================================================== // MapFlags// ********************************************************************* bat_room mapflag nomemobat_room mapflag nowarptobat_room mapflag nobranchbat_room mapflag nopenaltybat_room mapflag noteleportbat_room mapflag nosave SavePointbat_room mapflag allow_bg_items// Mapflag Town is required to Join BG Queuesbat_room mapflag town // Battleground Queue Admin// *********************************************************************- script BG_Queue_Join -1,{ end; OnInit: // Configuration // ***************************************************** // Battleground Rotation - Main NPC name setarray .BG_Arenas$[0], "Conquest"; // Battleground Arena Name - for announcements setarray .BG_Names$[0], "Conquest"; // Minimum Players to start the BG setarray .BG_Min[0], 5; // Maximum Players per Team setarray .BG_Max[0], 30; // BG Message Colors setarray .BG_Color$[0], "0x4169E1"; // Team Building Mode : 0 = Lineal | 1 = Random | 2 = Class Priority | 3 = Faction Mode | 4 = Team Color ( by script set Bat_Team,N; ) set .TeamMode, 2; // Main Code // ***************************************************** set .BG_Count, getarraysize(.BG_Arenas$); set .BG_Queue, bg_queue_create("Battleground Arena","BG_Queue_Join::OnJoinEvent",80); set .VS_Queue, bg_queue_create("Free For All Arena","BG_Queue_Join::OnVersusJoin",80); // Move to Next Arena if( $BG_Index >= .BG_Count ) set $BG_Index,1; // Restart Rotation set .BG_Arena$,.BG_Arenas$[$BG_Index]; set .Ready, 1; donpcevent "BG_Queue_Join::OnDoHappyHour"; initnpctimer; // Rotation if BG don't start... Comment if you don't want to use this method // Comment the next two lines if you don't want to allow @joinbg and @leavebg commands. bindatcmd "joinbg","BG_Queue_Join::OnDoJoin",0,200; bindatcmd "leavebg","BG_Queue_Join::OnDoLeave",0,200; end; OnDoJoin: // @joinbg if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) == 2 ) erasequest 8506; if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) != -1 ) { dispbottom "[Você é um desertor. Você não pode participar até que o indicador se apague]"; end; } bg_queue_join .BG_Queue; end; OnDoLeave: // @leavebg bg_queue_leave .BG_Queue; end; OnRotate:OnTimer740000: // Rotation if BG don't start... Comment if you don't want to use this method. 120 = 2 Minutes set $@BG_Status, 0; // Warps Teams bg_warp $@BG_Team1,"bat_room",155,150; bg_warp $@BG_Team2,"bat_room",155,150; bg_warp $@BG_Team3,"bat_room",155,150; // Destroy Teams bg_destroy $@BG_Team1; set $@BG_Team1, 0; bg_destroy $@BG_Team2; set $@BG_Team2, 0; bg_destroy $@BG_Team3; set $@BG_Team3, 0; // Move to Next Arena if( set($BG_Index,$BG_Index + 1) >= .BG_Count ) set $BG_Index,0; // Restart Rotation set .BG_Arena$,.BG_Arenas$[$BG_Index]; initnpctimer; // Rotation if BG don't start... Comment if you don't want to use this method // Trigger the Event - Maybe people is waiting...OnJoinEvent: if( $@BG_Status == 2 ) end; // BG Ending... Must wait until OnRotate is called set .@Queue_Count, bg_queue_data(.BG_Queue,0); switch( $@BG_Status ) { case 0: // Idle - Ready to Start if( .BG_Arena$ == "Tierra_TI" ) set .@Req, .BG_Min[$BG_Index] * 3; else set .@Req, .BG_Min[$BG_Index] * 2; if( bg_queue_checkstart(.BG_Queue,.TeamMode,( (.BG_Arena$ == "Tierra_TI") ? 3 : 2 ),.BG_Min[$BG_Index]) ) { donpcevent .BG_Arena$ + "::OnBuildTeams"; // Fill Teams with Queue Members if( .BG_Arenas$[$BG_Index] == "Tierra_TI" ) bg_queue2teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Min[$BG_Index],.BG_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2,$@BG_Team3; else bg_queue2teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Min[$BG_Index],.BG_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2; stopnpctimer; // Rotation if BG don't start... Comment if you don't want to use this method set $@BG_Status,1; set .@msg$, "Batalha Campal -- " + .BG_Names$[$BG_Index] + " -- Começando"; announce .@msg$,.BG_Color$[$BG_Index]; donpcevent .BG_Arena$ + "::OnReady"; } else { set .@msg$, "Batalha Campal -- " + .BG_Names$[$BG_Index] + " -- " + (.@Req - .@Queue_Count) + " Jogadores Para Começar, Use @joinbg Para Participar."; announce .@msg$,0,.BG_Color$[$BG_Index]; } break; case 1: // Running - Others can join if( .