Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) New Event on epicRO - Russian Roulette I would like to share with you our new event on epicRO. Started with an atcommand, registration with Event Manager NPC and a simple SQL Db for registred Players. Autostart with Atcommand (e.g. atcommand_event) as gamemaster. - script atcommand_event -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "event",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1; end; OnAtcommand: mes "[Atcommand]"; set $eventgmname$, strcharinfo(0); mes "Event will start now."; close2; detachrid; set $RRDURCHGANG, $RRDURCHGANG + 1; set $RRREGISTREDUSER, 0; set $RRZENYPOT, 0; set $RRNEXTPLAYER, 0; query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE `event_russian_roulette`"); set $russianroulette, 1; announce "Event Manager: "+$eventgmname$+" wants to play Russian Roulette with you!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: Visit me for more informations and register yourself for 1.000 Zeny.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 5000; announce "Event Manager: Event will start in 5 minutes and runs until the last player standing.",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: Visit me for more informations and register yourself for 1.000 Zeny.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; announce "Event Manager: Russian Roulette will start in 4 minutes.",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: I will use the pistol. You'll have a 1:4 chance to survive.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; announce "Event Manager: Russian Roulette will start in 3 minutes.",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: Current Survive-Zenypot is filled with "+$RRZENYPOT+" Zeny.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; announce "Event Manager: Russian Roulette will start in 2 minutes.",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: You'll earn at least 1 Loyality Coin (10%) for every survived round.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; announce "Event Manager: Russian Roulette will start in 60 seconds.",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: For now we have "+$RRREGISTREDUSER+" registred player.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; set $russianroulette, 0; announce "Event Manager: Event starts right now. No more registrations!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: "+$RRREGISTREDUSER+" Players. 1:4 Chance. "+$RRZENYPOT+" Zeny.",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 10000; set .color$, "0xFFD842"; query_sql("UPDATE `event_russian_roulette` SET `selected` = 0"); RUNDENBEGINN: set .color$, "0xFFD842"; set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT count(char_id) from `event_russian_roulette` LIMIT 1", .@playersleft); if (.@playersleft < 2) goto RRFINISH; set .round, .round + 1; areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: ROUND "+.round+"! START! "+.@playersleft+" PLAYERS LEFT!", bc_area, .color$); sleep 2000; SELECTNEXTPLAYER: if (.nextcolor == 1) { set .color$, "0xB5DA91"; set .nextcolor, 0; } else { set .nextcolor, .nextcolor + 1; set .color$, "0xB2CAE6"; } set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT count(char_id) from `event_russian_roulette` WHERE selected = 0 LIMIT 1", .playertoselect); if (.playertoselect == 0) { query_sql("UPDATE `event_russian_roulette` SET `selected` = 0"); goto RUNDENBEGINN; } set .nb, query_sql("SELECT `name`,`char_id`,`account_id` from `event_russian_roulette` WHERE selected = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", .name$, .charid, .accountid); query_sql("UPDATE `event_russian_roulette` SET `selected` = 1 WHERE `char_id` = "+.charid+""); sleep 1000; set .rand, rand(1,5); if (.rand == 1) areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: Now it's your chance to win or die "$+"!", bc_area, .color$); if (.rand == 2) areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: May Fortuna be with "$+"!", bc_area, .color$); if (.rand == 3) areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: Look what I've got here for ya "$+"!", bc_area, .color$); if (.rand == 4) areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: Pang! Haha~ Don't worry "$+" ... 3 ... 2 ... 