I noticed a script in the release called quest_warper is like not up to date lots of dungeons and even towns are missing.
Is there any one that has this same script or a difrent one that is more up to date with all the latest dungeons etc in it? Please share if you like. Even share if you dont like..
You might think why dont you add dungeons and towns yourself.. i did but i get a overflow warning now.. If you can help me solve that problem i am happy also!
Hello Hercules,
I noticed a script in the release called quest_warper is like not up to date lots of dungeons and even towns are missing.
Is there any one that has this same script or a difrent one that is more up to date with all the latest dungeons etc in it?
Please share if you like. Even share if you dont like..
You might think why dont you add dungeons and towns yourself.. i did but i get a overflow warning now..
If you can help me solve that problem i am happy also!
script:op_2num: overflow detected op=C_MUL
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