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Setup Satan Catcher Event by Karul, make it auto event.


Which part i need to writedown the OnClock in this script ?

//Made by Karul//==========Start/Announcer NPCizlude,142,184,3	script	Satan Catcher Event	793,{set .@name$,"^9932CC[Satan Catcher] ^000000";if(getgmlevel() < 80) { 	mes .@name$;	mes "Sorry you are no Level 80 GM";	close;	} else {	L_Main:	mes .@name$;	mes "What do you want to do?";	switch(select("Item [" + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "]:Start Event")) {			case 1: next;					mes .@name$;					mes "What item do you want as the reward?";					input $@SatanReward;					next;					mes .@name$;					mes "How many of that item(s) do you want to give?";					input $@SatanRewardItems;					next;					mes .@name$;					mes "This is your amount:";					mes ""+$@SatanRewardItems+"";					next;					goto L_Main;			case 2: next;					mes .@name$;					mes "Starting Event...";					close2;					Announce "Satan Catcher Event is being held!",bc_all;					sleep 5000;					Announce "The warp portal has appeared in izlude infront of me!",bc_all;					enablenpc "satanevent";					initnpctimer;					end;										OnTimer30000:							Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all;							sleep 5000;							Announce "Hurry to infront of me if you want to join!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer40000:							Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer50000:							Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer55000:							Announce "5!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "4!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "3!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "2!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "1!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "0!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							disablenpc "satanevent";							donpcevent "Rewarder::OnEnable";							stopnpctimer;							end;		}	}OnInit:        disablenpc "satanevent";        hideonnpc "Rewarder";}//=================Warp NPCizlude,140,182,0	warp	satanevent	1,1,2008rwc_08,50,51//=================Reward NPC2008rwc_08,50,51,5	script	Rewarder	793,{set .@sname$,"[Rewarder]";	mes .@sname$;	if(.@SATAN == 1) goto L_SATAN;	mes "Please tell me your name.";	next;	input .@charname$;	if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) {		mes .@name$;		mes "Are you sure that is your character name?";		close;	}	mes .@name$;	mes "Congratulations You Have Won!";	Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "(s)!",bc_all;	getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems;	atcommand "@go 0";	hideonnpc "Rewarder";	end;	L_SATAN:	mes .@sname$;	mes "Please tell me your name";	next;	input .@charname$;	if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) {		mes .@name$;		mes "Are you sure that is your character name?";		close;	}	mes .@name$;	mes "Congratulations You Have Won!";	Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "(s)!",bc_all;	getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems;	set SATAN,0;	atcommand "@go 0";	hideonnpc "Rewarder";	end;	OnEnable:	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";		mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": I will be summoning 100 different kinds of Satan Morroc.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Only one of these Satan Morrocs are the real one.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": The correct one will be called 'Satan Morroc'.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Kill the wrong one, you're out. Kill the right one, you win.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Now let's play!",16;	goto L_Start;	end;L_Start:	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 5!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 4!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 3!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 2!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 1!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": GO!",16;	sleep 1000;	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan Morroc",4200,1,"satanwin::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Satanic Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan Moroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Satan Morocc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satin Mrroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"I am Satan Morroc",4200,5,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Corrom Natas",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"SaTaN MoRrOc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Sattan Morroc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Say Ten More Rocks",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan of the Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Morroc's Satan",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"S4t4n M0rr0c",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Saten Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Stan Morrc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	end;}//========Killed the right one-	script	satanwin	-1,{	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";OnMobKilled:	dispbottom "Satan Morroc: ASDFGHJKL; You found me.";	set .@SATAN,1;	atcommand "@doommap";	killmonster "2008rwc_08","All";	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + " Come to me and tell me your name.",16;	hideoffnpc "Rewarder";	end;}//========Killed the wrong one-	script	satanlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:	dispbottom "Satan Morroc: ASDFGHJKL; You haven't found my twin!";	atcommand "@go 0";	end;}// -- Mapflags (If Wanted)2008rwc_08	mapflag	nowarp2008rwc_08	mapflag	nowarpto2008rwc_08	mapflag	noteleport2008rwc_08	mapflag	nosave2008rwc_08	mapflag	nomemo2008rwc_08	mapflag	nobranch2008rwc_08	mapflag	noloot2008rwc_08	mapflag	noskill2008rwc_08	mapflag	nopenalty


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