1!", bc_area, .color$); sleep 1000; set .x, 0; set .y, 0; set .toofar, 0; getmapxy(.map$, .x, .y, UNITTYPE_PC, .name$); if ((139 - .x) > 20) set .toofar, 1; if ((226 - .y) > 20) set .toofar, 1; if (.toofar == 1) { areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: "$+" is too far away. > 20 cells. Dismissed.", bc_area, 0xFF692C); query_sql("DELETE FROM event_russian_roulette WHERE char_id = "+.charid+""); charcommand("#die "$+""); } if (charid2rid(.charid) == 0) { areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: "$+" is offline. Dismissed.", bc_area, 0xFF692C); query_sql("DELETE FROM event_russian_roulette WHERE char_id = "+.charid+""); } else { specialeffect(538, AREA, .accountid); if (rand(1,4) == 4) { specialeffect(643, AREA, .accountid); specialeffect(372, AREA, .accountid); areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: "$+" "$+" has been killed! Dismissed.", bc_area, .color$); charcommand("#die "$+""); query_sql("DELETE FROM event_russian_roulette WHERE char_id = "+.charid+""); } else { specialeffect(639, AREA, .accountid); specialeffect(402, AREA, .accountid); areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: "$+" has survived. No hit.", bc_area, .color$); if (rand(1,100) < 11) { areaannounce("prontera", 125, 240, 155, 200, "Event Manager: 10%! "$+" has won a Loyality Coin.", bc_area, .color$); rodex_sendmail(.charid, "Event Manager", "Loyality Coin - Russian Roulette", "Take this as a parts reward.", 0, 29000, 1); } } } set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT count(char_id) from `event_russian_roulette` LIMIT 1", .@playersleft); if (.@playersleft < 2) goto RRFINISH; sleep 2000; goto SELECTNEXTPLAYER; RRFINISH: sleep 5000; set .nb, query_sql("SELECT `name`,`char_id`,`account_id` from `event_russian_roulette` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", .name$, .charid, .accountid); announce "Event Manager: Aaaaand the winner is: "$+"! Congratulations!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "Event Manager: "$+" has won "+$RRZENYPOT+" Zeny.",bc_all|bc_blue; rodex_sendmail(.charid, "Event Manager", "Zeny Russian Roulette", "Take this as your reward.", $RRZENYPOT); end; } You'll need to create following table into your ragnarok database. CREATE TABLE `event_russian_roulette` ( `unique_id` INT(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `char_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `account_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `selected` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL ) COLLATE='latin1_swedish_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB ; Registration while Event-Start for the players works well with a NPC located in Prontera. If you wants to relocate this NPC you should also edit the areaannounce (used because of anti chat flooding). prontera,139,226,5 script Event Manager 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ set .@name$,"[^FF8000Event Manager^000000]"; if ($russianroulette == 1) { mes .@name$; mes "Welcome to the event called Russian Roulette. You can register yourself with a fee of 1.000 Zeny. This Zeny will become the reward of this event. Aditional you can earn 1 Loyality Coin for every survived round."; next; mes .@name$; mes "What is your choice?"; next; menu "Register me please.",RRREGISTER,"What to do?",RRINFO,"What to win?",RRREWARD; close; RRINFO: mes .@name$; mes "You have to register yourself within 5 minutes and stay here for a while. After some players have registred we will start the event."; next; mes .@name$; mes "I will load a pistole with 1 bullet. We use a pistol with 9 slots. As you can see your chance is 1:4 to survive."; next; RRREWARD: mes .@name$; mes "You can win with a 10% chance a Loyality Coin every round you've survived. If you are the last man standing you can also win the sum of registration zeny."; close; RRREGISTER: if ($RRDURCHGANG != getd("$RRDURCHGANG_"+uniqueid$+"")) { set RRREGISTRED, 0; setd("$RRREGISTRED_"+uniqueid$+"", 0); } mes .@name$; mes "Do you want to register you as a event player? It will cost you 1.000 Zeny."; next; menu "Register",-,"Info?",RRINFO,"Rewards?",RRREWARD; if (getd("$RRREGISTRED_"+uniqueid$+"") == 1) set RRREGISTRED, 1; if (RRREGISTRED == 1) { mes .@name$; mes "You are already registred. Please wait until the event starts."; close; } if (Zeny < 1000) { mes .@name$; mes "You don't have enough zeny my dear."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny - 1000; dispbottom "You've paid 1.000 Zeny for russian roulette registration."; set $RRZENYPOT, $RRZENYPOT + 1000; set RRREGISTRED, 1; setd("$RRREGISTRED_"+uniqueid$+"", 1); setd("$RRDURCHGANG_"+uniqueid$+"", $RRDURCHGANG); set .@nb, query_sql("INSERT INTO `event_russian_roulette` (`unique_id`, `char_id`, `account_id`, `name`) VALUES ('"+uniqueid$+"', '"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR)+"', '"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"');", .