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fishing script cant stop


i need some to fix this debug.

when player do the quest

 the npc cant be stop.. need use @go /@ load

and how to make its base on ip?

so the player cant spam this quest.


-	script	Fishing Spot	45,{		ReturnHere:	.@CatchProbability = 0;	.@FishingItem = -1;	.@ItemConsumeRate = 0;	if(countitem(632) > 0)	{		.@FishingItem = 632;		.@CatchProbability = 80;		.@ItemConsumeRate = 35;	}	else if(countitem(623) > 0)	{		.@FishingItem = 623;		.@CatchProbability = 65;		.@ItemConsumeRate = 20;	}	else if(countitem(916) > 0)	{		.@FishingItem = 916;		.@CatchProbability = 50;		.@ItemConsumeRate = 45;	}	else if(countitem(909) > 0)	{		.@FishingItem = 909;		.@CatchProbability = 40;		.@ItemConsumeRate = 67;	}	if(.@FishingItem == -1)	{		mes "I does not have any bait... I need to have a Jellopy, Earth Worm the Dude or Fatty Earthworm to be able to do fishing.";		close;	}	progressbar 0x0000FF, rand(5, 25);	if(rand(101) <= .@ItemConsumeRate){		delitem .@FishingItem, 1;	}	.@FishReward = -1;	if(rand(101) <= .@CatchProbability)	{		.@FishReward = 579;		if(rand(2) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(3) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(3) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(3) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(5) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(5) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(7) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(10) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(12) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(30) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(25) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(25) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(10) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(20) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(5) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(5) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		else if(rand(5) == 0)		{			.@FishReward = 7227;		}		message strcharinfo(0), "I catched a "+getitemname(.@FishReward)+"!";		getexp 15 + BaseLevel,0;		getitem .@FishReward, 1;	}	else	{		message strcharinfo(0), "I could not catch the fish...";		getexp BaseLevel / 5,0;	}	goto ReturnHere;}florian,83,122,4	script	Anglers Anonymous Team	727,{		.@NpcName$ = "[Anglers Anonymous Member]";	.@DailyQName$ = "FishDaily$";	.@DailyDateName$ = "FishLastDay$";	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "Yes?";	next;	menu "What is Fishing?", L_wfish, "Daily Mission", L_daily, "Nothing", -;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "Good bye then.";	close;		L_wfish:	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "Fishing consists of using a fishing pole and a bait to catch fish.";	next;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "Some places countain fishing spots, you will just need some baits to be able to collect them.";	next;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "You will need a Jellopy, Earthworm the Dude or Fatty Earthworm to be able to fish.";	next;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "Depend on the bait you use, you will less likelly lose the bait upon fishing.";	next;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "But beware, not everytime you will succeed in fishing.";	next;	mes .@NpcName$;	mes "A sum of base experience can be acquired from fishing, you may use the fishing when you enter AFK or is waiting for someone.";	close;		L_daily:	.@CurDay$ = gettime(5)+""+gettime(6)+""+gettime(7);	mes .@NpcName$;	if(getd(.@DailyDateName$) == .@CurDay$)	{		mes "You have already completed today's daily fishing quest.";		close;	}	.@QuestItem = 579;	.@QuestItemStack = 15;	if(countitem(.@QuestItem) >= .@QuestItemStack)	{		mes "Nice job! Here is your reward, see you next day.";		getexp 150 + (BaseLevel * 7), 25 + (JobLevel * 7);		getitem 603, 3;		Zeny += 3500;		delitem .@QuestItem, .@QuestItemStack;		setd .@DailyDateName$, .@CurDay$;		close;	}	mes "Your task is to get "+.@QuestItemStack+" "+getitemname(.@QuestItem)+". Talk to me when you acquire them.";	close;		OnPCLoadMapEvent:	.@DailyDateName$ = "FishLastDay$";	if(strnpcinfo(4) == strcharinfo(3))	{		.@CurDay$ = gettime(5)+""+gettime(6)+""+gettime(7);		if(getd(.@DailyDateName$) != .@CurDay$)		{			showevent 4, 2;		}	}	end;}geffen,162,80,4	duplicate(Anglers Anonymous Team)	Anglers Anonymous Team#0	486payon,102,40,4	duplicate(Anglers Anonymous Team)	Anglers Anonymous Team#1	515alberta,223,116,4	duplicate(Anglers Anonymous Team)	Anglers Anonymous Team#2	560izlude,94,67,4	duplicate(Anglers Anonymous Team)	Anglers Anonymous Team#3	567aldebaran,158,99,4	duplicate(Anglers Anonymous Team)	Anglers Anonymous Team#4	738prontera	mapflag	loadevent	truegeffen	mapflag	loadevent	truepayon	mapflag	loadevent	truealberta	mapflag	loadevent	trueizlude	mapflag	loadevent	truealdebaran	mapflag	loadevent	trueprt_fild08,368,281,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#0	557izlude,87,62,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#1	557prt_fild05,93,177,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#2	557prt_fild05,180,221,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#3	557gef_fild00,99,176,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#4	557gef_fild00,170,295,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#5	557gef_fild07,265,320,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#6	557gef_fild07,122,155,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#7	557payon,52,137,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#8	557pay_gld,201,196,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#9	557alberta,239,124,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#10	557alb2trea,115,98,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#11	557aldebaran,137,75,4	duplicate(Fishing Spot)	Fishing Spot#12	557



Edited by minx123

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