@Queue_Count > 0 ) { if( .BG_Arena$ == "Tierra_TI" ) { bg_balance_teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2,$@BG_Team3; set .@BG_Count1, bg_get_data($@BG_Team1,0); set .@BG_Count2, bg_get_data($@BG_Team2,0); set .@BG_Count3, bg_get_data($@BG_Team3,0); set .@msg$, "Batalha Campal -- " + .BG_Names$[$BG_Index] + " -- B: " + .@BG_Count1 + "/" + .BG_Max[$BG_Index] + ", R: " + .@BG_Count2 + "/" + .BG_Max[$BG_Index] + ", G: " + .@BG_Count3 + "/" + .BG_Max[$BG_Index] + " (Em andamento) Use @joinbg Para Participar."; } else { bg_balance_teams .BG_Queue,.BG_Max[$BG_Index],.TeamMode,$@BG_Team1,$@BG_Team2; set .@BG_Count1, bg_get_data($@BG_Team1,0); set .@BG_Count2, bg_get_data($@BG_Team2,0); set .@msg$, "Batalha Campal -- " + .BG_Names$[$BG_Index] + " -- B: " + .@BG_Count1 + "/" + .BG_Max[$BG_Index] + ", R: " + .@BG_Count2 + "/" + .BG_Max[$BG_Index] + " (Em andamento) Use @joinbg Para Participar."; } announce .@msg$,.BG_Color$[$BG_Index]; } break; } end; OnVersusJoin: if( $@VS_Status != 0 ) end; set .@Queue_Count, bg_queue_data(.VS_Queue,0); if( .@Queue_Count >= 10 ) { donpcevent "FFA_Arena::OnBuildTeams"; bg_queue2teams .VS_Queue,1,1,0,$@VS_Team[0],$@VS_Team[1],$@VS_Team[2],$@VS_Team[3],$@VS_Team[4],$@VS_Team[5],$@VS_Team[6],$@VS_Team[7],$@VS_Team[8],$@VS_Team[9]; set $@VS_Status,1; announce "Batalha Campal -- Free For All -- Começando",0,0x483D8B; donpcevent "FFA_Arena::OnReady"; } else announce "Batalha Campal -- Free For All -- " + (10 - .@Queue_Count) + " Jogadores Para Começar, Use @joinbg Para Participar.",0,0x483D8B; end; OnFri0600: // Friday, 6 a.m. rankreset 1; // Ranking Reset end; // BattleGround Happy HourOnDoHappyHour:OnClock1600:OnClock1800:OnClock2000:OnClock2200: switch( gettime(4) ) { case 1: case 3: case 5: if( gettime(3) >= 20 && gettime(3) < 22 ) { announce "-- Battleground Happy Hour has begun | Ranked Arena Mode --",0,0x00FF00; setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",120; // +20% Reward Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",1; end; } if( gettime(3) == 22 ) { announce "-- Battleground Happy Hour is over | Regular Arena Mode --",0,0x00BFFF; setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",100; // Normal Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",0; end; } break; case 2: case 4: case 6: if( gettime(3) >= 16 && gettime(3) < 18 ) { announce "-- Battleground Happy Hour has begun | Ranked Arena Mode --",0,0x00FF00; setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",120; // +20% Reward Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",1; end; } if( gettime(3) == 18 ) { announce "-- Battleground Happy Hour is over | Regular Arena Mode --",0,0x00BFFF; setbattleflag "bg_reward_rates",100; // Normal Rates setbattleflag "bg_ranked_mode",0; end; } break; } end;} // Registration NPC// *********************************************************************- script BG_Register -1,{ if( getvariableofnpc(.Ready,"BG_Queue_Join") == 0 ) donpcevent "BG_Queue_Join::OnInit"; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Bem Vindo ao novo sistema de Batalha Campal! Aqui você pode registrar-se ou registrar seu Grupo no sistema. O sistema seleciona os Times e Arena radomicamente e segue alternando as Arenas de forma consecutiva. Conquest -->Rush -->Conquest --> Conquest e por ai vai."; mes "O que você quer fazer?"; next; switch( select("^FFA500Batalha Campal Arenas^000000:^0000FFFree For All Arena^000000:Ir as lojas da Batalha Campal") ) { case 1: mes "[^FFA500Recrutadora de Batalha^000000]"; mes "Batalha Campal, diferentes tipos de jogos onde as equipes lutam pela vitória."; mes "Oque você quer fazer?"; next; switch( select("Registrar:Registrar Grupo:Cancelar Registro:Battleground Help") ) { case 1: if( BaseLevel < 80 ) { mes "[^FFA500Recrutadora Batalha Campal^000000]"; mes "Nível necessário para participar de um campo de batalha é de 80."; close; } if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) == 2 ) erasequest 8506; if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) != -1 ) { mes "[^FFA500Recrutadora Batalha Campal^000000]"; mes "Você é um desertor. Você não pode participar até que o indicador se