@ausgabe$); mes .@name$; mes "You have been registred. Thank you. The current pot belongs "+$RRZENYPOT+" zeny."; set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT count(char_id) from `event_russian_roulette` LIMIT 1", $RRREGISTREDUSER); npctalk "Thank you for your registration "+strcharinfo(0)+". "+$RRREGISTREDUSER+". player."; next; mes .@name$; mes "Now please wait for my announcements. I wish you a lot of luck. The Event will start within the next seconds."; close; } mes .@name$; mes "No event is running."; close; } Disable uniqueid if you don't use gepard or harmony. Edited December 13, 2017 by [email protected] 1 IndieRO reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndieRO 33 Posted December 14, 2017 thx for sharing bro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted December 17, 2017 Your welcome. Instead of #die you could also use a cleaner way: unitskilluseid .accountid,"NV_TRICKDEAD",1; But caution, if you decide to use TRICKDEAD instead, you've to save all players on start into an array and do something like this on event finish. for (.@i = 0; .i < getarraysize(.@savedcharid); ++.@i) { unitskilluseid .@savedaccountid,"NV_TRICKDEAD",1; } My players does love this mini event. I am acting as a gamemaster with the players as well. So they like to see me dying o.O 1 NiklPar reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rebel 23 Posted March 26, 2018 Im using 2013-08-07 client and it doesnt have a Rodex Mail.. how can I use your script with just getitem and not rodex_sendmail? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted April 4, 2018 russian roulette ... this is old school .. I've seen this a lot during eathena days a few things that I like to point out 1. try use queue iterator script commands instead of needlessly using SQL table 2. instead of using areaannounce, try use announce with bc_npc flag oh ... I miss this one ... setd("$RRREGISTRED_"+uniqueid$+"", 0) this is bad ... really bad scripting practice ... never ever misuse the global permanent server variable, this can potentially kill your server like in this case, if enough players are playing this game using this script, in time your server will start to hang up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted April 29, 2018 On 26.3.2018 at 4:54 PM, Rebel said: Im using 2013-08-07 client and it doesnt have a Rodex Mail.. how can I use your script with just getitem and not rodex_sendmail? Just try to replace "rodex_sendmail" with attachrid(.@accountid); Zeny = Zeny + $RRZENYPOT; announce "Event Manager: This is your reward. You've won "+$RRZENYPOT+" zeny. Gz.",bc_self,0x00FF00; detachrid(); 1 Rebel reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted April 29, 2018 On 4.4.2018 at 10:13 AM, AnnieRuru said: this is bad ... really bad scripting practice ... Could you please explain me the " queue iterator script commands" a bit further please? Quote setd("$RRREGISTRED_"+uniqueid$+"", 0) Any good alternative exept a event sql file? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted April 30, 2018 9 hours ago, Christian [epicRO] said: Just try to replace "rodex_sendmail" with attachrid(.@accountid); Zeny = Zeny + $RRZENYPOT; announce "Event Manager: This is your reward. You've won "+$RRZENYPOT+" zeny. Gz.",bc_self,0x00FF00; detachrid(); Attaching is no needed. Try this one instead: getitem(604, 1, .@accountid); 604 = Some Item ID Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rebel 23 Posted May 21, 2018 Got this error when registering a player.. [SQL]: DB error - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'unique_id' at row 1 [Debug]: at script.c:17447 - INSERT INTO `event_russian_roulette` (`unique_id`, `char_id`, `account_id`, `name`) VALUES ('', '150000', '2000001', 'Ragnarok'); Im using Gepard Shield 2.0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rebel 23 Posted May 22, 2018 @Christian [epicRO] please fix.. its not working.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christian [epicRO] 8 Posted June 23, 2018 [SQL]: DB error - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'unique_id' at row 1 So you don't have gepard and uniqueid$ Transfer. Just remove `unique_id` from table and change the insert statement. set .@nb, query_sql("INSERT INTO `event_russian_roulette` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `name`) VALUES ('"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR)+"', '"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"');", .@ausgabe$); Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites