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Stone reset npc.


Could any one support me with a code that if i select case 5:
It wil open a shop menu and i can buy items out of it.

prontera,145,199,3	script	Resetter	4_M_ATEIL,{	mes .npcname$;	mes "So are you satisfied with your";	mes "current stat allocation?";	mes "Of course not, if you want to make";	mes "a change then listen on.";	next;	mes .npcname$;	mes "I use the power of the";	mes "^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"^000000 to help adventurers";	mes "reset their stat choices.";	mes "Of course the more powerful the";	mes "adventurer, the more ^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"s^000000";	mes "I need the perform the reset.";	next;	for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .minrange ); .@i++ ) {		if( BaseLevel >= .minrange[.@i] && BaseLevel <= .maxrange[.@i] ) {			.@stonesreq = .stones[.@i];			break;		}	}	mes .npcname$;	mes "For instance you [" + strcharinfo(0) + "] would require.";	mes "["+.@stonesreq+"] "+getitemname(.stoneid)+" to reset all your stats to 1 and get all your status points back.";	next;	switch( select( "Tell me More!:Lets reset NOW:First Time Free Reset:Later:Buy Stones" ) ) {	case 1:		mes .npcname$;		for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .minrange ); .@i++ ) {			mes "Base Lvl ^000099" + .minrange[.@i] + " - " + .maxrange[.@i] + "^000000 ^009900[" + .stones[.@i] + " " + getitemname( .stoneid ) + "]^000000";		}		close;	break;	case 2:		mes .npcname$;		mes "Ok let's start checking.";		next;		if( Weight > 0 ) {			mes .npcname$;			mes "Lower your weight to 0";		}		if( checkcart() ) { setcart 0; }		if( checkfalcon() ) { setfalcon 0;}		if( checkmount() ) { setmount MOUNT_NONE;}		if( countitem( .stoneid ) >= .@stonesreq ) {			delitem .stoneid,.@stonesreq;			resetstatus;		} else {			mes .npcname$;			mes "You do not have enough ^009900" + getitemname( .stoneid ) + "s^000000";		}		close;	break;	case 3:		if( !FreeReset ){			set FreeReset,1;			mes "Welcome...this is your first character free reset...";			resetstatus;		}else{			mes "You have reset for free already.";		}		close;	break;	case 4:		mes .npcname$;		mes "Come back when you change your mind.";		close;			case 5:??	break;}OnInit:	.stoneid = 6320; //reset stone id = 6320 ?	.npcname$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]";	setarray .minrange[0],1 , 41, 71, 91, 111, 126, 141;  // Min Level Required	setarray .maxrange[0],40, 70, 90, 110,125, 140, 150;  // Max Level Required	setarray .stones[0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;  // Number of Stones}


-	shop	market#stone	-1,6320:50000;prontera,145,201,3	script	Joy-Ro Resetter	4_M_ATEIL,{	mes .npcname$;	mes "So are you satisfied with your";	mes "current stat allocation?";	mes "Of course not, if you want to make";	mes "a change then listen on.";	next;	mes .npcname$;	mes "I use the power of the";	mes "^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"^000000 to help adventurers";	mes "reset their stat choices.";	mes "Of course the more powerful the";	mes "adventurer, the more ^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"s^000000";	mes "I need the perform the reset.";	next;	for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .minrange ); .@i++ ) {		if( BaseLevel >= .minrange[.@i] && BaseLevel <= .maxrange[.@i] ) {			.@stonesreq = .stones[.@i];			break;		}	}	mes .npcname$;	mes "For instance you [" + strcharinfo(0) + "] would require.";	mes "["+.@stonesreq+"] "+getitemname(.stoneid)+" to reset all your stats to 1 and get all your status points back.";	next;	switch( select( "Tell me More!:Lets reset NOW:First Time Free Reset:Buy Stones:Exit" ) ) {	case 1:		mes .npcname$;		for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .minrange ); .@i++ ) {			mes "Base Lvl ^000099" + .minrange[.@i] + " - " + .maxrange[.@i] + "^000000 ^009900[" + .stones[.@i] + " " + getitemname( .stoneid ) + "]^000000";		}		close;	break;	case 2:		mes .npcname$;		mes "Ok let's start checking.";		next;		if( Weight > 0 ) {			mes .npcname$;			mes "Lower your weight to 0";		}		if( checkcart() ) { setcart 0; }		if( checkfalcon() ) { setfalcon 0;}		if( checkmount() ) { setmount MOUNT_NONE;}		if( countitem( .stoneid ) >= .@stonesreq ) {			delitem .stoneid,.@stonesreq;			resetstatus;		} else {			mes .npcname$;			mes "You do not have enough ^009900" + getitemname( .stoneid ) + "s^000000";		}		close;	break;	case 3:		if( !FreeReset ){			set FreeReset,1;			mes "Welcome...this is your first character free reset...";			resetstatus;		}else{			mes "You have reset for free already.";		}		close;	break;	case 4:	callshop "market#stone",1;	end;			case 5:			mes .npcname$;		mes "Come back when you change your mind.";		close;	break;}OnInit:	.stoneid = 6320; //reset stone id = 6320 ?	.npcname$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]";	setarray .minrange[0],1 , 41, 71, 91, 111, 126, 141, 151;  // Min Level Required	setarray .maxrange[0],40, 70, 90, 110,125, 140,	150, 175;  // Max Level Required	setarray .stones[0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;  // Number of Stones

i played abit with codes and i managed to add a shop code.
So here is my reset npc for people that wanna sell stones inside reset npc mine are 50k each stone.

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