apaga"; close; } mes "[^FFA500Recrutadora Batalha Campal^000000]"; mes "Vamos prosseguir com o registro..."; mes "Você pode esperar em qualquer cidade até BG começa."; mes "Feche esta janela para continuar..."; close2; bg_queue_join getvariableofnpc(.BG_Queue,"BG_Queue_Join"); end; case 2: if( getcharid(1) == 0 ) { mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Você não estar em um grupo."; close; } mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Vamos prosseguir com o registro..."; mes "Você pode esperar em qualquer cidade até BG começa."; mes "Feche esta janela para continuar..."; close2; bg_queue_partyjoin getcharid(1),getvariableofnpc(.BG_Queue,"BG_Queue_Join"); end; case 3: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Se você estiver registrado, você será removido."; mes "Você tem certeza?"; next; if( select("Sim, sair da fila:Não, eu vou ficar") == 2 ) { mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Ok, nada para mudar."; close; } mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Feche esta janela para continuar ..."; close2; bg_queue_leave getvariableofnpc(.BG_Queue,"BG_Queue_Join"); end; case 4: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Tell me... what battleground you don't understand?"; next; switch( select("Capture the Flag:Team DeathMatch:Stone Control:Eye of Storm:Bossnia:Domination:Triple Inferno:Conquest:Rush") ) { case 1: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "The objective of the Flavius Battle CTF is to score 3 points before your enemy, by capture their Flag."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "To capture a Flag you need to take the enemy flag, and bring it to your base flag."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If your base flag is captured too, you need to kill the flag carrier and take the flag back to your base."; break; case 2: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Kill all the enemy players to let their Team without points."; mes "Protect our army."; break; case 3: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Take the Stones in the middle of the battlefield and put in on your base, in the Stone Points."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Each Stone will give points to your team. First team reach 99 points wins the game."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Protect your stones from to be captured by the enemy."; break; case 4: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "There are two bases, North and South which teams can capture by holding position on the Base more than the other team."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Each base will give you points each 5 seconds of Domination. If your Team control both bases the amount of points increases."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "To get aditional points, in the middle there is a Flag spawn, capture it and put it on any of your team Bases."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "The first Team reach 99 points wins the match."; break; case 5: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Attack the enemy base and destroy each MVP Guardian. To do damage to the guardian your team must capture the Balance Flag in the middle base."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Each team have 5 guardian to be protected or killed."; break; case 6: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "There are three bases, North, Center and South which teams can capture by holding position on the Base more than the other team."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Each base will give you points each 5 seconds of Domination."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "The first Team reach 99 points wins the match."; break; case 7: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "There are 3 teams in the battlefield, your team and other 2 enemies."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Kill the enemy players, collect the skulls and bring then to the Sacrifice Totem to win points."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "You can collect your own team skulls and bring then to your Sacrifice Totem to avoid other teams to score."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If you get killed all your skulls will be drop to the floor, including your own skull. First Team to get 80 points wins the battle."; break; case 8: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If you are Attacking, destroy the enemy defenses and it's Flag."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If you are Defending, protect your castle defenses and the Flag."; break; case 9: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Fight to capture the Castle and organize your team to defend it."; next; mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If you fail on the first capture, kill the defender and take it for your team."; break; } break; } close; case 2: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Free For All Arena is a Duel between 10 players with No Teams."; mes "The target is to kill 25 players."; mes "What do you want to do?"; next; switch( select("Register:Leave Queue") ) { case 1: if( BaseLevel < 80 ) { mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Min required level to join a battleground is 80."; close; } if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) == 2 ) erasequest 8506; if( checkquest(8506,PLAYTIME) != -1 ) { mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "You are a Deserter. You can't participate until the indicator goes off"; close; } mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Let's proceed with the registration..."; mes "You must wait on any City until BG starts."; mes "Close this window to continue..."; close2; bg_queue_join getvariableofnpc(.VS_Queue,"BG_Queue_Join"); end; case 2: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "If you are registered, you will be removed."; mes "Are you sure?"; next; if( select("Yes, leave queue:No, I will stay") == 2 ) { mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Ok, nothing to change."; close; } mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "Close this window to continue..."; close2; bg_queue_leave getvariableofnpc(.VS_Queue,"BG_Queue_Join"); end; } break; case 3: mes "[^FFA500Battle Recruiter^000000]"; mes "May the War God bless you."; close2; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Batalha Campal",0; } end;} bat_room,156,150,3 duplicate(BG_Register) Battle Recruiter#bat 728prontera,162,191,4 duplicate(BG_Register) Battle Recruiter#prt 728 // General Guillaume// *********************************************************************bat_room,160,159,3 script General Guillaume 420,{ cutin "bat_kiyom2",2; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Hot-blooded adventurer, we need your ability to win this battle."; next; cutin "bat_kiyom1",2; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Our great king, Marcel Marollo VII, is very sick lately. His Majesty has declared that he chosen either me or Prince Croix as the next king amongst his 9 sons."; next; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Two kings can't share a nation!"; mes "Only the one victorious from His Majesty's appointed battle will be enthroned."; next; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "This is however, not just a battle between us. This battle will determine the future of this country. I pledge on my honor to prove that I'm the one who can protect this Maroll from outside threats."; next; switch( select("Join the Blue Team","Join the Green Team","End Conversation") ) { case 1: cutin "bat_kiyom2",2; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Welcome to my army, comrade."; mes "Your eyes tell me that you're a soldier that I can trust."; set Bat_Team,1; next; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Now, go upstairs and apply for battle with your comrades. I'm sure they'll welcome you whole-heartedly!"; break; case 2: cutin "bat_kiyom2",2; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "So you will take this fight as your own..."; mes "Then you are my enemy."; set Bat_Team,0; next; mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "Go now, We will meet again in the Battlefield."; break; case 3: mes "[General Guillaume]"; mes "I'll be the one who will capture the flag!"; break; } close2; cutin "",255; end;} // General Croix// *********************************************************************bat_room,160,140,3 script Prince Croix 416,{ cutin "bat_crua1",2; mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "Wise adventurer, why don't you lend us your power for victory?"; next; cutin "bat_crua2",2; mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "I do not wish to shed blood, but I have no choice but to fight for the possibility of peace and for the sake of my people."; next; mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "General Guillaume may have an advantage in this battle as he is the great general of Maroll, but that doesn't automatically mean he'll win. I want to win this battle so that I can grant a better future for my people."; next; switch( select("Join the Red Team","Join the Green Team","End Conversation") ) { case 1: mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "Thank you so much. I feel like I can win with the help of adventurers like you. Now, please go downstairs and join your comrades in sharpening their skills to fight the enemy!"; set Bat_Team,2; break; case 2: mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "So you will take this fight as your own..."; mes "Then you are my enemy."; set Bat_Team,0; next; mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "Go now, We will meet again in the Battlefield."; break; case 3: mes "[Prince Croix]"; mes "For Maroll!"; break; } close2; cutin "",255; end;} // Guard Dummy// ********************************************************************* bat_room,161,141,3 script Prince Croix's Aid::bat_aid 415,{ end; }bat_room,161,139,3 duplicate(bat_aid) Prince Croix's Aid::bat_aid2 415bat_room,161,160,3 duplicate(bat_aid) General Guillaume's Aid::bat_aid3 419bat_room,161,158,3 duplicate(bat_aid) General Guillaume's Aid::bat_aid4 419 // Flags// ********************************************************************* - script Base Flag#bg -1,{ end; } // BattleGround Warper - Exit// ********************************************************************* bat_room,148,150,4 script Teleporter#bat 124,{ mes "[Teleporter]"; mes "Do you wish to leave the battlefield? Use my service to return to town."; next; if( select("Leave:Don't Leave") == 2 ) { mes "[Teleporter]"; mes "I'll be here whenever you're in need of my service."; close; } switch( @ArenaPVP_out ) { // Rune Midgard Republic case 1: warp "prontera",138,86; break; case 2: warp "payon",165,98; break; case 3: warp "morocc",153,94; break; case 4: warp "umbala",121,143; break; case 5: warp "comodo",196,140; break; case 6: warp "niflheim",214,193; break; case 7: warp "aldebaran",143,111; break; case 8: warp "geffen",107,53; break; // Schwarzard Republic case 9: warp "yuno",151,177; break; case 10: warp "hugel",99,143; break; case 11: warp "lighthalzen",167,93; break; case 12: warp "einbroch",70,194; break; case 13: warp "einbech",168,130; break; // Arunafelz Republic case 14: warp "rachel",118,114; break; case 15: warp "veins",207,122; break; // Islands case 16: warp "nameless_n",161,179; break; case 17: warp "louyang",213,106; break; case 18: warp "gonryun",154,111; break; case 19: warp "ayothaya",148,109; break; case 20: warp "moscovia",229,195; break; case 21: warp "xmas",151,127; break; case 22: warp "amatsu",203,107; break; case 23: warp "izlude",126,114; break; case 24: warp "brasilis",195,211; break; case 25: warp "manuk",279,214; break; case 26: warp "splendide",200,174; break; // Anyplace else default: set .@spoint$, getsavepoint(0); set .@x, getsavepoint(1); set .@y, getsavepoint(2); mes "[Teleporter]"; mes "You will be sent back to " + .@spoint$ + "."; close2; warp .@spoint$, .@x, .@y; break; } set @ArenaPVP_out, 0; end;} // Kafra// *********************************************************************bat_room,148,147,4 script Kafra Staff::kaf_bat 861,{ cutin "kafra_09",2; callfunc "F_Kafra",0,2,1,150,0;} // Badges Exchange// *********************************************************************
I wanted when the person using the comman @joinbg seemed the option to choose the blue side or red.
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